Saturday, July 23, 2022


I slept in and then we went to.lunch with Karen and the Lewis gang. Luna has grown. We went to.marshall and they had really cute clothes for her. I think we should take Ruth and see if she finds some she likes. We drove up to Kamas and it is.nice up here. I mowed the.lawn and we went for.a. walk  and then we watched fireworks. We are going to Logan tomorrow. That is scary about the snake. I am glad you are safe. I like the towel rack. Robin that was fun to play today. Love mom


 Today was good.  Isaac had to set up flags early this morning.  I got up and walked while he did that.  The church had a breakfast this morning so we went to that.  It was fun and good to talk to everyone.  We did some projects around the house.  We replaced the screens on the kids windows.  We fixed the towel rack in the backroom and it looks a lot better. Casey made Mac and cheese for lunch and he does a good job.  After dinner we went hiking uo right fork canyon.  A lady said their was a water fall but I didn't research it before we left.  The kids had fun running around and playing in the river.  We started to hike up the mountain.  Isaac was first then Oliver and I was behind him.  Oliver saw a snake by the trail which was pretty steep.  I looked at it and it was a rattlesnake.  The boys and Tony were above it and I went back down.  Casey safely scared it away a bit and then we got the boys down by going wide around it.  The kids were all upset it took a while to get everyone in a safe spot.  We stopped at Sonic on the way home for a snack.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad 

Love Rachel

Friday, July 22, 2022


 We kind of just had a lazy day today.  I walked this morning then let the kids sleep in.  Isaac slept until noon.  Me and Oliver went and got Tony more food.  Oliver was so cute and talked and talked.  I had physical therapy and my pinky is doing a lot better.  We went to a car burn tonight.  It was interesting they spin the back wheels of the cars and make a ton of smoke.  We got snow cones and it was nice to get out.  

Love Rachel


 It was such a quiet day at work. I even got a lot of My payroll done. When I got home it was 89. I went to Lowes to get that tiny cooler. It is cute. It didn't help a ton because they came and.fixed it. It is now 73 degrees. Yeah. Luna looked so cute in her fire hat. Karen I hope your pump works great tonight. I am happy you have a new one. Rachel thanks for calling. Love mom


For some reason today went by so slow. Exciting news I finally set up my business account so I was excited. I just need to set up my online access then I'm going to set up Etsy. I wanted to get Halloween stuff up and going. Luna had a fire truck show up at her daycare. She's so cute. Her teeth are coming in so she has been grumpy at nights


 My day was good. It was quiet at work so I got to work on my to do list. I got annoyed with my sensor wanting to calibrate during work so, after work I set up my new pump and sensor. It seems to be working good so far. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye

Thursday, July 21, 2022


 I am sorry Robin, we need some good news.  I think that is a good idea to take some classes.  We had a good day. I walked this morning.  Oliver's hair has been so crazy I cut it this morning.  He looks so much better. The kids wanted to spend their money so we went to look and see how much hoverboards are for Oliver.  I think he has enough we just need to figure out a good one so he is waiting while we do some research.  Isaac bought a Lego to do.  Ruth went to Clair's and spent a ton on lip glosses.  She loves them.  After lunch we went swimming.  It rained a little bit but not bad.  The snow cone place was open which was fun.  Tonight we went and saw the lightyear movie.  The kids have been wanting to see it.  It was at the cheap theater which was nice.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 My day was good. My pump came in the mail. I am going to make an appointment just to make sure I am setting it up right. Robin I am sorry that Jeremy didn't get the job. He will find one eventually. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. I hope everyone has a great Friday. Bye 

Thursday Jeremy didn't get the job. He will find the right place. I just know it. I am.sorry Luna fell. Work was quiet.and I am staying caught up. Bet dead. I do get Monday off so that is nice. his first spider done tonight for Robin's Halloween. They are cool. I keep hoping is cools down a little bit. Have a nice Friday. Love mom


Jeramy heard back from his job and he didn't get it. They said he could work swing doing warehouse work but it's so far and it's swing shift so he's going to pass. He found a course at a technical college so he's going in to workforce services tomorrow to see what is possible. Luna fell on her chin and she has a bit of a fat lip but she will be fine. We bbq ribs for dinner then by the time we have bath time and tornado the house it was the end of the day. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday


Wednesday, July 20, 2022


 I am sorry about the job Karen, that was nice of them to send another job.  I am sorry Luna had a hard time also.  Change is hard.  I am glad the blood doctor was nice, I hope he can help.  Today was good.  We didn't make it to exercise class so I worked out at home.  The kids went to Emily's house and had a lemonade stand.  They only had one customer Emily's older brother but he paid them well.  They had a fun time and were happy.  Isaac made some madalines and they turned out really well.  They taste so good.   After dinner me, Oliver and Ruth went on  a walk.  It was a nice evening.  We saw a lot of people and it was good to talk.  We saw the lady who hires at kimberbell and I am pretty sure I have a job there.  It doesn't pay great but the hours are good and a lot of my friends work there.  

