Saturday, January 9, 2010
i'm on level 0
Well I have no level of super mario to report but I am glad that the fate of the princess is in your guys hands. :) I went into slc today. it was fun, grandma and grandpa are doing well. dad had a work thing that came up so we dropped him off at work and got them lunch. well I'm glad rachel got some dang quadillas and karen soup for the soul. have a good sunday
Karen, soup sounds good, epecially on a cold day like today. Well I am not going to SLC, Casey is going to come home tonight since he doesn't have to work tomorrow. I am on world 7 of Mario bros but I haven't gotten all the coins on all the levels. I need to work on that more. Well not much else is going on I went grocery's shopping and made myself a dang qudilla.
No soup for you
Well i made some homemade chicken soup today. It turn out good, but it made a lot. I froze some of it for later. I hope that mom and dad made it SLC and back safely and that you had a good time. I made it thru level 5 and half way thru level 6 in Mario. I also went and got my blood test done that I was suppose to do before Christmas. Better late than never right. Church is at nine again so I have to remember to get and go tomorrow. But it will be nice to have it in the mornings again. I like the 9 o'clock better than I liked the 1 o'clock schedule. Well have a good one. BYE
Sorry I didn't blog last night, I was tired and fell asleep early. I had a good day Friday. Work has been intense all week so yesterday Dan said that we should go to Maddox for a lunch for a break. It was nice. I got the salmon. That is fun that you got some flowers Mom, It is so fun to get flowers. It sounds like everyone is busy and doing good. Casey ended up having to work this weekend. So I am going o go down to SLC tonight. He has to work all day so I figure I will just go down for dinner. I have to come back up for nursery though tomorrow which sucks. SO I will be their for Sunday dinner tomorrow. Well I hope that everyone has a good day.
phone battery
Well today I was going to wake up early and go into slc to apply for jobs. but alas my phone alarm didn't go off, so I slept in again. Anyway i guess it was for the best I think I am going to drive down monday and spend all day putting in applications. tonight one of my friends invited me to a movie night. It was fun the movie was wife and daughters. It was a british movie kinda like pride and prejudice. It was about just as long about 5-6 hours. but i endured to the end. I think I am going to go with her to church on sunday, they have there church at the institute. so I thought I would tag along. anyway I;m glad karen gets to be chief at work that will be cool. they should give you double pay for doing double the work. :) well I hope rachels mario brothers is going well. I hope you didn't break your tv with your controller. I guess the same goes for karen as well. have a great saturday
Friday, January 8, 2010
Told Ya
Karen. Told ya that is what they would do. You are so good it is hard to find someone else to keep up and it will save them a ton of money. Your days of being bored are over with. You will have to learn some new tricks of the trade. That will be fun. I am glad you guys are enjoying Mario Brothers. Dad bought me flowers today and that made my whole day. I needed some flowers in my life. I am tired tonight. I am going to sleep in. That will be nice. It is so cold up here. My office is so cold. The wind comes right in over me when the door opens. Going to be a long winter. At least the warm will come in during the summer and I can sweat. I love the new office. It is nice. The kids have been adjusting well. Have a great weekend. We are going down in the morning. Back to the regular schedule.
Well I made it to Friday. Tom talked to me today and asked if it would stress me out if they didn't hire another drafter. I told him no, it wouldn't stress me out at all. So I don't think that they are going to hire any one else. He did ask me if I wanted a faster computer. I said yes of course. I think that is a silly question to ask. I don't think that anyone would say no to that question though. I am glad that you got Mario, Rachel. It is a fun game. I hope that everyone had a great Friday.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
well I did laundry tonight. I guess i'm getting antsy I hate doing laundry. I am ready for a job. I don't like sitting around. it gets boring. Other then that I went to great harvest today for lunch it was really good. Although i got carrots instead of chips, and I have decided that I don't like carrots. they were gross. they taste blah. I think I will wait till i'm 80 with out taste buds to eat them. anyway enough on the rant of carrots everyone have a great friday.
love you
It is a cold one today. It was nice to see the mountains again and sunshine though. I got Mario Bors tonight, it is awesome. I have made to world two. I am now going to go into my warm room and read a book, I love being warm.
