Saturday, October 30, 2010

its over

So halloween has ended. or at least frightmares. It was kinda sad to see everyone go but its nice to not have to work weekends all the freak'n time. After work today I helped a kid with his grinch prosthetic. I just painted it and applied it but it was fun ;) anyway nothing else to exciting. I actually have nothing planned for tomorrow. I thought I would have a bazillion things to do but I think its going to be P.J day..... :) yeah well have a great night and have a great halloween.


Nice Halloween Day

It was a really nice day today. Robin did make up for Shayla's kids in the morning and Rachel came up. We went to lunch at Great Harvest and we got to watch all the kids go trick or treating to the stores downtown. It was so much fun. Then we came home and just hung out for awhile. It was a good day. Karen love the phone. In december I am going to get me one of those. High tech for sure. Well dad is having a great time at the race track. the tests have been going really good and he is happy. That is so good. Not much else going on here. I think we are going to go to Clifton tomorrow with Casey and RAchel to help winterize the house. Grandma loves the drive out there.


New Phone

This is a picture of the phone I got. Cool Uh? It is called the epic phone. So far it is pretty cool. Well let me tell you the story of the phone. I got up and went to the sprint store at 930 and was really disappointed when I saw that they didn't open until 10. SO I went and got my car wash (which was pointless because it rained on it later) and then went shopping at walmart. Then I went to the sprint store. I went in and I was the only one there. But when the guy started to set up my phone it got busy in there. So it took about an hour to get my phone all set up. But I got a free car charger for being patient. So see sometime it does pay to be patient. Then when I went to make dinner I decided on spaghetti. I got the hamburger all browned and noodles made, but then when I got my spaghetti sauce out I saw it had expired so I had to run back to walmart to get sauce. It was annoying but I got it all made. Well I did give you all ring tones so you are all special now. I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. I am also excited to see you all in 2 weeks. BYE

Robin's safe and sound

Robin made it safe and sound to Logan. I am excited for tomorrow. Halloween. I am going to be a zombie. Shayla and the kids are staying the night. I am glad it is Friday. Emotional week. I am doing better however. They posted my job and that made me feel better. I know there is someone out there that will help peds rehab continue. Well have a great weekend.


Friday, October 29, 2010


Karen, that sounds like fun. I have always wanted to see Thriller. That is fun. I was tired today. We went and spent Casey's birthday gift card from Robin tonight. We got a shredder so the homeless people don't get our information. Thank you Robin. I am going to hang out in Logan tomorrow while Casey teaches his bike class. I am planning on going to the zombie walk, I am excited for you Robin. I am also bring my sewing machine so if we get time we can sew too.


Well I didn't blog last night either. I went to see Thriller with a bunch of people from the ward. It was fun. Robin I would just like you to know that your zombies are better. We got free doughnuts at work today so that was fun. I am tired though. It was about midnight before I went to sleep. Well I hope that everyone has a good weekend. BYE

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Sorry I forgot to blog last night. It was fun through the haunted house, there were a few jumpy parts. well tomorrow I am going to work at lagoon and then drive to logan. It will most likely be midnight when I get home so I will just sleep on the white couch so I don't wake anyone. then from 10-12 I am going to do makeup for the zombie walk and then drive down to lagoon. I don't know what the plans are for halloween so we will see about that. I think I might just stay in slc now I think about it that is alot of driving. well hope everyone has a great one

love you


Mom, we are not going to come on Friday. We are just going to come down Saturday morning and Casey can drop me off on the way to his bike class and then if it is alright we will spend Saturday night and go to Clifton for a while on Sunday. Thanks for letting us stay. Well both me and Casey are tired today. We ate dinner and we both fell asleep. It is nice to have a quiet evening.


I am excited for the weekend. I am not sure of everyone's plans right now but I am game for anything. Shayla and her two boys are going to stay the night on Friday. I am going to put them in the sewing room. I thought that way if Rachel and Casey come they can have Robin's Room and Robin can have the white couch. How does that sound. I am tired tonight. I didn't sleep well at all last night. I had a cup of dark hot chocolate and I wonder if that kept me awake. Go figure. I am so glad it is the weekend coming up. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

fun times

That looks like you had a good time. Next time I will be down there to go with you. I am starting to get use to the idea that I will be living down there soon. Karen I am glad you figured out the heat doesn't work. Boy that would be bad when it gets down to 60 degrees you might freeze. Not much going on here with me. Dad made it safe to Atlanta and they are driving the rest of the way. He sounded good. I think he will enjoy the car races. Have a great thursday.



Tonight me and Robin went with Jed, Teressa, Kelsey, Mike, Janie and A kid named Jake to a haunted town at this is the place monument. It made me and Robin scream but it wasn't supper scary, it was fun. Here is a picture of us after we went through. My coat buttoned up and I was surprised about that.

The we went to village inn and had some free pie. I got the baby the cutest little bear toy. It is really cute and soft. Casey wasn't feeling well so he stayed home and slept.

