Saturday, April 27, 2013
Yea for Saturday
Rachel, I am glad you had a nice day. I was hoping having Casey home would be just what you needed. Thanks for doing the fence. I knew that would be a huge job. Karen came down and we got all the bank stuff done. We are now members of the American First Credit Union. I thought that would work. They are in the Walmart at Logan and easy for me to go to also. Karen got a lawn mower and then we took it up to her house. It was a nice day. The sunset coming home was just beautiful. I even got all my sheets washed. I just love this weather and the long days. LOVE MOM
Congratulations on your bonus Karen, that is awesome. Sorry I didn't blog last night. I lost track of time. We had a good day yesterday and today. I mowed the lawn today and we worked on the fence. That was a big job. We have all the posts in and we are going to put back up the old slats on Monday after the concrete has set. There was a big tree growing behind the pile of dirt that we had to cut down and dig up the roots because it was in the fence line. It was time consuming to get the stump out. Mr Higbee helped us and he was really nice and we did a better job with his help. Isaac took a long nap which also helped a lot. The post were really rotten, I didn't realize how bad they were. It already looks a lot better. Well that is all my news. It was fun to have Casey home and work in the yard. I like days that like. Everyone have a good night.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Tax Return
We got our tax return so that made my Friday. That was fun. Robin when you are ready to meet just let me know. I don't have a lot going on tomorrow. Karen we will come and and help later in the afternoon. We went and made Aubrey a key for the lab tonight and then took it to her. We went to the World Market afterwards to get another tea cup. Dad is really liking the tea and it is making him feel a lot better. Congratulations Karen on the bonus. That is wonderful. You get to buy dinner next time. :) Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM
Today was good. we made it through alive. I am going into work tomorrow though just so we are ahead of stuff on monday. but I was thinking like 12. and then we can go do bank stuff if that works for you mom? I went to pioneer today to have a meeting. Monday we start with the crazy. it will be good. WEnsday I think is the dress rehearsal. I get two tickets if you guys want them. well have a great one
Finally Friday
Well we have made it to the weekend. Hurray! Today was good for me. I got a 576 dollar bonus and we got doughnuts to celebrate. So yea! Robin I am sorry about your bank issues. I really like your dress also. It is really pretty. I am way impressed. Well have a great weekend everyone bye.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Rachel it wasn't your fault. I am just not going to have a bank account at Wells Fargo and that will solve all the problems. We can use another bank. I was tired today. I tried allegra last night for my allergies and I didn't sleep one bit. I think I will wait for the weekend to try it again. It did help however to that was nice. My visiting teachers were suppose to come tonight but they had car trouble so me and dad went grocery shopping. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Just let me know Robin when you want to hook up on Saturday and we will go take care of the bank stuff. Have a great Friday. Thanks Rachel and Casey for fixing the fence. That is really nice of you. That is a lot of work and we appreciate all the hard work. Karen I am so glad you have peas. I will come up on Saturday after the bank and help you cut down pine trees. Should be fun. LOVE MOM
No stress
Today was good I went in to work at 6 and was super duper busy. tomorrow has the same forcast. I went to school and tried on my dress on the dress form. I posted a picture below. I am excited. I still have to make sleeves though. And I have some other assignments to get done. I also got smart cookies for everyone at work because I wanted to and they are delicious. Don't worry about the banking stuff mom and rachel :) I also have a meeting at pioneer tommorow. we were going to have it saturday but its motorcross and there will be no where to park so friday it is. well have a great night.

I love the sun
Robin and mom I am sorry about account. I feel bad, I am sorry. Karen i am so excited for your peas, that is so exciting. Yea for peas. We had a good day today nothing too exciting. We did yard work this evening and it felt good to be outside. I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.
I'm Happy too
Well when I went and check and my peas today they were actually growing. Yea! I wasn't holding out much hope after talking with Rachel and Casey, so I was super shocked. Work was busy so it went by fast. I was good and walked to work this morning. It was cold and windy this afternoon. I keep hoping it will warm up and be spring soon. Robin good luck with your final project. I am sure that it will turn out awesome. Well have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. BYE
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
I"m happy
Today was good. nothing to crazy. We have some major huge projects that are for the next two days. lets cross our fingers I don't die. One for tomorrow is 300 feet. insane. THen I came home and started working on my dress. I need to work on the sleeves. but other then that I am done ;) I will take pictures, I am going to try to get to slc tomorrow and fit it on the doll at school. we will see how that goes. have a good night
Day Off
Dad's doctor appointment went well. He said he would see us in a year so that was a good thing. We had a nice day. We got a lot of errands done and that felt nice. They hadn't credited our account for returning a modem so we got that taken care of, went to Sam's and got drugs and the pharmacy. I could use a day off every week to get things done. I am ready to do anything this Saturday. Does anything sound really fun? It is suppose to be really nice outside. I don't have any plans but would love to play. We had a nice day just hanging out. Have a great Thursday and let me know what sounds fun to do on Saturday.