Safe and sound
Dad made it home safe and sound tonight. That is good. He has been working hard. Work was still crazy today but it is getting calmer and calmer. Tomorrow I have to move everything off the floors so they can put a finishing on them. Lucky me. I am sure I will have help. At least I hope so. I am tired tonight also. I can feel myself getting worn out. Iam not going to work early next week. I am going back to my regular hours. That will feel like a vacation right there. I have been working 9 - 10 hours a day. I can't keep up that pace. I am not sure how dad does it. It is so cold here today. It just feels like an ice berg. LOVE MOM
Almost the weekend
Well things are just the same old same old here in St. George. I am tired today though. It seemed like a long day. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Good luck with all your job applications Robin. I hope that you are not too sore from your fall mom. I hate it when I do stuff like that. Well have a great night. BYE
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
old man river
Well today I went around and handed in some more resumes to salons. I'm not holding my breath for a call back. I think I might go to slc next week and see what I can round up as well for makeup jobs. Just in case the dillard's thing doesn't work out. Well tonight was sewing night I didn't sew I sculpted a tiny old man. It was fun to sculpt again. it feel like its been a while. at least I don't have to sand him for eons. Rachel and mom sewed there quilts, which are cute. well tomorrow is thursday. yeah so close to the weekend. I know i'm not working its just the perception of the weekend that is joyous. :) Well everyone have a great thursday love you
Hump Day
I am so glad the week is almost over with. I slipped and fell on the ice this afternoon. I feel kind of sore all over. Sewing night went well. I am coming along with the quilt. I have 12 blocks done and need 48 total. I am really liking sewing on it. Dad is feeling better today. I was glad of that. He is going to come home tomorrow night. It is really bad air up here but we got a little snow and wind so hopefully it will be better. It is calming down at work and I am glad of that. It is nice to be doing my job again. I am tired tonight but I am doing better every day. Resting is helping and not running a hundred miles an hour all day long it nice. I have been thinking about the home show. I can't take friday off because that is the day we are doing our open house. We will have to see what I can do about that.
Let the good times roll
Well the week is half over. It has seemed like a long week because I haven't worked a full week since before Christmas. I really could get used to working three days and getting paid for working five days. I hope that you have a good time sewing tonight. Do you get nay snow in Logan? Mom said that it looked like it could snow this morning, but I didn't hear if it actually did snow. Is dad feeling better today or just same old same old? Well have a good one bye.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
So I started to unpack my stuff today. It was long but I think I have the majority of it out of suit cases. I just have 2 more duffel bags left. *sigh* I went to walk on wheels today for dinner it was delicious. I missed it. I think they lather everything in grease so it tastes amazing. They finally posted the pictures that I did of a shot online. I put up some, it was for the 30's decade. Well have a great one.

Karen, you are rocking Mario Bros. That is awesome. Robin, I am excited for your job applications, that is exciting. I am happy for you. I am going to sew tomorrow and that will be fun. I am sorry that Dad is not feeling well. That is not fun. This morning I had forgot to check my alarm and it wasn't set so I woke up at 7:00 and had to run out the door. I was only 5 minutes late for work and that was a miracle. I finished a audio book called Let the Great World Spin. I did not like it. It was depressing. It was supposed to be one of the best books of 2009. I would strongly disagree. I am reading the Lacuna right now and I am really liking that. It is written by the same person who wrote the Poison Wood Bible and that was a great book.
