Saturday, July 23, 2022


 Today was good.  Isaac had to set up flags early this morning.  I got up and walked while he did that.  The church had a breakfast this morning so we went to that.  It was fun and good to talk to everyone.  We did some projects around the house.  We replaced the screens on the kids windows.  We fixed the towel rack in the backroom and it looks a lot better. Casey made Mac and cheese for lunch and he does a good job.  After dinner we went hiking uo right fork canyon.  A lady said their was a water fall but I didn't research it before we left.  The kids had fun running around and playing in the river.  We started to hike up the mountain.  Isaac was first then Oliver and I was behind him.  Oliver saw a snake by the trail which was pretty steep.  I looked at it and it was a rattlesnake.  The boys and Tony were above it and I went back down.  Casey safely scared it away a bit and then we got the boys down by going wide around it.  The kids were all upset it took a while to get everyone in a safe spot.  We stopped at Sonic on the way home for a snack.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad 

Love Rachel

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...