Sunday, September 23, 2012

Doughnut Falls

I am so glad you had a good time in Clifton.  I really love it up there.  It would be a magic place for Isaac.  I am glad you went up there.  I am glad that Casey's grandma is up there.  That is good for her to be with the people she loves.  Helen and her are best friends.  Karen and Dad and I hiked up to doughnut falls this morning and the autumn leaves were amazing.  It was a really nice hike and the falls were good.  I couldn't believe all the people there were.  I didn't take enough meds before I left and the altitude was not good for my head but I took a nap and drugs and I am over the worst of it. There were a lot of families on the trail.  It was a really nice hike.  Nothing to hard just a nice hike.  We took Karen home to Heber City after lunch.  Robin is starting to pack up.  I am really excited for her but it is going to be strange not having her here.  I put your quilt on one of the recliners and it is just beautiful.  Thank you Rachel for the nice gift.  I am with you Rachel.  It is hard to get back to the week after such a nice time.  I had a good time in Logan on Saturday and then hiking on Sunday.  Just think though we will have another weekend soon.  LOVE MOM

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