Monday, October 24, 2016


Randy came by to visit last night and he tried Karen's beef jerky and he said it was the best beef jerky he has every tasted and that you should sell it.  It is pretty good, thank Karen.  Today Isaac's class went to the pumpkin walk.  I didn't walk up with them but drove up and walk around the pumpkin walk with them.  It was a lot of fun and I am glad that we did it.  Then we went grocery shopping which is good to have done.  Casey's shoes came and they fit and look awesome, thank you.  They had to drive on our lawn to fix the power lines and they had to again this weekend to pick up the wood.  Isaac was upset about it and wrote a note it says do not drive on lawn.  Then he drew scary faces and put them all over the lawn.  He ended up taking them inside so they wouldn't get ruined.  It was pretty cute.  Everyone enjoy your evening and here are a million pictures of our fun weekend.


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