Monday, September 24, 2012

One broken wallet

I think I am getting a cold.  I thought it was just a headache yesterday but today it feels more like a cold.  It has been going around the office and at home so I took airborne and I should be all better by morning.  I love that stuff.  I went to the store on my way home from work and went to pay for the groceries and the pin in the part that holds the wallet closed had come part way out and froze.  I couldn't get my wallet open.  I finally pulled it apart so I could pay for my groceries and so tonight dad took me to Shop Ko and I got a new one.  They were havimg Thomas the Trains on clearance so I got some for Isaac for his birthday.  I was way excited about that.  So I have a new wallet.  I really needed one, mine was getting beat up.  I am glad you got a car seat for Isaac.  That will be so much nice than trying to change it out all the time.  I know mine has been really nice.  He is going to love that.  You are going to be driving the truck a lot :).  Well have a great tuesday.  My week should be a quiet one.  I think we are going to move the stuff from Logan on the 5th of October.  Can you ask Kelly and Collin if they can help?  Also decide if you want the Robin's bed up in Logan for Kelly.  I am good with that or we can leave down here.  We don't have to decide right this minute.  WEll have a great one LOVE MOM   I love the quilt.  It is a lot brighter than I thought it would be.  It is really pretty. 

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...