Saturday, March 16, 2024


 We had a really fun day.  Isaac went this morning and got food for the food drive.  Then we headed up to Idaho.  It was such a a fun day and the kids were all happy.  I forgot towels again so we stopped in Preston at the dollar store and got some.  Oliver was so excited to go to the rock store and brought his money with him.  He bought a ninja star and he was so cute about getting it.  We had lunch at the pizza place and then went to the hot pools.  It is so busy their Everytime we go.  We have to park so far away.  The water felt so nice and it felt so good to be in the sun.  Their was a ton of snow in Idaho still and we were grateful all our has melted.  We all got sunburned which I didn't expect and I didn't think about putting sunscreen on.  Last week I told Oliver he looked tired and he said he really needed the Hawaii vacation. He said that today was like a vacation and was very relaxing, he didn't think about school at all.  Isaac made a delicious dinner when we got hime and I made pumpkin pie.  I messed up making it on our day and I owed them a pie.  I hope the murder mystery was fun.

Love Rachel


 We had a fun day. We got up and went to a nursery. Dad got some.peas and Karen bought me a dragon for outside. We went to Costco and then went to lunch and came home. Karen bought an apple tree at Costco so we worked in the yard and planted the tree. I weeded where the strawberries were from last year and they both lived. Rachel Isaac looks so tall in his concert pictures. I am sorry about ruths toe. I hope you had fun at lava hot springs. I hope it was soothing. Robin I hope you had fun in provo with jeramys mom. We are going to help cut down a tree at robins house tomorrow. It was such a pretty day. We went to the mystery play tonight and it was a.lot of fun. The people we sat with brought their daughter and friends for her 16th birthday. They were really cute girls. Have a nice st Patrick's day. Love mom

Friday, March 15, 2024


 Casey is going up in the Unitas.  He left this morning and will come back Sunday.  The two people he went with are going to explore a cave tomorrow.  Casey didn't want to go in because it is too narrow so he is going to hike around.  Today was good.  It has been an easy week.  It has been interesting to see the same little kids struggle even to play game.  It is hard to learn to use a mouse.  I drove the neighbor girls again to school.  Oliver went and played with a friend from activity days and they live right behind us which is nice.  Oliver just rode his bike.  Then they all came over and played here.  Andy made it back and came over to visit.  Isaac had his chamber music competition tonight and he did so good.  He is such a a good kid.  We went to sabores afterwards to celebrate.  I am going to use the cat babysitting money and take the kids to lava tomorrow.  It just sounds fun after talking about it last weekend.  Ruth dropped something from the freezer on her toe and it is so bruised.  It really hurts her.  Poor thing 

Love Rachel


 We got up and met up with Tom's son and gave him the taxes. Yeah! We walked old navy and Barnes and nobles and went to yellow Finn for lunch. Some one bought it. It tasted the same. We were going to walk sugar house park but it was too windy. We pick up dad's antibiotic and came home and just chilled. We did go to the gym tonight. That really makes me feel better. Have a nice weekend. Love mom

Thursday, March 14, 2024


 We ran errands this morning and took dad's prescription to target and the pharmacist said it wasn't a good one for his heart so I spent the afternoon calling to find one that would work. We will pick that up in the morning. We went to the gym and that was nice. Have a nice Friday. Is casey spending the night or going two different days? Robin that is neat you set up your watering system. Love mom


 My day was good. Work was busy so it went by pretty fast. After work we went to the gym. It is nice working out a bit. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone has a great one. Bye 


Today was good nothing wild. Luna says fox but doesn't pronounce the right words so it sounds like the F word. It's funny. Jeramy has been trying to help by emphasizing the "x" part of fox instead of having it sound like a c. Today she was making a snake noise and I said do you see a snake. And she said no, she pointed to a fox toy and said fu....x and really emphasize the x. So it sounds like the F work still but with a snake at the end. Lol we tried. We planted Jeramys hydroponic system today to get some plants started. Luna helped so it was a journey.



 Today went pretty good.  I drove the neighbor girls to school.  Work was fine and nothing exciting happened.  Oliver was tired so he skipped after school and we went grocery shopping.  He is bringing drinks for a class party tomorrow.  The little kids had piano lessons.  I fed the cat and made dinner.  I went to exercise class and we did upbeat barr.  Casey is going caving tomorrow and Saturday so he got ready for that.

