Friday, January 8, 2010

Told Ya

Karen. Told ya that is what they would do. You are so good it is hard to find someone else to keep up and it will save them a ton of money. Your days of being bored are over with. You will have to learn some new tricks of the trade. That will be fun. I am glad you guys are enjoying Mario Brothers. Dad bought me flowers today and that made my whole day. I needed some flowers in my life. I am tired tonight. I am going to sleep in. That will be nice. It is so cold up here. My office is so cold. The wind comes right in over me when the door opens. Going to be a long winter. At least the warm will come in during the summer and I can sweat. I love the new office. It is nice. The kids have been adjusting well. Have a great weekend. We are going down in the morning. Back to the regular schedule.


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