Friday, September 28, 2012
Love Fridays
It was a good day today. Just a normal day. I did go grocery shopping after work and got some tape to put boxes together for robin. It does seem nice to have a quiet weekend. I am going to sleep in. I am excited about that one. I love the picture you picked out Rachel. That is really going to brighten up the kitchen. We did go out of ice cream. Dad loves that place that Robin found for us. Karen I am going to try and go into work a couple of minutes early so I can get off a little early. I can't go in at 7 but a few mintues maybed 15 minutes early. Have a nice weekend. Tell Casey thanks for doing the wall. Rachel you are going to have to decide what color to paint it. I will come up and help with that. LOVE MOM
For the Beauty of the Earth
I was singing For the Beauty of the Earth to Isaac and it made me think of when I would sing it all the time and it made me laugh. Today was good. Isaac woke up at 6 this morning and he went to bed late last night so he was a little grumpy but not too horrible. We didn't do much just hung around the house and played outside. I finished the Halloween table runner and it is really cute. I just need to quilt it now. We went to lowes tonight and got stuff to finish the room downstairs. Casey got the stuff and I walked around with Isaac. Casey's Dad came over and helped carry it in. We bought too much so Casey is going to take some back tomorrow. While we were there I found a picture for thirty dollars so I got it. I think that it looks reall pretty. I need to find two more for over the stairs now. Casey isn't working in SLC this weekend. He is going to work up here on Sunday and just take tomorrow off. It will be nice. I pick up my last part of the mystery quilt tomorrow. Everyone have a nice relaxing day tomorrow. I threw in a picture of Isaac just because.
I have the Power
Since everyone else had power in their title I thought I would join the club. Work was good I got a lot done. Monday is inventory day so i am going to go in at 7 to help with that. With means I get to leave early. So I can come down sooner on Monday to help with Robin's move. I am glad that it is the weekend. It should be a quiet one which will be nice also. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE
Thursday, September 27, 2012
I have power
WEll i finally got my power set up for my apartment. yeesh. so that is nice. work was good today nothing to crazy. I bought some blue tooth wireless headphones for work. I keep getting snatched on things and dropping my ipod I hope they work. They were a super duper good price on amazon so I thought I would try them out :)
I love Power
Rachel tell Casey thanks for fixing the power. That is wonderful. If you need anything just let me know. I was for sure that the willow tress was ripping power cords again. It has done that two or three times. Well I had a good day. It was quiet and nice. I am so glad it is Friday. I am sleeping in on Saturday. I have been tired this week. I am excited for the move Robin. We will get you moved in before you know what hit you. I boxed up your silverware tonight. It is nice to have mine in the drawer. I have missed it. I know that is dumb but it just feels more like me. Well have a great friday. I am glad you don't have snow Karen.
Power Problems
The power went out on Sunday in North Logan and since it has come on our power has been flickering. Today Casey replaced four circuit breakers and now it works great. It is really nice. Jen lent me a book called One Tattered Angel and it is a good book so far. I think that you would like it Mom, it is about a baby that only had brain stem function and nothing else. It was written by a Mormon so it is a inspiring book. On our walk this morning a lady down the street joined us and she brought over brownies later to say thanks. It was nice of her. I don't have much else going on. I am working on a granny square quilt with my thirties fabric and I love it, I have 8 blocks done. I also started a Halloween table runner and I am almost done with that. It is cute. I was going to make everyone one but I don't have enough fabric so I am going to make a different Halloween table runner for everyone. It will be awesome. Everyone have a good night.
Almost the weekend
Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. This morning was really foggy. At least in Heber. As soon as I started up the pass it cleared up though. Then it rained for a while after work. At least it isn't snow...yet. Work was good today. I finished up a few things so the pile on my desk isn't as bad. Robin I am excited for your move. I will be there Monday night to help with the half move and then Saturday we can finish it off. Fun times. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. BYE
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
I will take any help I can get thanks guys :) I think monday I would like to move everything that I can here and then saturday move the big stuff. I dont know if its easier driving up to logan friday night and then load my car saturday morning??? I don't know what is best. but that is my vague plan. I will by food or reinburse gas for anybody :).
