Tuesday, September 25, 2012


The old rose bush. You are going to have to cut that down.  That looks so sore.  Vitamin E is suppose to be really good and so is aloe vera.  It will help heal and not scar.  Poor thing.  I am glad that Avengers came tonight Karen.  I was worried that the mail man would deliver it to someone else.  I had a quiet night.  I did get a shower invitation to Sharon and Lisa's baby shower for all of us.  It is October 13th from 1 - 3 at Grandma Bodily's House.  We are all invited.  I thought I would let you know.  I am going to go to it.  I think I will stay in SLC this weekend if that is OK.  I am tired and next weekend will be the big move.  Save up my strength.  I might change my mind if I miss Isaac too much but for right now I think I will stay here.  I think I have a little cold and the mountain passes are too much.  I am taking airborne and it is helping a ton.  Well have a great Wednesday.  The secretary in administration that I help out once in a while is transferring to another place.  It will be interesting to see who takes her place.  Everyone at my place was worried it would be me but I think I am going to stay where I am .  I like it there.  Well have a great day.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...