No heat

Well I thought that I would try my heat this morning and it didn't work. SO I went and my reported it after work. They are going to fix it tomorrow. At least it I tried it before it got really cold out. Work was good, I have a headache though. Tonight, excitement, I am going to pay bills. Wow I am just wild and crazy I know. I can't believe that it is almost November either. Time is just flying. Well have a good one bye

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I can't believe its already november planning. I wrote you in so hopefully nothing will get in the way and I can go to the showers :) oh also on the topic of planning. This friday I am planning to drive up to logan after work for the zombie thing if that is ok. :) well I worked a bit at lagoon then I came home and rested. It was nice to have a night off. well have a great night



I am glad that everyone had a good day. I am glad that everyone was supportive at work Mom, I am excited for you. I talked to Grandma Bodily last night and with Kay on Sunday and I have times and dates for the baby showers. The Gumm shower is going to be on Saturday November 13 at 5:00 I think at Kays. The Bodily shower is on November 27 at 12:00 at the Lion House. November is filling up fast.

It's snowing

well today went really well. I am tired but everyone at work was very supportive. I hope it works out well for everyone. Not much else going on with me. It is snowing here and cold. I was going to go to walmart tonight but might wait until it is warmer. Maybe in May. WEll have a good day. I am glad the dentist went well Karen. Good for another year.


Made it

WEll I made thru the dentist. Mom I think that you taking the job is awesome. Taking the job perk #1 you will always be close when Rachel needs a babysitter. My day was good. I was busy all day today at work. Which made time go by fast. Other than the dentist I have no complaints. Apparently they fired 2 machinists at work today for and I quote "having bad attitudes". I hope that they hire new people to replace them because the machine shop is already way behind. Well that is it for me. take it easy everyone

Monday, October 25, 2010

Life turns on a dime

Well I am in knots right now. Keep telling me I am doing the right thing. Tonight I am having nerves. I know family is first and I want to be with you guys. I am excited for that. Getting there is going to be really hard. Wish me luck. Well not much else going on here. Just life changing events once again. I think me and dad just live that way.



wow that was fast mom. You must have blown everyone out of the water. I'm glad that you got the job. :) well today was good I'm tired. I worked at lagoon and then I worked at x-pose. well nothing else to exciting.



Congratulations Mom, I am excited for you. I had a good day, work went well. After work Casey ended up having to work so I went up to the office and I went to dinner with Dad and Casey at the Indian Oven place. They all know Dad there and tease him. Then I had to go to the store. I think I am going to lay down and read my book.


Well i am going to the dentist tomorrow. Joy of Joys. I am excited for your new job mom, congratulations! Work was good today nothing too exciting. Just a Monday. I am glad that you got a night of Lagoon Robin. I beat it was nice not having to rush everywhere. Well have a good one bye

Sunday, October 24, 2010

should I stay or should I go

Well today was interesting. I went to the short I was working on, we had a later call time so I got to sleep in. Then half way through I get a call from lagoon and they canceled all the shows because of weather.... so I didn't have to go in. So I stayed at the movie shoot for the rest of the night. It was fun. I'm glad that you like the pustules it took me a while to get it all figured out. But I made a hallow laytex piece and put a ballon underneath it with a tube that attached to a baby nose sucker thing (kinda like a mini baster) and he would squeeze the ball and it would inflate the ballon. well I am going to go to bed it was really rainy today and cold. It definitely is fall :)


I'm back

Well I made it to SLC with meds and a suitcase for dad. We were going to visit but everyone was sick so we just came back home. It poured rain the whole way down and back. OK Robin you seriously are getting better and better at gross. That is amazing. How did you get it to pulse like that. Rachel I had a really good time this weekend. It felt like old times. Karen I am glad you are feeling better. I am going to have to see the dollhouse. I haven't seen that yet. Well have a good week. It is suppose to snow tomorrow. LOVE MOM


Well church was good today. I didn't even make a typo in the program so that was awesome. Rachel I will bring the 2nd season of the Dollhouse next time I come up. It ha been nice here today. The clouds are clearing out so maybe I will be able to see the sun soon. I am glad that everyone had a good weekend. Robin all I have to say is that is gross. Well have a good week. BYE

I'm back

I had a really fun weekend. It was fun to go up to Logan and hang out with Mom and Grandma. We went fabric shopping and got some new fabric. I also got a quilt cut out, I used Mom's awesome cutting table. Robin that blister is gross, I like it. You are so good at that. Karen I keep forgetting to say that I would love to borrow Doll House season two when you are finished with it. I keep meaning to say that everyday but I forget. Well Casey is working today, I got to see him for a little bit when I got home. I hope that everyone is safe and stay dry with all this rain.

Happy birthday

 I can't believe she is three. Time goes to fast. I am glad she had a good day. I got up and went grocery shopping and then mowed the la...