Thursday, March 28, 2024


 The repair guy came around 830 and left at 430. It took some time. It was a big job. The water softener was only go8 g to one if the water heaters so most of the house didn't have soft water. Dad helped them map out a plan to fix everything. It looks a lot better. We were late leaving and it was snowing. We missed the Easter egg party but did make it for dinner. Luna has been so cute tonight. We played everything. I rocked her to sleep. Rachel drive safe tomorrow. Love mom


Today was good. It was my work Easter egg hunt. It was cold but we made it. Luna had a fun time. Mom and dad came down after the water heater fix and met us up for dinner. Then they took Luna. I put together one of her Easter presents. I'm taking tomorrow off so that will be lovely. I'm getting my hair cut



 Today was good and work went a lot better which was nice.  I and a meeting before school and the kids were really good to get ready early.  After school Ruth had a playdate with Clara.  They played really cute together and were so silly.  We did that new puzzle together.  Ruth had piano lessons.  Oliver's teacher was sick.  We made dinner and Isaac had a tab activity tonight.  He rode his bike so he could leave when he wanted to.  He hates when I pick him up.  I skipped exercise class and helped Casey with some Data from work.  Casey also took Ruth on a bike ride.  We are coming down tomorrow and are spending the night.  Thanks for having us for Easter Robin.

Love Rachel 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


 I am sorry about your water heater.  That sucks.  I am glad they can come so soon to replace it.  Today was good.  It was cold so we couldn't ride bikes.  Work was fine.  I am not great at classroom management but it is fine.  Ruth won a whips gift card so we went when we picked up Oliver.  The boys were wild at the soda place and it made me mad which wasn't good of me to do.  Casey and Oliver had activity days.  Ruth does also but she also has tumbling at the same time.  She really wanted to go to activity days so she went.  Isaac didn't have young men's so he went to help.  I worked on Tableu and the went to exercise class.  It was high and so much fun.

Love Rachel 


 We had a big busy day. The water heater wasn't working and so we had someone come look at it. It was leaking. They are coming tomorrow to put in a new one and put a new rod in the other one so it won't wear out. It made me stressed so we went to key bank and got money for the Easter egg hunt and then we went to jimmy John's for lunch. We decided to go to lowes.and get a manual edger and try that.  There is a smiths right next door so we got a couple gallons of water for tomorrow and they had a sale if you bought 2 12 packs if soda you got 3 free. We got some for saturday. We got home and worked on edging for awhile. I think we will get better with practice. It is just so over grown right now. I was worried we didn't have hot water to do dishes so we met Karen for dinner and got some activities for the kids to do at our house. Tomorrow they are fixing the water heater and then we are going to Lehi for the doterra Easter egg hunt. We are taking Luna back home with us. Rachel I hope your day went well. Love mom


 Well our water heater wrapped out on us last night. We are scheduled to get a new one installed tomorrow. Exciting I know. Mom and dad were awesome and arranged the whole thing for me so that was nice. Work was busy but nothing too wild and crazy. After I met mom and dad at the mall for dinner and then we went to hobby lobby. I decided that I wanted to  crochet something so I got stuff to make a scarf. Then we came home and watched a show. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


 Ruth won second place at the science fair and got a medal and gift cards.  She was super super excited.  Casey got a bike that fit her from a guy at work and they spent the evening fixing it up.  This bike will fit her better.  Isaac's violin teacher was gone yesterday so she had a makeup day for Isaac today.  Work was fine.  It is my last week of teaching and the next two months I just proctor tests in the computer lab.  I went to exercise class and it was kickboxing.  I always feel like I am amazing afterwards because it is a fun class 

Love Rachel


 I had a productive morning. I got my car insurance all changed and call the heating and air guys to come service our heater and air-conditioned. I also almost finished mu diamond bead Minnie mouse. We did go to the gym and that is nice. I am sorry Luna is waking up. Strange it is the same time. I wonder if there is a noise at that time she hears. Do they have a back up plan if it rains on Thursday for the easter egg hunt Robin? Rachel that is so cool that Ruth got second in the science fair. Way to go! Everyone have a nice hump day. I am going to boil eggs for Easter egg dying.  Love you all mom


Luna woke up again at 12 but luckily went back down faster. It was crazy weather again here. We had a work party for lunch so I didn't get much done. Luna went to sleep pretty quick since she's been tired from waking up in the middle of the night

Monday, March 25, 2024


 My day was good also. I forgot we were having a potluck tomorrow at work. Mom and dad was nice and went and got me stuff to make. Work was good though. Then we went to the gym. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 I had a nice day. One second it was sunny and next it was snowing. So weird. I went grocery shopping and then we had lunch. Karen has a pot luck tomorrow so me and dad went and picked up some stuff for her. I did go to the gym with Karen. That is so good for us. I am sorry Luna was up half the night. I hope she isn't getting sick. Rachel I like Isaac's hair. It looks a lot better. Ruth is so cute. I am glad she did good at the science fair. Have a nice day tomorrow. Love mom


 Today was good and it was nice to have the day off.  I sewed and worked on learning tableau.  Ruth has enough AR points to rocks the halls on Friday and she was so happy and excited.  Isaac's hair has been bothering him and he wanted to trim it.  So we picked up Oliver from after school and cut the boys hair.  They both look really good.  Isaac's was a shock at first because it is shorter but it looked better as the night went on.  It was the science fair and stem night at the elementary school.  Casey did a booth for his work.  He did a good job and everyone seemed to like it.  Ruth did really well explaining her science fair and was so cute.  After she was done the judge was filling out the paperwork and said you are only in second grade, you seem older.  I wanted to go to exercise class but the timing of everything didn't work out.  It was a good evening though and Ruth did so good.

Love Rachel 


Luna woke up at 12 and didn't go back to sleep till 3.;so I was tired today. Work was good a vendor took us to Olive garden for lunch and it tasted good. It was snowing then sunny all day. It's definitely spring


Sunday, March 24, 2024


 It was nice having a quiet day today. After lunch me, mom, and dad did go to the gym for a bit. Then we came home and I took a nap. I am with Rachel I don't want to go to work tomorrow either. Oh well what can you do. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye 


 We took it slow today. We did work out at the gym and that felt so nice. I really like that rec center. It was off and on bad weather all day. I am glad they picked up their little girl. I love ruths science fair. That is really special. We have a quiet day tomorrow and I am with Rachel. I just had such a fun weekend. Love you all mom


 Today was good.  The girls had a good time with their sleep over.  The Dad came and picked her up.  He used his phone to translate and talked to Casey a bit, it was still hard.  He was an architect in Peru and came her because it is safer for his kids.  We finished Ruth science fair project.  It was hard to make everything about Ruthenium easy so she could understand and write it up.  We went to church and I played the piano.  It was fixed which was nice.  We sang risen which is a beautiful song and the kids love it.  It was Max's birthday on Friday so we went up and had cake and ice cream.  The kids were playing downstairs so me and Terri watched quilting shows which was fun.  Everyone have a good night.  We don't want to go back to school and work tomorrow.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...