Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Keep on "Trucking

Rachel that is so cool you got to hear some of their songs. It is nice to walk around. Karen you are amazing. I am so proud of you for going on the cruise. You are going to make some life long friends. Robin I am glad your car is fixed. That is always good. Not much going on here. I did box a few more boxes today and laundry. Dad made it safe and sound to SLC. I took grandma to Kohls and she is getting bad. I had to get a wheelchair halfway through. She just couldn't walk anymore and started jerking around. It kind of scared me. I bought a Tigger for CJ (Casey Junior). That was fun. I bought him some clothes also. He is going to have to wear an outfit an hour at the rate I am going. I might need to slow down a bit. I am just so excited. Nothing else to report. LOVE MOM

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