Love Rachel


 I worked from home today. I felt from the shot yesterday so it was nice to just move slow. We took dad to the blood doctor today and I liked him they are going to run some special blood tests on him. I feel better about that one. I did get my hair cut and I like it. Dad got his hair cut also. I am going into work the rest of the week. Karen I am glad they gave you another job. Robin I am sorry Luna was sad. That makes it hard to leave them. Good luck with jeramys job. I hope he hears tomorrow. Love mom


Sorry you didn't get your job Karen. Job searching is so hard. Luna had a really hard time when I dropped her off today at daycare. When I picked her up she was really clingy and wouldn't let me out of her sight all night. I think more teeth are coming in and she isn't feeling great. I think starting in a new class is hard its different and her favorite teacher doesn't get to start her day off. I think her teacher is also having a hard time lol they all miss her in the infant class


 Well I got an email saying I didn't get the job at Northrop. But they also sent me a link to another job that they thought I would be good for. So I applied for that. I got approval for my new insulin pump, so yeah. That is on order now. Work was busy so it went by fast. Other than that it was just the usual for a Wednesday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


 Happy anniversary Robin.  Today was good.  I walked and then sewed while the kids were still sleeping.  I finished the quilt for mom's friend.  While Ruth was at tumbling I went and got a back for it.  I was having a terrible time with my machine.  It was making a bad noise so I cleaned it and changed the needle.  That helped but then it was skipping stitches.  I had the wrong needle in I guess.  It is working great now.  Isaac had violin lessons and is doing really well.  He practices every day.  After dinner Casey ran to his dad's house to help him set up a plane ticket to go to California to visit the girls.  The kids have been playing with the sprinklers a lot which is great but creates a lot of laundry.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


Today was good. It was me and Jeramys anniversary. It's been 3 years. We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. Luna was wild and was all over the place. It rained again today so hopefully my grass starts to turn green. Jeramy had a second interview at the paper place. They said they will have a final decision by Friday. 


 I had a better day so that was good. I got my second shingles shot so hopefully I will never get shingles. They are nasty. We just vegged all night. I am working from home tomorrow. Dad is going to go see the blood doctor so that way I can work after he is done. I hope we get some answers. Karen I am glad you got your warts taken care of they are nasty also. I am glad tomorrow is hump day. Love mom


 Things are good here in Kamas. I had a foot doctor appointment this afternoon so I only worked half a day.  I had planter warts I couldn't get rid of.  Hopefully what she did works.  Then I went grocery shopping and came home.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, July 18, 2022


 I am sorry you had a rough day Mom.  Tomorrow can I only get better.  We ended up having a fun day.  I walked this morning and then went to exercise class.  The kids friends were their so they had fun.  We did drills and I love doing them.  It is so fun to run.  Afterwards we went to whips to get some pretzels and a drink.  We went to the library but it was closed for a ground breaking ceremony.  So we went to the park.  Their were a million kids which was fun.  My friend was there so we talked a while.  Oliver's friend Ewan and his little brother came over and played.  They all got a lot really well and had a good time.  After dinner we played outside and then watched a family movie.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


I just started the day off wrong and it kept going.  I took out a plant that was rotten and it leaked from my desk clear to the break room.  It made me cry and then I walked it off by going to buy coffees for everyone and they leaked.  I ate chocolate and I didn't like it and threw it away and it flew everywhere.  I had a really bad no good awful day.  Dad did get his computer today so that was fun.  I am glad it came a day early.  Luna looks just like the other kids.  That is a good thing.  She loves flashlights.  I know what to get her.  Karen I am glad your interview went well and Rachel I am glad you applied for a new job.  I hope my day goes better tomorrow.  LOVE MOM  


Today was good. Work was work. They move Luna to the older kid class today. I think she did ok. Then when we got home Jeramys sister stopped by and said hi for a minute. Then we had dinner and I gave Luna a bath. 



 I had my interview today so I only worked half day. They said I should hear something in a week or two. I still haven't heard anything from the other place yet either. It was nice having the afternoon off. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 

Sunday, July 17, 2022


 Thanks for the fun birthday weekend.  You guys are so sweet and I had such a fun time.  Thank you so much.  It was fun having Mom and Dad spend the night.  Dad showed Ruth how to mix cornstarch and water to make a non Newtonian substance and she thought that was amazing.  We made it again this afternoon.  I had to go to primary but it was fun to go.  We went out for lunch which room forever but tasted good.  We came home and Casey took a nap when the kids play.  I sewed for a while which was fun.  We went to Randy's house for dinner.  They got me a rocking camo chair which is awesome.  Casey and the kids made me a really nice cake.  We walked to the park and let the kids play for a while.  Love you guys and thanks for amazing birthday.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...