Friday, August 9, 2024


 Today was good and we didn't have as much going on.  I went grocery shopping this morning.  I showed the little kids how to crochet but they struggled and didn't love it.  We will try again when they are older.  We made fresh salsa this morning and have eaten most all of it.  It turned out really good.  It did rain a bit but not much.  We went to the dollar store and got some candy for the play we went to tonight.  They love going to the dollar store.  The play was The 39 steps and it was so funny.  The had four actors and they played all these different parts.  It was very well done and it was good to laugh.  

Love Rachel 


 We had a really quiet day. It was weird. I wasn't sure what I sure be doing. We did play Catan tonight. I like that game. We are hoping to get Karen's floor tomorrow. Me and Karen are going to hamilton tomorrow night. I am excited. Rachel I hope your play was fun. Robin I hope you guys start feeling better. Love mom


Jeramy worked from home today and me and Luna went into work/school. Luna didn't take a nap and was pretty tired when I picked her up. She fell asleep after work and slept till about 6:30. We just went slow the rest of the day. Hopefully everyone sleeps in tomorrow


Thursday, August 8, 2024


I sewed until the kids got up and then we went to the fair.  We had a really fun time.  My quilt looked pretty and their were a ton of beautiful quilts.  We had lunch there and walked around the booths which Oliver loves.  He ended up buying a wooden sword.  Ruth rode a horse and she loved it.  The had a petting zoo and we walked around the animals.  We cleaned the house a bit because I hosted bookgroup tonight and then we went to swimming lessons.  They love to swim.  Then I had book group and we meet on the deck.  I love bookgroup and it is fun to talk to everyone.  I hope you feel better Robin.

Love Rachel 


 I got up and mowed the lawn and did some yard work. It was a little cooler and it felt so nice. I went to target to get pills and just walked around for a bit. I took a nap today. I need to start another project. I made enchiladas like Ruth likes. They tasted really good. I used more sauce and I had some roast left so i used that also. We did weights tonight at the gym. It is so hard. I need to get stronger. I am sorry you guys are sick. I hope you get feeling better. Is some one being mean to Luna at daycare. Hitting and kicking isn't like her. I like the jokes. Thanks for posting them. Love mom


 It was really smokey here this morning. At least it was cooler today though. It was nice to be under 100 degrees. Work is still moving along. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. The road construction was not as bad tonight so that was nice driving home. After dinner we went to the gym. So just the usual here. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye


I took today off to help Jeramys sister go to the doctor. Luna was coughing all night and Jeramy had a fever. I also went down with chest congestion. So we all just stayed home and relaxed. I still drove Terri up to the doctors with Luna and it went well. Luna did a good job. Wednesday she hit and kicked a few times at school but I think at the end of the day she wasn't feeling good so hopefully she's nicer tomorrow.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 I don't know what happened but it was 1030 before I woke up this morning. We went to the mall to give Karen her phone and then walked hobby lobby. I like that store. We got glue to make the rockets. I also bought some fake flowers and put them in a pot. I weeded the flower bed and put the pot in there. I have flowers. They maybe fake but it is the best I can do. There were so many weeds. I finished my diamond art. It is a light house. I really like it. I am glad the kids like swimming lessons. Robin I hope you hear about your audit soon. Have a nice Thursday. I hope it gets a little cooler. Love mom


I sewed this morning and that was fun.  I made a ton of zucchini bread and it turned out pretty good.  Ruth worked on her Lego this morning.  She was so excited.  Isaac's friend came over and played for a bit.  Last night the made bow and arrows and Oliver worked on making more of those today.  We went to swimming lessons and the kids are doing really well.  They are all strong swimmers.  We swam until it was time for Isaac to go to young men's.  I went to exercise class and Casey went running.  
Love Rachel 


 My day was pretty good. I forgot my phone this morning. Mom and dad were nice though and met me for lunch to drop it off. Other than that it was just the usual here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 We had a huge storm come through in the middle of the night and the power went out.  It made me not sleep very well.  This morning I sewed and then I cleaned the house.  We cleaned most of the day.  When we were hanging up laundry we went through their clothes and got ride of what didn't fit.  Ruth room smelled bad so we washed everything.  Tonight we ended up pulling out her mattress and their was some gross stuff under their so I hope that was what was causing it. Isaac had violin lessons and they went well.  I needed some fabric so we went to to the fabric store and then red balloon toys so the kids could spend their cat money.  Oliver got some magnets and Ruth got a Lego.  Isaac is saving his.  We went to swimming lessons and Ruth's friend Emily is in her class which is fun.  The little kids had a stake activity so we didn't stay long to swim.  Casey had to go also and help.  They had a good time.  Their were a ton of kids from school and it was fun to talk to them.  I went to exercise class and that felt good.  We went on a walk around the block when I got back and it was a pretty evening.

