Today was another busy day. I woke up and cleaned my apt. A bit. It was getting scary. Then I went to lagoon. Curtis was sick so I took his night gig at fearcon. Then the girl needed clown makeup for another gig last minute. So I went and did that. Tomorrow is my last day at lagoon. It's bitter sweet. The girls at work want to us my dicount passes. And a girls fiance is a manager at mega plex. So we are waking up and seeing the last girl on the train then heading up to lagoon. I figured I would do makeup and then just stay and play for a bit. It's suppose to rain so I am not sure how long we will stay. But anywho. Have a good one. Hope you feel better soon mom.
I was so glad today was friday. This week was a long week. It's my last weekend of frightmares :) yeah!! Curtis is sick so tomorrow I am filling I for him for a gig. It's for fearcon. I have no idea what I'm doing or where to go, so I'm just going with it. I will leave after lagoon makeup. So not much else another crazy week ahead
I'm glad you liked the picture of ruth. It was fun to mess around in photoshop. She is so cute. Today was good. I decided to get my oil changed. I have been driving alot and I just wanted my car to be happy. I also liked these air brushes at lagoon and I found one on ebay so I bought it with the joe money. I'm excited to get it. Well not.much else have a good night
That is cute about isaac. It reminds me of the halloween rant. I can only imagine how worked up he was over thr lawn. I'm glad you guys had a good weekend. Sorry I didn't blog I had the night off. I was working on halloween then fell asleep. It was nice to sleep. Today was chill. I am tired.of working. I'm glad it's my last week at lagoon. :) I just worked on more halloween costumes tonight. Have a good one
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...