Mr Sun
We had a good day today. Casey is feeling better than yesterday and Isaac is doing better as well. So things are looking up on the sickness front. We went to playgroup today and that was fun. Isaac does all the actions in the songs, it is really cute. Jenn came over to sew today and I got a lot done. It was fun. I made that salmon for dinner and it tasted really good, thanks Mom. We worked out in the yard this evening and went on a walk, nothing to strenuous. It was nice to have a warm day today. Oh they are cutting down trees at the Barents house so they had a huge crane over there all day which was pretty exciting. I hope that everyone had a good day. I hope that you had a good day off Mom.
if only
If only I was as talented as Isaac. Oh well, I will just have to practice to be as good as him. My day was good. It went pretty fast so that was nice. I did walk this morning. Yeah for me. It was pretty nice outside, a little chilly but not too bad. Well I hope dad's appointment went well. Have a good one bye
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Isaac has skills to jump and sing. that is true talent :) my day was good. busy. they keep doing these outrageous rush orders. I worked on my final project tonight. I even drove to salt lake to try the sample on the doll I am working on. I think tomorrow I am going to jump in to the real deal. eek. WELL I was suppost to work at pioneer on saturday but he changed my time to friday so I might be free all day saturday (depending on homework) just fyi. well have a good one
Fun pictures
Thanks Rachel and Robin for the pictures and video. I loved them. Today was kind of quiet but I got some stuff done so that was good. I am going to take the whole day off tomorrow and go the doctor with dad. I just didn't feel like rushing back. It was a beautiful day today. I got off the bus early and walked home. It felt so nice to be outside. I hope Casey gets feeling better soon. It is suppose to be a beautiful weekend. Have a nice Wednesday. LOVE MOM
Thanks for the pictures Robin, you do a good job on makeup. Karen I am glad that your flowers are doing good. I have been trying to think of something to plant in the front bed. I thought of lavender today. I am going to have to think about it and read. We had a good day today. Isaac slept in which was nice. We skipped story time just so Isaac could rest. At 1 we went to the airport with the cub scouts and it was fun. Isaac was tired at first but he really got excited when we were there. Casey wasn't feeling good so he came home around 3. Isaac didn't want to nap with him around, he finally fell asleep at 4. I was able to finish Mom's table runner and my St Patrick day quilt. It feels so nice to have them done. I moved the serger up on my table and I am going to start to work on the clothes. I am nervous but excited. Isaac has been singing alot. Last night we were watching Mighty Machines and he was singing the song. I took a video of it. Everyone have a good night.
Robin I love those pictures. They are so cute. My day was good. Work was pretty busy so it went by pretty fast. My flowers in front have survived the cold so far. They look really pretty. I hope that Isaac and Casey are feeling better. I hate it when I have a cold. Well I really don't have anything else to report. I hope that everyone had a good Tuesday. BYE
Monday, April 22, 2013
Well this week has already started crazy. On saturday one of the models I was talking to said that on sunday they needed makeup artist for a creative shoot. A bunch of models. photographers and makeup artist go together and do there thing. So late saturday I confirmed I was doing that. so sunday I spent most of the afternoon doing makeup. then I tried to get as much homework done as possible but it was slow going. SO tomorrow Is for sure homework day! but class went well today. I bought my final project fabric and I am super excited I will post photos when I get it done. I also posted photos of what I have gotten from shoots and stuff I took have a great tuesday.

I had a good day. Work was really slow and I got all caught back up. That felt really nice. I have had piles for a long time. I went and got a gift tonight for the girl that is leaving. We went to REI for it. I am glad you had stir fry Rachel. Karen is going to make stroganoff with hers. I am not sure what I am going to make. We need to make another Sams/Costco run. I am running out of meat. I have been using my hamburger up. Tell Casey he needs to take Airborne. It really will help him feel better. He said it has helped him in the past. Robin I hope your last class was good. Karen I am glad you made it to Heber. Have a nice week. LOVE MOM
Today was pretty . Isaac and Casey still have colds. Casey seems to have it the st. the humidifier is really helping Isaac and he is getting a lot of rest. i made stir fry tonight with meat from sams and it tasted really good, thank you mom. i dont have much to report we just stayed home and let eeveryone rest.
Well my Monday was good. Work was slow in the morning but it pick up in the afternoon so it didn't drag too badly. Then after work I went to Walmart in Heber to get some groceries. It was cold and windy here today. We did get a little snow, but it melted pretty quick so it wasn't too bad. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Ready for the week?
Rachel, I am kind of glad you missed the meeting and Isaac got some sleep. We did have him moving a lot. He was so cute on the train. Thanks for coming down this weekend. I hope Casey and Isaac get feeling better soon. Thanks Karen also for coming down. That was a nice time. Robin I hope your photo shoot went well and that your snake is totally awesome. It was fun to have dinner last night. I am not ready for the week. I like to play to much. I hope it is a quiet one. Have a nice week and everyone one stay well. Take lots of airborne. It does help.
Best Laid Plans
Well we came home last night so I could go to a meeting this morning. Isaac slept in so late that we missed it. He was grumpy when he woke up also and it took him a while to be happy. Oh well. I apologized to everyone today and they were fine. I just didn't have to heart to wake him up. We went to nursery and the kids were all kind of off also. Casey made it home. He took some medicine and is went to bed early. We went and visited Randy for a while and Terry showed me how she did the binding on her table runners so I am going to unpick what I have done and do it the way she does. Everyone has a good day tomorrow. I hope that we all have a wonderful week.
home again
Well I made it back to Kamas. Then I fell asleep. I was tired. I had a nice time this weekend. Thanks everyone for the nice time. Rachel, I hope that Casey and Isaac are feeling better. Well I hope the everyone has a great week. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...