Love Rachel

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


 We had a really quiet day. I slept a lot. We did go to the gym to night and I just rode the bikes. It was nice. It was snowing this morning so we canceled the gumm gang lunch. I think that sharpie cap saying is so true. It made me laugh. I am glad ruth had a really good day. I love it. I am sorry Luna was grumpy. That makes for a long night. Have a nice Thursday. Be careful in the wind. Love mom


 I had a meeting before school and the kids were sweet to get up a little early.  I am doing game days this week and it is easy and the kids love it.  We needed ink for the printer so me and Ruth went to staples.  She loves that store.  Then we hurried to the hobby lobby to get Ruth a book for her stickers.  We picked up Oliver and then got a fizz drink because they went to school early.  Ruth was so so happy and it was fun.  Oliver and Casey had activity days and they delivered flyers.  Ruth went to tumbling and Isaac went to young men's.  I went to exercise class and it was High.  We did a million burpees but it was a really fun class.  I love it.  

Love Rachel 


Luna was grumpy this morning and had a hard drop off. There was a vendor in SLC that had a new printing press they wanted to show off. So I went up for their party. It was cool but it didn't get done till 4 so it made for a long day. Luna didn't the take a nap and fell asleep on the way home. We woke her up when we got home but she was moody and didn't eat dinner till 7:30 so it was a short night


Tuesday, March 12, 2024


 We went to Lehi to the dentist and they kept saying what does your dentist want. We kept saying root canals and crowns. It was hard to get anything from them. We are going to pull his wisdom tooth and the one that broke. They said partial dentures are the way to go. We decided to pick up Luna and play instead of going home. It was the right choice. We took her to a place with bounce houses. She had a fun time. We were going to cabelas and she feel sound asleep. I thought she would wake up when we stopped but she was out. We just took her home and decided to hold her so she wouldnt sleep so long. She was out and it was fun to hold her. It is always so hard to leave. We are meeting the gumm gang for lunch tomorrow. I hope the weather is good. Have a nice hump day. The weekend is looking good. Love mom


 Today was good.  Isaac was happy and talked about school with me which was nice.  Work went well.  I am having a free week and the kids love that and it is easy for me.  Isaac had chamber music practice.  He needed to bring some music that I was supposed to have printed off and didn't.  The printer is out of ink so we scrambled and put it all on his tablet.  I will get some ink tomorrow.  Isaac helped me make dinner.  Oliver brought his jelly fish hat to school.  His friend has one similar and they wore them at recess.  Ruth had a party in her class and had popcorn.  I went to exercise class this evening.  They made a new combo step aerobics class.  It was hard to learn but everyone was new so they were good to go slow and it ended up being fun.  We are watching the cat next door so I went over and fed and sat with him.

Love Rachel


I met mom and dad for lunch at work and they took Luna to play for the afternoon. Then weet up for dinner and had pizza. Luna had a fun day and was sad to have the fun over.


Monday, March 11, 2024


 Today was good.  I also went grocery shopping.  I forgot to approve my time card so I had to go in and do that.  I went to lunch with Casey which was fun.  I finished the little bag and it is really cute.  The kids played outside all afternoon and are loving it.  Isaac also had violin lessons.  I went to exercise class and it is a harder one where you lift weights but I am glad I went and it felt good.  I felt like I could keep up with everyone which is nice.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 I got up and went grocery shopping. I thought it wouldnt be busy but there were lines checking out. They had the best looking  artichokes. We had them for dinner. They tasted good. We walked around the back yard this morning and made some plans. It was cold and windy so we didn't do any work. I have such a bad runny nose. We are going to lehi tomorrow to the dentist. I need some new gaskets in my dentures and I want a stud. Dad is going see what this guy thinks about his teeth. Wish us luck. It us be stormy tomorrow. Be safe. Love mom


Today was good. I was so tired it was hard to sit at a desk and stay focused. After work we had enough sunlight we could ride bikes. Jenkins did not want to go back home. He's been stuck inside for too long. Robin


 Well Monday seemed like a long day. I hate springing ahead. Work was busy but with just a bunch of random stuff. Then I came home and  started Robin's eggs. It takes 19 hours so I should have them all done by the end of the week. They are looking pretty so far. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 

Sunday, March 10, 2024


 Thanks for the nice day yesterday.  Thanks for the nice food Mom, thanks for making the cute Mario figures Karen.  We forgot our but will pick them up next time.  The kids are missing them.  Today was good.  It was a beautiful day and the kids played out for most of it.  Casey took Tony on a walk and gave him a bath.  I took the kids to church and that went well.  Thanks again for having us and everything you guys do for us.

Love Rachel


 Thanks for the fun day yesterday. It was so nice to play. I forgot it was daylight savings until about 11 last night. It really didn't make a big deal. We just took it easy today. I took a long nap. I did make this hamburger soup that was on Facebook and it tasted really good.  It was easy to make. It made a ton. I will make it again. Have a nice Monday. Love you all mom


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...