Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday already

I am sorry that you aren't feeling good Mom.  I hope that resting helped.  Robin made an amazing picture of Ruthie, I put it on the blog.  Thank you so much Robin.  Ruthie and Isaac didn't sleep well last night so we were all kind of tired this morning but we had a good day.  Isaac got an award for knowing the first twenty sight words and they sent home a book for him to read and he can read it.  It is so amazing.  I had a PTA meeting for the Halloween party and it went good.  Some of the Mom's knew what to do and we were wiped into shape.   I guess their is a costume parade before the party that we can go and watch Mom, I thought that would be fun.  We had the neighbor kids over kids over for a while, they are pretty wild.  We had stuff to do so we sent them home and went and got some stuff for our hitch and then picked up the trailer from Randy's so Casey can mow the lawn.  We ate dinner at Panda for the kids.  It was too late when we got home to mow the lawn so maybe tomorrow.  Last night Ruthie has been standing up a lot.  Oliver likes to be a baby and copy her, so he would stand up and I would clap for him and then he would fall down.  It was so funny.  Everyone enjoy your night.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...