well today was craza i worked then had to run and get my driving record (for deliveries) they want me to start doing that. and then tried to set up power. I sent in an online application cross your fingers it will work. Then curtis from lagoon knows a girl that is doing a play and needs an airbrush tattoo person. Its just one hour at 6 on weekends that starts the 8th. they wanted me there the 5tj but I said I couldn't make it at all. so lets hope the 8th I am not dead. Luckly its not an all night thing just a hour thinger. we will see how that goes??? well that is my jazz. sorry I don't have my puzzle pieces in place but it will happen and it will be fabulous
Gee Karen you get to buy penny candy next time with your 3 cents. You are rich. I love the bag you made Rachel. That will be nice. We went out tonight to Walmart and got the Avengers. I only watched part of it because it is late and we are tired. I had to go to work a little early today but that means I get to leave a little late on Friday or go in a little late one day. I am sorry I said the 5th it is the 6th. It seems to be coming up so fast. I think I am going to leave the bed here unless Kelly needs it. I don't want him not to have a place to sleep. We can decide on the 5th. It really isn't a big deal either way. I took a melatonin last night because I couldn't sleep and I have felt so tired all day. Does it last that long? Weird. It was nice to have rain. It felt so nice and clean. Have a good Thursday. LOVE MOM
Awesome bag
That is a awesome refund. It probably cost more to give it to you. Today was good. I made an awesome bag for lunches. I love how it turned out and it was easy to make. Casey's family can help move on Saturday Oct 6. I wasn't sure what day. I had thought you said the 5th. They said just let them know when. Well I don't have much else going on everyone have a good night.
3 cents
Well I got an email today from amazon. We you pre-order something if it goes down in price they refund you the difference. So I had pre-ordered the Avengers and it went down in price so I got a refund of 3 cents. Wow I know. The power went out at work about 5 minutes before time to go home. I was just glad I had saved what I was working on before it went off. It was pouring rain and thundering. Robin if you need me to come up on Monday to help move I can come after work and help out. Well i hope that everyone had a great Wednesday.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
mo power
so i have to set up power but they are only open till five i found out yesterday. So today I called on my lunch break and they wouldn't accept my phone service??? so weird. so I went on line to see if i could sign up online. I can but I left all my stuff outside. yeesh. so I am lazy and its raining so I will try again tomorrow. SO hopefully I will be able to get into my place monday and do a mini move and then saturday the 6th we can do a big move. if that sounds good. but anyway life is good juggling to jobs a move and impending doom in the 21 of december. yikes lol. just kidding have a good night
The old rose bush. You are going to have to cut that down. That looks so sore. Vitamin E is suppose to be really good and so is aloe vera. It will help heal and not scar. Poor thing. I am glad that Avengers came tonight Karen. I was worried that the mail man would deliver it to someone else. I had a quiet night. I did get a shower invitation to Sharon and Lisa's baby shower for all of us. It is October 13th from 1 - 3 at Grandma Bodily's House. We are all invited. I thought I would let you know. I am going to go to it. I think I will stay in SLC this weekend if that is OK. I am tired and next weekend will be the big move. Save up my strength. I might change my mind if I miss Isaac too much but for right now I think I will stay here. I think I have a little cold and the mountain passes are too much. I am taking airborne and it is helping a ton. Well have a great Wednesday. The secretary in administration that I help out once in a while is transferring to another place. It will be interesting to see who takes her place. Everyone at my place was worried it would be me but I think I am going to stay where I am . I like it there. Well have a great day. LOVE MOM
Today was good, I like Tuesdays. I also did laundry and I am jealous that you have the avengers. It is in my queue and should come next. Isaac did so good at story time today. He sat on the floor and did all the actions to the songs. He also kind of interacted with kids. I am so glad that he is getting better, it is a lot funner. I sewed with Jenn today and that was fun. I am really liking this quilt. The finial kit we pick up on Saturday. Me and Isaac were out picking tomatoes and he turned and scratched his face on the neighbors rose bush. I was worried that he got his eye but he didn't. I have attached a picture, it isn't great but you can see the scratch. I feel bad for him. I am substituting in nursery on Sunday so I am going to stay in Logan this weekend. That is all my news, everyone have a good day tomorrow.
