Saturday, April 23, 2016

Nice day

I slept in today and then we met up with Karen for El Matador.  It tasted so good.  Thank you Karen.  We drove up to Logan afterwards and played with the kids for awhile.  Ruthie has the cold.  She is such a good baby.  It was fun.  The rain was nice.  Robin that sucks that you have to work all weekend.  I hope you get some rest during the day. I resemble the stress remark by the way.   LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. I was craving Mexican food today, so I asked if mom and dad wanted to meet me at El Matador for lunch. It tasted good. After i stopped at Walmart and got some apples. Then i took a nap when i got at home. It was a nice day. I hope everyone had a great Saturday.

Friday, April 22, 2016


I was so glad it was friday. A girl at scheels quit so now they want me to work sunday. I was only suppose to work saturday. I am kinda pissed but I guess it's money. Walter came over and we had iceburg for dinner. It was greasy and my stomach didn't enjoy it. Lol so not to much else with me. Those snow cones looked delicious :)


Long week

This was a long week.  I am glad it is over.  The wind gave me a headache also.  I love the clips in Ruthie's hair.  Those were a good choice.  I am sorry she has the cough.  That is so hard.  Not much going on with me.  Everyone have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that the weekend is here. My allergies were bad today.  It was super windy today so that may have had something to do with it. Work went good. It was a quiet day. Have a great Saturday everyone.

Shades of pink

I love the quilt Robin, thank you so much for making that for her.  It is beautiful.  I hope that your machine is working better.  Today while I was getting Ruthie dressed I noticed how many different shades of pink their are and it made me laugh.  Poor Ruthie is getting the cold and has a cough at night.  I am hoping it doesn't get too bad.  We had a lazy day today which was nice, the boys needed it.  Around lunch time Casey came home from work, the smoke was making him cough too much and they had him come home.  He watched the kids while I ran some errands which was really nice, it was fun to go by myself.  Casey mowed the lawn today and he helped a kid from his work with his car.  It was really nice of him.  It was a windy day so we didn't go out too much.  I am sad it is going to be cold weather again.


Thursday, April 21, 2016


Well I finally mowed my lawn tonight. It really needed to be done and since it is suppose to rain I thought I should do it today. I did see new shoots for my raspberries. I did take the 6th off. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Bye

Clip board of fun

Karen said she was taking Friday off.  WE are in for one fun weekend.  I am way excited.  Rachel I forgot to say how much I love your new quilt, it is beautiful.  Work was really busy again.  I was in meetings most of the day.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  That is fun that you went to Jimmy Johns.  It is suppose to rain this weekend.  I wish it would rain during the week and be nice over the weekends.  I am so glad that Oliver is feeling better.  I do love the green and sunshine.  Our fan in the living room wouldn't turn on so we went to Lowe's and got a new fan tonight.  It feels really nice.  Dad has athlete's foot bad.  I hope it clears up soon.  LOVE MOM


Robin, thanks for taking time off, that will be a lot of fun.  I like the plan Mom and am on board.  Isaac didn't sleep well last night so he was emotional today.  Oliver was a lot better, we went on a walk this evening and he was chatting and the old Oliver.  Casey has made two batches of cinnamon  rolls using white wheat and didn't like them.  So he bought some store bought flour and made them again tonight with Isaac and they were really good and then had fun making them.  Tiffany was super sweet and sent us a package.  It had a cute bird whistle that chips that the boys loved and Casey's old baby blanket, his Mr Cutie.  She also sent money so Isaac wants to save it for the millennium falcon and Oliver is saving his for a big prize also.  It is fun getting mail.  Well I am excited for the quilt fair.  It will be a lot of fun.



Today was so pretty. Everything is green. Work went well we went to jimmy johns for lunch. It was Customer appreciation day and sandwiches were only 1.00. The line was so long but they make sandwich fast so it wasn't to bad. I meet up with walter for dinner we ate outside at sonic since it was so pretty outside. Then I came home and finished ruth's quilt. I also did laundry. Did you hear prince died?? He was only 57. So crazy . Hope everyone has a good one


Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Good job on the quilt Rachel it's really pretty. I took friday and Saturday off both jobs because I could so I'm free both days may 6th and 7th. Today was good nothing to crazy. I worked at scheels and time actually went by fast so that was nice. Not to much else with me.


It's Done

I finished my red quilt and I love it, it turned out really pretty.  I attached pictures.  We planted peas and I put of picture of that on also.  Casey wasn't feeling good today so he stayed home, poor thing.  Oliver and Isaac were pretty grouchy but we made it through.  Isaac woke up at 6:30 really upset and never went back to sleep.  Last night he was upset and wanted to go on a walk around the block so we did.  It was a really pretty night and it turned out to be fun.  I had Isaac go to school today and he had a fun time.  I had Oliver rest with Casey and me and Ruth ran some errands.  The boys were grouchy so we got some nuggets for lunch and took them to the park to get out a bit.  It was nice to be outside.  Then we rested the rest of the afternoon.  My visiting teacher came over after dinner and then we played outside the rest of the evening.  I am loving this weather, it is to have it warm again.