Love Rachel 


 I set the alarm and got up and trimmed the bushes in the front yard. It was staring to look like a jungle. It was so hot. Dad did take out the rose bush that was by the sprinkler box. We didn't do much else in the yard it was just too hot. We ran some errands and then came home and had lunch and then I went grocery shopping. Our tomatoes are coming on and they taste so good. We went to the gym. I like doing  that. That casserole looks so good Robin. I want the recipe. Have a great hump day. Love mom


 My day was good. Work is going good, but still busy. It was a hot one today. After work I came home and we went to the gym. My blood sugar did do better but it still started going low. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Today was good. Luna didn't take a nap so we worked on keep her up all night. I made a new recipe I found on Pinterest and it tasted good. 


Monday, August 5, 2024


 We had a quiet day. I just did laundry and house work. I did make a.roast for dinner and it tasted so good. I love crock pots. Rachel I love your table runner. Good.luck. I hope you win. I think the fair is the weekend isn't it? Robin that Chuck Norris picture is funny. I am going to trim bushes tomorrow. It looks like a jungle out there. Love mom


Nothing to wild today. It was Monday so it was just work and life.i tried a new chicken recipe and it was ok. Its not on the list to make again.



 We had a busy day today.  Casey had to get up at 4:30 and flew to Arizona.  It was a day trip and he just made it home.  I asked it found coffee and he sent me the picture below.  I put away the camping stuff and did laundry.  When everyone got up we went and got Tony's shots done.  He did really well and is such a good job.  We took him the PetSmart after and got him a prize.  Isaac had a interview for the teen library board.  He isn't super excited but he did a good job.  We went to the new city office to register Tony with his new shots.  They had a photo book of all the city activities and the kids were in it a lot.  We went to lunch at Sabores to celebrate.  I entered a table runner in the fair so we turned that in.  I quilted it on my embroidery machine and I thought it turned out so pretty.  The kids had their first swimming lessons and they did well.  They had fun swimming afterwards.  I had a doctor's appointment at the same time for my yearly physical.  Everything looks good.  I didn't need more blood work because it looked so good last year.  I made it back to watch the kids swim and it was fun.  We went on a walk this evening and it was really pretty.

Love Rachel 

Sunday, August 4, 2024


 We had a quiet day. I slept in. Karen did take us to Cafe Rio for lunch and then we went to lowes. I am excited for her new floor. I was sitting on her carpet and it made me itch. Rachel you guys are machines. That is truly amazing. That is a of miles but the scenery was beautiful. I am glad you had fun. Robin gave us doterra electrolytes and I tried them today. I liked them. Have a great week. Love mom


I'm glad everyone had a good weekend. Saturday we worked on the shed. The gang came down and helped wrangle Luna. When it got to hit we stopped and Luna took a nap. We just took it easy. Today our garden is starting to deliver some veggies. So I made salsa, some jalapeno sauce and we had old bananas so I made banana bread. I also mowed the lawn. 


We are back

 We made it back and we had a really fun time.  The kids killed it and did so well.  We did 6 miles on Saturday and 13.5 today.  Saturday we got up and packed.  After lunch we headed up but it was so hot we decided to go to Bear Lake and get some ice cream.  Then we started hiking.  It wasn't too bad, some clouds came in and it was doable.  We had fun talking and hiking.  It started raining lightly after we got to the camp site and had dinner so we all just went to bed.  Ruth did find a horse shoe which was lucky.  Today we got up and hiked to white pine lake.  We left our backpacks at the camp site so it would be easier .The lake was really pretty and worth the hike up there.  Isaac fell in the lake but dried off pretty fast in the heat.  We hiked back to our backpacks and had lunch and rested.  Then hiked out.  The kids are amazing hiker and we had a really good time.  We are all going to be sore tomorrow after walking so far today.

Love Rachel 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...