Saturday, March 16, 2024


 We had a fun day. We got up and went to a nursery. Dad got some.peas and Karen bought me a dragon for outside. We went to Costco and then went to lunch and came home. Karen bought an apple tree at Costco so we worked in the yard and planted the tree. I weeded where the strawberries were from last year and they both lived. Rachel Isaac looks so tall in his concert pictures. I am sorry about ruths toe. I hope you had fun at lava hot springs. I hope it was soothing. Robin I hope you had fun in provo with jeramys mom. We are going to help cut down a tree at robins house tomorrow. It was such a pretty day. We went to the mystery play tonight and it was a.lot of fun. The people we sat with brought their daughter and friends for her 16th birthday. They were really cute girls. Have a nice st Patrick's day. Love mom

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...