Is it Friday

This has seemed like a long week to me.  I only have two more days.  I drove today because I had to go to work early.  Not much else going on with me.  I was forming a plan for quilt show weekend.  I was going to ask Kay and Julie for a dinner night out on Thursday night. I was thinking Fat Cats.  Then I was thinking of taking Friday off and going to the quilt show.  Saturday I thought quilt show and then either the zoo or aviary later in the day.  I am not sure about the zoo because I think that is the first day they are showing off the baby lions.  I will have to look into that.  How do you feel about that plan.  It can be subject to change just a rough draft to get the creative minds planning a weekend of quilting fun.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Robin its sounds impressive that you are doing senior reports. I hope doing senor stuff isn't too stressful.  My day has been good. I did have to go to a quality meeting, but i made it thru. I am going to have my lawn soon. Have a great day everyone.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Today was good I started actually doing the "senior"reoprts this week instead of watching so that made time go by faster. Then Walter came over and I made stroganoff. After he left I feel sound asleep. I was so tired. I hope I can sleep tonight :/ double edge sword to a nap. Well not much else I work at scheels tomorrow so it will be a slow nigh



Well my day was good. Work is just the usual. Then after work my visiting teacher came over. She brought her two year old with her so we went out in the backyard and played for a while. It was fun. Then when they were on the way out he saw my Apple Jacks sitting on the counter, so I made him a baggie to take home. Rachel I have a ton of dandelions in my yard also. It must be a bad year for them. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

And I am glad

I am so glad the kids are getting better.  Today at work they said that the flu was still going around and Robin you weren't around the kids long enough to get them sick.  Today was good.  Work was crazy but only 3 more days and the new admin starts and it will help.  Not much else going on with us.  WE did finish up the puzzle.  Karen we made some sausages tonight with au gratin potatoes.  It was really good.  Have a nice hump day.  I have to go into work early so it is going to be a long day.  LOVE MOM


Robin, I don't think you got anyone sick.  We haven't seen you recently.  I am not sure where they got it.  I think everyone is on the mend.  We were able to go outside for a while and go on walk which was nice to get out.  Oliver is still the worst one but he hasn't fevered and is getting better.  He is super grouchy though.  Casey planted peas and painted the garage door today, he called in sick to help with the kids.  It was really nice to have him home.  I got the front flower bed weeded which looks better.  Well everyone enjoy this warm weather and have a good night.


Monday, April 18, 2016


Well my day was good. Work is moving along. I got Isaac's and Oliver's pictures in the mail. So i called to say thank you. Isaac told me that I was supposed to send a thank you card in the mail and then he would send one back and on and on. It made me laugh. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday. Bye


I'm sorry oliver is sick. I'm sorry if he caught my bug. Hopefully he feels better quick. Today was good nothing to crazy. I mailed off the collar to the girl today and she paid me through PayPal. It was kinda fun. She wants me to make a head dress with feathers. So I'm pricing it out to see if it's with her budget. Then I worked on Walters cushions. He got a cool rocking chair but the cushions were terrible. So I made new ones. When I get them over to his place I will take a picture. Well have a good night


Dear Daniel Tiger

Oliver is still pretty sick but Isaac seems to be a bit better.  I have been giving both of them a decongestant and vick's and it seems to be really helping them.  Oliver was playing around this evening and that was good to see.  I hope that tomorrow will be better for him.  Casey called in sick and I kept Isaac home from school.  It was good to have Casey here, he held Oliver all day and then I could hold Ruthie.  Randy and Terry brought over some chicken soup for dinner which was sweet of them.  This evening Isaac started to say that Daniel Tiger was singing the opening song wrong.  It is "wont you ride along with me" and they say "won chou ride along with me".  He was adamant that we write them a letter and ask them to sing it right.  Casey and him wrote and letter and Isaac signed it.  It was so funny.  I had Ruthie in her new red dress but it was too cold so we changed her.  I don't have a picture of Ollie since he was sick.  Thanks for everything.



Well, I made it through Monday.  I tried not to work so much over time today and I think it was good.  We went grocery shopping and were home by 5:45.  I will probably still work a little bit over but I am going to try and cut back.  I feel so bad that the boys aren't feeling well.  I am so worried about Oliver. I sure hope he gets feeling better soon.  Karen, I have been enjoying my treats I got at Costco.  They are good.  Robin, I hope you had a good day.  It sure was a pretty day outside.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM

Sunday, April 17, 2016


I am sorry that everyone is sick at your place Rachel. That sucks. My day was good. I met mom, dad, and grandma for lunch and a Costco run. It was fun. I got me some new pans there. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


That collar is really beautiful Robin, that is neat that someone found you and wanted one.  Good job.  Oliver fevered all night last night and this morning so Casey took him to instacare and he had strep. We were worried that Isaac had it also so I took Isaac and Ruth in and myself and got checked.  We didn't have it so that was good.  She said that Isaac and Oliver had cold symptoms also.  Casey got us hamburgers for dinner and they tasted really good.  Not much else going on.  I am hoping that everyone starts feeling better.  Karen, I got Ruthie some hair clips with her gift card and they are supper cute, thanks.



I know that is a deep subject.  WE had a nice day.  We went to the Valley Fair Mall for lunch with grandma and met up with Karen.  WE went to Costco and that was nice.  I really like their fruit snacks there.  WE came home and chilled.  We started a puzzle we bought yesterday in Logan.  It is Beauty and the Beast and I have been singing that song all night.  I might have to watch the movie.  Rachel, I am so glad you took Oliver in.  Strep Throat is nothing to mess around with.  He will start feeling better really soon.  Cold and strep you are in for a long week.  It was really windy here today.  Everyone have a nice Monday.  TAX Day. Robin Walter has a lot of stuff for not having anything.  It might take him some time to figure out where it all goes. I also so enjoy those funny sayings.  LOVE MOM

Back to it

Today was ok. I had to work at scheels so I was bored. Then walters parents wanted to see his place so they took us to sizzler for dinner and saw his place. I just took a picture of the place sitting in a chair. His place is still putting it together. Not much with me have a good monday



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...