We made it home safe and sound. It was a really nice day. We had a good time. I had never been to the Olympic Center. I loved watching them do ski lifts into the pool. That was good. Thanks for the nice birthday Rachel. Karen I think you are going to love the Kindle. It will be interesting to see if you love it the way Rachel does. Robin is was nice to see you. You look really good. Karen we didn't look for a dress for you. There is never enough time. We did however find a little time to get a few things for Little Johnny as Casey calls him. Well have a great sunday. I will let you know if they make dad a High Priest or not.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Well i hope that you had a good birthday Rachel. And I hope that everyone else had a good day also. My day has been good, but hot (big surprise I know). I did break down and buy a kindle. I am sure that Rachel might have mentioned it today. I also got my laundry done. Which is good because I was running out of clean clothes. Well I hope that everyone has a great Sunday.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Happy Birthday
Well nothing to exciting with me, I worked at lagoon. I can't believe its so hot karen. I think its funny everyone waits for summer to do things and then its to hot to move. :) thats life. You will probably freeze in the bahamas. I am excited for tomorrow it will be fun. I am excited to see the three layer cake. I hope it stays up. ;) anyway see you tomorrow
Rachel's Birthday
I am excited for Rachel's birthday. I hope we have a good time. WOW you have had a great birthday so far. Good luck Karen with the heat. 5 more weeks Karen I am so excited for you. You are going to have so much fun. Robin we will pick you up around 2:00. We got the brakes off the wheelchair and it seems to be good. Grandma is excited to come. I tried out the steam I bought to clean the floors and it seems to work good. It seems cleaner in here and no chemicals. I am going to do the carpets downstairs a couple of times and see if it will look better. I am not sure it will work on the stairs but I am going to experiment.
Have a good weekend.
Have a good weekend.
I had a good day, they decorated my cubicle at work today and yesterday they made me a great cake. The also made me a awesome card dealing with the IT crowd, it was really funny. Everyone has been really nice to me. Karen, I am excited for your present. I wish that I had a hint though. I am excited for tomorrow, it will be a fun day. Casey is making me a three layer cake right now, and it smells really good. If everyone wants we can stop by my apartment after everything and have some cake and icecream. Casey signed me up a while ago to be a member of the noodles and Co club and they emailed me a free meal for my birthday so we went there for dinner tonight. It was fun. Thanks for everything.
Happy almost brthday
Rachel, Happy (almost) birthday. Since I didn't have your address (and because you peek) I mailed your gift to mom so that she could give it to you tomorrow. I hope that you all have a great time in Park City. My day was good. I love paydays. At the end of the day the engineers started playing with some strong magnets that they had. All I have to say about people who working in engineering is that we are all easily entertained. Well it is suppose to be 111 here all weekend. I may not be going outside much. If anyone but me is counting down to my trip there is just 5 weeks left. I am excited. Well Have a great weekend everyone.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I'm sorry its so hot karen that is crazy. Your baby pictures are really cute rachel I'm glad that he's doing well. On saturday that would be good to pick me up at the apartment. Then we can celebrate rachel's birthday. Now to find where I put those presents hmmmm what did I get again.... mmmmmm I hope its cool. :) well Today I helped out on the student film so it was a pretty easy day nothing to extravagant. I work at lagoon tomorrow. well Have a great friday. don't work to hard
Rachel thanks for posting the pictures they are amazing. He is beautiful. Grandma also wanted you to know how much she loved them. We went to Fred Meyers today and they were having a baby sale so I bought a couple of things. It is so much fun. I can hardly wait for the outlet stores. That will be so much fun. Do you want me to bring what I bought or do you want to wait. It is up to you. Kay says we need to look at baby or us and get a wish list for the showers. Karen 110 that is soooooooooooooooo hot. You are going to have to be a night person for sure. This is such a hard time of year for you. Robin we will pick you up at the apartment if that is OK. I bought grandma a wheelchair today to take with us so we can go a lot more places with her. I thought that would make the day fun. The brakes are broken but I am just going to take them off and then it will be great. It was a used one. Not much else to report Jared mowed my lawn today. LOVE MOM
Hmmm..Rachel needs a hint. Well it is a surprise. Does that help? Well there is a heat advisory here today from 2 pm this afternoon to 9 pm tomorrow. It is currently 110 outside. I decided to go grocery shopping after work and I think that I need to change my shopping time to midnight. Oh well at least I got it done. Now if I could just my laundry done life would be good. Well I better go. have a great Friday tomorrow. BYE
Sorry I have been a slacker on putting the picture of the baby up. We fell asleep last night and I am slow. Here are a couple of pictures. To help Robin remeber what is happening on Saturday, it is my BIRTHDAY!!!! :) Karen I need a hint on what you got me too. Just a little clue to help me along. I am excited for my birthday it will be really fun. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
think think think
It will be fun to see everyone this weekend. I will be done with my photo shoot at one so that will be perfect timing to meet up at two. I think that it will be fun, I just wish I could remember what I need to bring for that day. I know that there is something I was going to bring but I can't remember what I did with the "important top secret" thing. :) hum o well.... Well today was good nothing to crazy just the same. Some one else called me to work on another movie. I feel like I am over booked. I guess its a good thing it just gets to be a juggling war after a bit. Well have a great night
remember remember
My whole email was erased. What's up with that. Robin I am glad your car got fixed and hope you remember what you are forgetting because we are coming to get you around 2:30. Rachel can you tell Casey that I don't have a title they didn't make them back then for bikes. I will double check however. Jon and Alycia came and visited tonight with Hunter. It was so nice. I miss our big sunday dinners they were fun. I am going to have to babyproof my house. I have cleaning supplies everywhere. Robin is right we do have the best family ever.
