Friday, August 10, 2012
I have had a good night, we went to JoAnns and found some material and came home and made a couple more costumes. Robin and Karen glued he flowers onto the hats. They are done. I am so excited to come up tomorrow. WE are going to go pick up the jeep around 8 and bring it back home and then come up. It hsould be around 11:00 when we get there maybe 10:30. LOVE MOM
Thursday, August 9, 2012
it makes me mad about the jeep to. I want to punch they person who did it. well anyway today for me was good I worked and then went to a friends play the three musketeers it was a good play. it was an out door theater so there were alot of bugs. anyway have a good night
Grape Juice
Mom, I am sorry about the jeep. That makes me so mad. It drives me crazy when people break into our cars. Today was good Isaac was tired so he slept in and took a long nap. I was able to finish quilting my quilt. I almost have the binding sewn on and then I can hand sew it. We grilled brauts for dinner and they tasted good. I juiced the grapes today. I added a bowl or blackberries also so the color is purple. The juice turned out sour but I think it will be good to add to things. Here is a picture. Canning is really hot, that is all I have to say about that.
Almost Friday
Robin was telling us this morning as she went to work she noticed a lot of cars with the drivers side window busted on them. I didn't think much of it and then we went to Walmarts tonight and when we got home I noticed that Dad's jeep was one of the cars that got it's window broken. They didn't take Robins kitchen table. The only thing they took was dad's charger that Robin had bought him. They didn't even take his IPOD. Go Figure. I had a nice day. We went to Walmarts and got some groceries and looked for a back pack for dad. It was nice to get out. I took a picture. I can't figure out how to download it. I will try a new post. LOVE MOM
Well it is almost Friday. Today was celebrate chocolate day. They had a chocolate fountain with a bunch of stuff it dip in it. It was yummy. After work I went to the post office and sent off my concealed weapons permit. Then I got my hair trimmed and got a few groceries. Now I am doing some laundry. Fun times. I am impressed with all your accomplishments Rachel. i am glad that you are making progress on the apartment search Robin. It is hard sometimes to find a good place. Well have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. BYE
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Harvest time
Wow Rachel I am impressed. A quilt that is amazing and all that nice veggies and fruit. You did good. We did look at that house again. I don't know, it just didn't seem right for some reason. It is a nice house. Karen will have to think on it. Karen thanks for the nice tea towel. I love it. Robin congratulations on the apartment. Now I need to get looking. Time just goes by so fast some times. I need to manage my time better I guess. It was fun to go to Kamas. Karen got pizza while she was waiting for us and we had pizza and then went to look at houses. I guess not much else going on with me. Tomorrow I am going to sew some vests. I have been enjoying that. Have a great Thursday. LOVE MOM
today was ok it was a wensday. I went to go look at more apartments today. I found the one I like its the same price as the other one I liked earlier, but is bigger and has 2 balconies. so I am going to fill out and application for that one. Then I can get a better pick of apartments. well not to much else have a good night.
Did you like it?
Karen, is this the house that you liked before but was taken off the market? Do you like the one you looked at tonight enough to buy it. I hope that you find one you like. Isaac only took an hour nap today but I was able to finish my kite quilt, I put a picture below. I like it, it turned out really nice. When he woke up we went over to the church and helped tie quilts. Isaac did really well, I was really impressed with him. We stayed for a hour and a half. It was fun to do. We got two hornet traps last week and they have caught a lot of hornets. I put a picture below. The grapes were ready to pick so we did that and got a lot, pictured below. I am going to try to juice them tomorrow and can them. I am also thinking of starting to make bread for us. We have been eating a lot of sandwiches for lunch instead of eating out and I thought it would be good to make the bread. I need to work myself up to it I think. Well good luck on the apartment search Robin and Mom. I hope that you find something great and good luck to you Karen and on the house search. Everyone is going to be moving soon. :)
It's all down hill from here
Well just 2 more days until the weekend. My day was good. Me, mom, and dad went and saw the cute house tonight. Work is moving went along. I got a new project to work on. It shouldn't take me too long to finish though. Well I am excited for the weekend. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Nice day
I had a nice day also. I am glad everyone did. We met Pam, Jed, Teresa, Mike, Kelsey and Grandma Bodily for dinner. We went to Yellow Fin. It was good. I finished up all the things we cut out for Karen's party and then I cut out 4 vests. I am going to sew them on Thursday. It is coming along. I love the bedspread Robin. I think it will be beautiful in your new apartment. I just love the pictures of Isaac. Thanks for posting them. I am glad you got some rest. That always helps. I think we will come up on Saturday now that dad isn't going to China. That will be fun. We will leave early and then come home at night when Isaac goes to bed. Is that OK with you? I am excited to go see your houses. Dad is planning on coming with me. That will be good. Well have a great hump day. LOVE MOM
Robin I like the bed spread. Thanks for the costumes. My spearmint and applemint were out of control so I made to bottles each of extract. It was a lot. It is starting to get chilly in the mornings. I am hoping that my tomatoes get ripe before it freezes. I have made an appointment to get my drivers licence renewed on the 15th. hopefully I won't have to wait in line too long. I like the picture of Isaac at the sewing machine. It is cute. I am excited to have you come up tomorrow mom. Well have a great Wednesday everyone.
