Saturday, October 29, 2016


Ruthie didn't sleep well last night so me and Casey were tired today but we still got a lot done.  This morning Kelly's car ran out of gas by our house.  Casey helped him get some gas and fed him some food.  It was good to see him.  Then we went to Sam's to get some stuff for the Kindergarten party and we had lunch their.  Casey dropped me and Ruth off so I could give her a nap and then went and got a valve to fix the toilet downstairs.  When they got back Casey mowed the lawn, me and the boys worked on getting the garden cleaned up.  We were taking out the weed barrier.  Isaac helped so much, he shoveled so much it was awesome.  He said he needed a break and went and jumped on the trampoline, it made me laugh.  When Casey was done he helped and we got it all done, yea.  Now we just need to level it out.  Casey drove the van and the trailer in the backyard and a valve burst on the van's tire.  So after dinner he put the spare on and is now fixing the tire.  He also fixed the toilet, he was on fire.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom.  Isaac was so happy all day after talking with you, thanks.  Nice lego Karen.


Isaac wrote all the letter, with the vowels in red

The garden torn apart

What a day

Today was another busy day. I woke up and cleaned my apt. A bit. It was getting scary. Then I went to lagoon. Curtis was sick so I took his night gig at fearcon. Then the girl needed clown makeup for another gig last minute. So I went and did that. Tomorrow is my last day at lagoon. It's bitter sweet. The girls at work want to us my dicount passes. And a girls fiance is a manager at mega plex. So we are waking up and seeing the last girl on the train then heading up to lagoon. I figured I would do makeup and then just stay and play for a bit. It's suppose to rain so I am not sure how long we will stay. But anywho. Have a good one. Hope you feel better soon mom.



My Saturday has been good. I got to sleep in. Then i put my lego together. I put a picture below. I made tacos for dinner and that tasted really good. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Quiet day

It was a quiet day for me.  Literally speaking.  I tried really hard not to talk too much and I think my voice is better tonight. We did go to Shopko and walk around for a little while.  They also had a Halloween City next door so we walked around there.  I was amazed at how picked over everything for Halloween at Shopko was.  They already had 70 percent on all their stuff.  I also got my hair cut.  That felt really nice.  I needed to get that done.  Well we are off to Logan tomorrow for Halloween.  I am looking forward to the fun time.  Robin do you work on Sunday night a Lagoon?  I wasn't sure when your last day was.  Have a wonderful holiday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, October 28, 2016

No miracle

Well the humidifier didn't cure my voice.  I was very disappointed.  Robin, I am so glad you made it through October.  You have earned a quiet month for sure.  Karen thanks for hooking up with us tonight.  I had a lot of fun.  Good luck with you new lego.  Rachel, I hope the kids are feeling better and that you have a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM


Well my Friday was good. Work was good. At the end of the day it was decided somehow that I needed 2 moniters for my computer. I was okay with just one, but now I have 2. Then after work I met mom and dad in Park City. We had dinner and i gave mom the wallet, so she can take it up to Logan. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


I was so glad today was friday. This week was a long week. It's my last weekend of frightmares :) yeah!! Curtis is sick so tomorrow I am filling I for him for a gig. It's for fearcon. I have no idea what I'm doing or  where to go, so I'm just going with it. I will leave after lagoon makeup. So not much else another crazy week ahead


Thursday, October 27, 2016

so close

Well I had decided to go to insta care because I sound so awful.  We went there but there was an hour wait so we picked up drugs and bought a humidifier.  I am hoping that will cure me.  I love the pictures Rachel.  You are getting good.  I am glad you got a break today.  That is always fun.  We went out for lunch today for a farewell and I had soup.  It tasted really good.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday.  My boss is out of town until Tuesday so that is nice.  But then I am going to Logan on Monday so that is good for me.  Everyone have a nice Friday.  Last weekend of Frightmares.  You will have to make a really good monster Robin.  LOVE MOM


I hope that you are feeling better Mom.  I finished your Halloween game quilt.  It turned out cuter than the picture I think.  Isaac really liked it.  I volunteered at the school this morning and Randy was sweet and came and watched the kids.  It went good at school, she had the kids do math on ipads in my group.  It is pretty cool.  Watching Isaac do everything he does really well but he goes slow.  He is super cute.  Oliver and Ruth had a fun time.  Oliver really wanted to go up to his house so they went.  I had to run some errands so me and Ruthie did that.  She fell asleep in the car since she didn't sleep well again.  It was my carpool day so I picked up the kids and then Isaac wanted to go to Grandpa's house too so I dropped him off and took Ruthie home to finish her nap.  She didn't sleep much longer so we ran more errands.  It was nice to go with just one kid.  When Casey got home we went up and picked up the kids.  Ivy was their so we got to hold her, she is so tiny and cute.  When we got home Casey mowed the lawn until it was too dark.  When we were outside the light was good so I took some pictures of the kids.  Ruthie fell asleep in her high chair so I put her to bed early.  Sorry to ramble I hope that everyone had a good day.



