Monday, April 18, 2016

Dear Daniel Tiger

Oliver is still pretty sick but Isaac seems to be a bit better.  I have been giving both of them a decongestant and vick's and it seems to be really helping them.  Oliver was playing around this evening and that was good to see.  I hope that tomorrow will be better for him.  Casey called in sick and I kept Isaac home from school.  It was good to have Casey here, he held Oliver all day and then I could hold Ruthie.  Randy and Terry brought over some chicken soup for dinner which was sweet of them.  This evening Isaac started to say that Daniel Tiger was singing the opening song wrong.  It is "wont you ride along with me" and they say "won chou ride along with me".  He was adamant that we write them a letter and ask them to sing it right.  Casey and him wrote and letter and Isaac signed it.  It was so funny.  I had Ruthie in her new red dress but it was too cold so we changed her.  I don't have a picture of Ollie since he was sick.  Thanks for everything.


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