that funny about the stranger thing with isaac. he's just so cute its probably like paparazzi he doesn't need all those adoring fans :) OH karen I gave mom some costumes so she will bring them up for me. thanks mom. today was good. sorry i keep forgetting to blog. I am going to look at some diffrent apartments before I commit to the one buy my work. this girl said its shady but I think it looked ok. but I thought it doesn't hurt to look. Mom and dad are going to switch me beds so I bought comforter for a queen. I posted a picture. I know its all black and white like everything I own I am just drawn to black I guess. oh well. WEll have a good night
Today was a better day. I slept better last night and I think that had a little to do with it. Isaac was in a better mood. We went to story time and he did really well, the best he has ever done. All the other kids were wild though. Our neighbor was substituting today for reading time and I felt bad for her. Their were just a lot of kids that had a lot of energy. I sewed with Jenn today and I got a lot done on my kite quilt. I have 8 more kites tails to do. Well here are some more Isaac pictures. I hope that everyone has a good night.
Monday, August 6, 2012
stranger danger
I know it is hard but I would much rather he have a little bit of fear than no fear and just go with anyone. It is a hard balance. I am so glad he likes black berries. They are really good for him. They make really good jam also. He might like that also. I love this time of year when the garden starts producing. Everything just tastes so good from a garden. Good work Rachel. Karen I didn't sew tonight but I am going to sew tomorrow. I went with dad to look for a new back pack with padding to protect his computer. I had a good day. Nothing special just a nice day. I am excited for Swiss days also and for the fair. It is fun to have things to look forward to. LOVE MOM
Stranger Anxiety
I am excited for Swiss days. Is that is two weekends. I am excited for the fair this weekend also. I hope that Dad doesn't have to go to China. Isaac has stranger anxiety really bad lately. Today at the park there was a couple of older people and a cute little dog. Isaac loved the dog but when we got close to the people he got really upset. So her was alternating barking like a dog and screaming when the people said anything. I read about it online and they said that it just happens to some kids. Their isn't anything I did and it means that he feels comfortable around me and we have a good bond I guess. The internet said he will get over it in a few months. Their isn't much else to do, just reassure him. He is really liking eating the black berries. If they are too sour he feeds them to me, it is really funny. Today he was a mess when eating them, I attached a picture. We have been eating a lot of BLT's from the garden. They are really good. Well everyone have a good night and a good day tomorrow.
Well my day has been good. After work I went and got my finger prints taken for my concealed weapons permit. I also got my photo taken. I am all set to mail it off. I may do that tomorrow after work. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Up and down
Today was pretty good. Isaac had some rough patches but overall he did all right. I had a enrichment meeting at 10:30. Isaac did good for an hour and then he had enough. So we left. Their is a fantastic Friday coming up in October so we had to come up with ideas. I found a couple and now I have to make proto types of them. We came home and I gave Isaac a nap. He woke up in time for nursery so it worked out really good. They called a new singing lady and I think that it will be a lot better. She seems nice. He did good until after snack time and then he was a grouchy. When we got home I think we were both stressed so we just cuddled for a while and we felt better. We spend most of the evening outside it was nice. Casey is one his way home. I hope that everyone had a good day and have a good day tomorrow.
I had a quiet day. We went to sacrament meeting and then came home and had naps. I did work on costumes this evening and the hats are turning out cute. YEAH for one thing. I got 9 of them done tonight and will finish up the rest tomorrow. Then I have sewn everything we cut out. I am going to work on vests next I think. Unless you tell me differently. There was thunder and lightening this evening but no rain. Not much else going on with me. Have a great week. Next weekend is the fair. YEAH
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...