Well today was good. Work was just the same old same old. I got my Avengers movie in the mail so I am watching that. I am also doing laundry. Impressive I know. It was rainy this morning, but it did clear out in the afternoon. I hope that it rains some more. i like the rain. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Monday, September 24, 2012
One broken wallet
I think I am getting a cold. I thought it was just a headache yesterday but today it feels more like a cold. It has been going around the office and at home so I took airborne and I should be all better by morning. I love that stuff. I went to the store on my way home from work and went to pay for the groceries and the pin in the part that holds the wallet closed had come part way out and froze. I couldn't get my wallet open. I finally pulled it apart so I could pay for my groceries and so tonight dad took me to Shop Ko and I got a new one. They were havimg Thomas the Trains on clearance so I got some for Isaac for his birthday. I was way excited about that. So I have a new wallet. I really needed one, mine was getting beat up. I am glad you got a car seat for Isaac. That will be so much nice than trying to change it out all the time. I know mine has been really nice. He is going to love that. You are going to be driving the truck a lot :). Well have a great tuesday. My week should be a quiet one. I think we are going to move the stuff from Logan on the 5th of October. Can you ask Kelly and Collin if they can help? Also decide if you want the Robin's bed up in Logan for Kelly. I am good with that or we can leave down here. We don't have to decide right this minute. WEll have a great one LOVE MOM I love the quilt. It is a lot brighter than I thought it would be. It is really pretty.
A Ride in the Truck
Today was good for me also. Isaac was tired today so he was a little grumpy but not too bad. When Casey came home Isaac wanted to drive in the truck. So Casey suggested that we get a cheap car seat so the truck so we don't have to keep switching it. So we went to Shopko and got one. I think that it will be nice. We went on a ride int he truck with it and he loved it. I finished the purple quilt and I love it. It is going to be a really amazing quilt. Thanks Mom. I also made one block for my granny square quilt and I like it also. It will be fun to make. I also am available to help move whenever anyone needs me.
Well today was good for the most part. Work went by pretty fast so that was nice. Then I went to Walmart afterwards and got my shopping done. Robin when you need me to come down to help move let me know. I can come down after work and help also. Just let me know. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday BYE
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Doughnut Falls
I am so glad you had a good time in Clifton. I really love it up there. It would be a magic place for Isaac. I am glad you went up there. I am glad that Casey's grandma is up there. That is good for her to be with the people she loves. Helen and her are best friends. Karen and Dad and I hiked up to doughnut falls this morning and the autumn leaves were amazing. It was a really nice hike and the falls were good. I couldn't believe all the people there were. I didn't take enough meds before I left and the altitude was not good for my head but I took a nap and drugs and I am over the worst of it. There were a lot of families on the trail. It was a really nice hike. Nothing to hard just a nice hike. We took Karen home to Heber City after lunch. Robin is starting to pack up. I am really excited for her but it is going to be strange not having her here. I put your quilt on one of the recliners and it is just beautiful. Thank you Rachel for the nice gift. I am with you Rachel. It is hard to get back to the week after such a nice time. I had a good time in Logan on Saturday and then hiking on Sunday. Just think though we will have another weekend soon. LOVE MOM
Thank you Karen and Mom for the fun time yesterday. It was a really nice day. Thank you for everything. Today was good. We got up and went to Clifton. I remembered half way there that I didn't have any diapers so we had to stop in Preston and get some. Calleen has done a lot of work up there and it was fun to spend the day there. She has four baby cows and one milking cow, chickens, a rooster, doves and a lot of cats. Isaac loved it and had fun with all the animals and running around. He wouldn't take a nap there so we gave him on at 4 when we got home. Leona is staying with her now and I think that it is permanent. It is agreeing with Leona living up there, she really likes it and looks a lot better. I think that being busy is good for her. Casey brought his gun up with him in case he had to shoot any skunks but we didn't see any. He pruned one of the apple trees which was nice. When we got home Casey and Isaac took a nap so I sewed the purple quilt together. I have all the blocks done I just need to sew them together. I was missing a couple pieces so I used some of the black fabric that we got yesterday. I hope that everyone has a good Monday. It is going to be hard to get back to normal after a fun weekend.
Well I had a really funt ime this weekend. Thanks everyone for the fun time. I hope that everyone has a great week BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...