Robin it sounds like you had an interesting day. I am glad that you got rescued. My day was pretty good. We had a repair guy to fix our printer and he was a trail. He has been there several times to fix a problem and he never seems to get it fixed. Oh well he is coming back tomorrow so maybe this time it will get fixed. I think that you are right about something happening this week Robin. If you remember be sure to tell me. I would hate to forget something. Oh well I am sure that it will come to me or something will remind me. Well I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
greatest family
Thanks everyone for saving me so many times your the best family!!! :) today I dropped my car off and thought it would be a one hour deal but nope it was an all day thing. So casey rescued me and then dad helped me pick up my car. Thanks for helping me. ;) then a girl at work asked me to go see despicable me. It was really cute, and I got in for free since she works there also so double bonus. :) Oh Rachel I thought of another cute name Braydon. I just heard it today and thought it was cute.. :) I'm glad that you have a fun roommate to stay with Karen. It makes a trip a whole lot better when you know a few peeps. Well tomorrow I work at lagoon and then I am going to check out the space for my photo shoot. man time is cruising. I can't believe its tuesday. I know something big is happening this weekend but I can't quite remember.... I hope it comes to me by saturday..... :)
love you
Keep on "Trucking
Rachel that is so cool you got to hear some of their songs. It is nice to walk around. Karen you are amazing. I am so proud of you for going on the cruise. You are going to make some life long friends. Robin I am glad your car is fixed. That is always good. Not much going on here. I did box a few more boxes today and laundry. Dad made it safe and sound to SLC. I took grandma to Kohls and she is getting bad. I had to get a wheelchair halfway through. She just couldn't walk anymore and started jerking around. It kind of scared me. I bought a Tigger for CJ (Casey Junior). That was fun. I bought him some clothes also. He is going to have to wear an outfit an hour at the rate I am going. I might need to slow down a bit. I am just so excited. Nothing else to report. LOVE MOM
Is he a nut case?
Guess what movie that one is from. Well my day was good. I called a girl who was looking for a roommate for a hotel room the night before the cruise. SO I am going to share a room with her. She sounds really nice. WEll it was hot and windy here, not a big surprise really. Work was good. Nothing too exciting. I moved my old ecr's and eco's up stair to make room for new ones. Wow exciting I know. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Bare Naked Ladies
Today was good, work was busy and went fast. I had to work an extra hour so it wasn't too bad. Casey saw that the Bare Naked Ladies were playing at the Red Bute Garden so we went up. The tickets were 40 dollars so we just walked up the canyon, it was really nice. It felt good to walk around. We did hear a couple of their good song and I saw them from a distance. It was fun. Well I hope that everyone had a good day and stayed safe.
PS It is almost my Birthday :)
PS It is almost my Birthday :)
Monday, July 12, 2010
what a day
Well today was out of control. x pose called me to work so I traded my shift at lagoon so I could work for them since I get paid more. So I worked at 9 to about 3:30 then My air brush really hit the can the other night while I was practicing for my photoshoot. So I had to go get another one so I have one for frightmares and my photoshoot. Then my car started to make a squeek noise. Casey said its a baring on my tire so I am going to wake up early and fix it tomorrow. Whew. I made it alive. I'm glad that you are having a boy rachel he looks like a cutie on the pictures. ;) well have a great night
Well it is hot here today. I think that you dehydrate as soon as you walk out of the ac. I am excited Rachel about your little boy. I am going to have to start buying boy toys. Well my day was good, but I am a little tired today. The people above started thumping around their apartment in the middle of the night for about 20 minutes. It was annoying and interrupted my sleep. Oh well, I bet that I sleep well tonight. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, July 11, 2010
sunday funday
Well I worked at lagoon this morning and then I came home and took a cat nap. I was running low. It was nice to have a slow evening. Tomorrow x-pose asked me to work so I am going to work for them most of the day. So hopefully its not to chaotic but I think it should go well. I'm glad that you got your carpet mom. I think you will feel alot better about that. the old carpet always was a bother. Well I hope everyone has a great monday don't work to hard
Karen, thanks for the pictures. It is fun to see them all, you have an awesome camera. Sorry I didn't blog last night, I didn't get home until late. It was a good day yesterday, the shower was really nice and Vickie got some nice things. Then we went or to Juiles and visited for a while. Since Casey was in Logan helping Dad, I drove with Mom and Grandma back to Logan. It was fun to spend time with them. Casey got to work in the yard a bit and that was fun. Today we went to church and then came home an took a nap. We were both tired. It is reall hot today, we droped Casey car up at his work so he could ride his bike. We were going to go on a hike but it was hot. We watched Alien and Aliens today. I hadn't ever really seen them. They are good. Well I am glad that everyone had a good weekend. Mom and Dad's carpet looks really nice, I like it alot.
Lookin good
Robin I am sorry you had such a busy day. The picture looked good though. The carpet looks really nice. The vinyl downstairs is nice also. I am hoping tomorrow that dad will cut the baseboards for the bathroom and then it is all done YEAH. Just straighten up and clean and then I am done. That feels really nice. The shower went well I thought. Vickie was over a 1/2 hour late but other than that it went well. The room was really nice and the food was good. Casey helped us move things back into place. Thanks for that I do appreciate it. I am watering the lawn today it seems like the only time I every have to water lately. I need to be better at that one. I did get a nap also. That felt nice I was so tired. Well have a great Sunday. I will have to get my camera out and take pictures of the carpet. I just quite remember how to do that.
Rachel keep telling me that I to post photos from my new camera so here they are
These are the ducks Rachel was feeding at first dam.
And this is a panorama of a trail down here.
Well my day has been good. So far I have just gone to church and eaten lunch but now I am really going to buckle down and take a nap. have a great day everyone
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...