quiet Night
I got home from Ogden. I was really late getting there but dad was still waiting so it worked out good. He has a kidney stone and he isn't feeling very well. I hope it passes soon. Me and Robin are just watching movies and resting. I think It won't be long before I get rested up. I hope. I am excited to sew tomorrow. It will be nice to start working on my quilt again. I am really liking working on it. Work is calming down and that is good. It is nice to get back to normal again. Tomorrow they are walking through the old building so hopefully that goes well and we are done with two buildings. LOVE MOM
Good luck on your job application Robin. I bet that you get it. Things are going good here in St. George. I would like a nap also mom. I hope that dad's doctors appointment went good. Work was good nothing too exciting. I am on level 5 on Mario. I have passed the half way mark, but the end castle is killing me. Don't worry I will win thru eventually. Well I hope that everyone has a great night. Love ya BYE
Monday, January 4, 2010
heres my card
Well today I went to dillards to apply for the cosmetic counter. I think they were excited for me to apply the manager kept coming in to give me pointers on how to make my application get through processing faster. So hopefully they will process it quickly and I can have a job. well see how it goes I will let you know more when I get info. Hopefully tomorrow I can get all my stuff organized and put together from moving. I feel like my belongings have been scattered over the world. hopefully its not to painful. I hope everyone has a great night. ttyl
WII Fever
I think our family has hit a WII fever. It is fun to have games you enjoy again. I am going to buy bubble bobble. I love that game. Work was quiet today and that felt nice. I like our new building. I do need a nap bad. Tomorrow dad has a doctor's appointment in Ogden for a check up with the heart doctor. I am going to go with him. I think that will be nice. I am going to go to work early so I can leave at 1:00. I still am so far behind. I really need to get caught back up. It will come with not so much other stuff getting in the way. I got my thread today so I am ready to sew my quilt again. LOVE MOM
Thanks for lunch Mom and Robin, it was good to see you. the rest of my day went fast. Casey went to SLC this morning. I am sewing tonight. I was able to sew a little bit this weekend and it was really nice. I haven't worked on m Sea Urchin quilt in a while. I am almost done with bag 1 and I am hopeing to finish it tonight. Karen I am excited that you got a wii. That is fun. I am excited to get Mario Bros. It is an awesome game. Good luck. Is work busier with your fellow drafter passing away? That is so sad. Well everyone have a good night.
Evil caterpillar
Well I am on an evil caterpillar level on super Mario. I will get it in the end, but last night it was frustrating last night. Work was good I was busy all day. But I did clear off my desk so tomorrow might be boring tomorrow, but we will have to see. I hope that Robin, Rachel, and mom had a fun time at lunch. I do feel ready for a nap though even though I took one yesterday. I beat mom needs one even worse than I do. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE
Sunday, January 3, 2010
wii are 2010
so I guess 2010 brought some new wii's into the family. I can say that playing at karen's i now know that my calling was not to be luigi. I think I'm more of the princess type. I will just get kidnapped, I die other wise. anyway it was fun to go to and be warm-ish. well the makeup artist magazine came today and my imats photo was in it. it was just a little postage stamp size photo of my hands and my piece before i painted it. but it was there so its fun, my hands have been printed in a magazine. well I am planning on going to the italian place for lunch to eat a beaver. yummy. have a great night
love you
Home again
We made it home safe and sound and had a really good time in St. George. I have to admit that hiking and sun therapy are the best. I am glad that Casey and Rachel had a good time skiing. You will have to night ski more often. That does sound like the way to go and I bet that is enough time to ski. Our church is at 11:00 also this year. That is a nice time. Sleep in and then go to church. I am planning on meeting you for lunch tomorrow. I have decided that I want the quilt to look really nice and I don't want different types of thread. LOVE MOM
Skiing was awesome
We had a really good time night skiing last night. It was only 40 dollars for both of us to ski and get our ski rentals. Night skiing is the way to go. Me and Casey shredded the mountain. We are both good skier and it was fun. Church was good today. It is now at 11:30 so we got to sleep in. I am glad that you are having a good vacation. I hope that you have a good drive. I will meet Mom and Robin for lunch on Monday at the Italian Place at 12:15 if that is alright with everyone. See you then.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...