I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Today was good. There was a pumpkin craving contest at work today. I was lazy though so I did not crave one. There were treats also so that was good. Mom I hope your voice gets better soon. You sound terrible. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


I'm glad you liked the picture of ruth. It was fun to mess around in photoshop. She is so cute. Today was good. I decided to get my oil changed. I have been driving alot and I just wanted my car to be happy. I also liked these air brushes at lagoon and I found one on ebay so I bought it with the joe money. I'm excited to get it. Well not.much else have a good night


Waved the white flag

I had no voice this morning and just was so tired.  I stayed home and didn't even wake up until 2.  Then I took a nap.  I never even got dressed.  This is kicking my butt.  That is neat that Isaac can read those words.  WOW he is moving so fast.  Karen, I hope you got some rest also.  Robin just 5 more days and October is over with.  You did it!!!!!  I am going to try and work tomorrow. We are having a farewell luncheon for someone who quit.  I need to be there.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Wednesday already

I am sorry that you aren't feeling good Mom.  I hope that resting helped.  Robin made an amazing picture of Ruthie, I put it on the blog.  Thank you so much Robin.  Ruthie and Isaac didn't sleep well last night so we were all kind of tired this morning but we had a good day.  Isaac got an award for knowing the first twenty sight words and they sent home a book for him to read and he can read it.  It is so amazing.  I had a PTA meeting for the Halloween party and it went good.  Some of the Mom's knew what to do and we were wiped into shape.   I guess their is a costume parade before the party that we can go and watch Mom, I thought that would be fun.  We had the neighbor kids over kids over for a while, they are pretty wild.  We had stuff to do so we sent them home and went and got some stuff for our hitch and then picked up the trailer from Randy's so Casey can mow the lawn.  We ate dinner at Panda for the kids.  It was too late when we got home to mow the lawn so maybe tomorrow.  Last night Ruthie has been standing up a lot.  Oliver likes to be a baby and copy her, so he would stand up and I would clap for him and then he would fall down.  It was so funny.  Everyone enjoy your night.



Well my day has been good. I hope that you are feeling better mom. I did get my laundry done tonight. Yeah for clean clothes. I am tired today so i am going to go to bed early.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

If I only had a voice

My voice was bad today.  I hope it gets better soon.  Work was good, It was just long and then we came home and I just vegged.  I was worn out.  Rachel, I love the pictures.  They are darling.  Way to go!!!! You are getting really good.  Robin, I love the Halloween costumes.  You have had one fun filled October.  You will have to get a lot of pictures of the costumes you made.  Karen I am glad all is well in Kamas.  Thanks for getting Christmas Carol tickets.  Everyone have a great Wednesday.  I can't believe that October is almost over with.  LOVE MOM

Picture Overload

I like your costume Robin, good job.  Isaac got his school picture back today and it turned out cute, I have a wallet for everyone.  This morning the RV kids next door we over on our front lawn all morning and wanted to play.  Isaac was at school so we went to the library for story time to get out a bit.  It was fun, Ruthie wanted to sit on the mat with everyone.  The story time lady had scarfs and Ruthie loved them.  I need to get some.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that was fun.  Her daughter is dating someone and she caught me up on all that was happening.  This evening was the ward fall festival.  Ruthie costume arrived just in time and she was so cute in it.  The boys costumes were perfect and fit great.  They loved them and they looked cute.  I took some pictures but Oliver wasn't interested so their aren't many of him.  The fall festival wasn't great but it was fun to get out and I think that the kids had fun.


Stay off

That is cute about isaac. It reminds me of the halloween rant. I can only imagine how worked up he was over thr lawn. I'm glad you guys had a good weekend. Sorry I didn't blog I had the night off. I was working on halloween then fell asleep. It was nice to sleep. Today was chill. I am tired.of working. I'm glad it's my last week at lagoon. :) I just worked on more halloween costumes tonight. Have a good one


Love it

Rachel that was the best picture ever. I love the sign. It made me laugh so hard. My day was good. I had meetings today so that took up a good chunk of the day. I also mailed my ballot in today, so yeah i voted. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, October 24, 2016


Randy came by to visit last night and he tried Karen's beef jerky and he said it was the best beef jerky he has every tasted and that you should sell it.  It is pretty good, thank Karen.  Today Isaac's class went to the pumpkin walk.  I didn't walk up with them but drove up and walk around the pumpkin walk with them.  It was a lot of fun and I am glad that we did it.  Then we went grocery shopping which is good to have done.  Casey's shoes came and they fit and look awesome, thank you.  They had to drive on our lawn to fix the power lines and they had to again this weekend to pick up the wood.  Isaac was upset about it and wrote a note it says do not drive on lawn.  Then he drew scary faces and put them all over the lawn.  He ended up taking them inside so they wouldn't get ruined.  It was pretty cute.  Everyone enjoy your evening and here are a million pictures of our fun weekend.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...