I am glad Oliver had a good day. That is fun. I went to a grocery store by Kay's place. They said there was a good bakery. I bought some things for the weekend. I visited with kay today and she was awake the whole time. I went to target to get all the prescriptions for dad for getting his teeth pulled on Wednesday. Karen had free tickets for a hockey game tonight from work so me and her went. I had a fun time. I am excited to play tomorrow. Everyone drive safe. Love mom
Friday, February 21, 2025
Happy birthday
Happy birthday Oliver
Today is Oliver's birthday. I can't believe he is 11, it is so crazy. I went and got him a egg sandwich from Einstein for breakfast. He brought cookies to school and the kids liked that. Work went better today which was good. After school we went and got ice cream and a drink for the party. We cleaned and decorated the house and the kids were cute to help. Casey picked up some pizza on the way home. We had fun party. We got Oliver a really nice pocket watch. He asked Randy for magnets and he got a ton of those. We bought him magnetic sand and he played with all the magnets for a long time. The kids all had a fun time playing together. We are coming down tomorrow and will be there at 12 for lunch. See you tomorrow
Love Rachel
Thursday, February 20, 2025
We got a lot of snow which was fun although it made the kids at school so crazy. Mostly the little kids I had hard time with. Oliver's teacher talked with me today and we are going to put Oliver on a 504 so he can had special accomodations when he takes tests like having more time and a quiet space. We are going to do the paperwork next week. We spend the afternoon getting ready for Oliver's birthday. We went and got cookies for him to take to school. We went and got balloons and decorations. We got crab legs for dinner. He has been wanting it for his birthday and today was the best day to do it. Casey made him a cake. He wanted red velvet. I went to exercise class and it was high. I love it so so much and it is so fun.
Love Rachel
Well i am going to take that job offer. I am not going to turn in my two weeks until Monday though. Other than that it was just usual here. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
I took dad to work today and went and visited kay. She had a lot of visitors when I was there. I left when everyone left and she was going to sleep. She was tired. It was snowing all day but the roads were good. I did all the sheets in the kids room today. I still need to put them back on the beds. I will do that tomorrow. I even worked on my dots for a little while. I like doing them. I am going to visit kay tomorrow also. Jen comes back on Saturday. I am going to go get a cake for olivers party. Tell him happy 🎂 birthday. I love that toddler book Robin. So true. Everyone have a great Friday. Love mom
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Wednesday are the best days for me. I don't work at the school and I programmed most of the day. I learned a lot from Dad and I made progress. After school Oliver had a parent day at orchestra. He is getting better and was happy. Isaac took Tony on a walk and he made us dinner which was really sweet. Ruth had a coupon at school to bring stuffed animals so she brought her Valentine stuffed animals and was super happy about that. Casey went climbing trees with his friends after work. He had a groto leadership meeting after that on zoom. I went to exercise class and it was surge lift and we did a lot of pushups which I am not great at.
Love Rachel
I took dad to work today and then went grocery shopping. It was nice to get a few errands done. I went out to see kay. She was sleepy today and weaker. I did get her out to the table area for lunch. I brought her some tomatoes and she ate them but that was all. Then she went back to her room. I left and went and got the oil changed in my car. It was overdue. It took forever. I picked dad up from work. I washed sheets and blankets today. Tomorrow I am doing the bunk beds. Wash away all the germs. Be careful in the snow tomorrow. Love mom
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Poor Jenkins, that is so awful. Oliver stayed home today because he threw up last night. We think he okay. Casey worked from home to be with him. He got him sushi for lunch. I just prep today so it was easy and quiet. Isaac had violin lessons and Ruth has tumbling. I picked up Oliver's work and we did that all night. I tried to program a bit in-between everything. Isaac went to the music man for young men's. They still aren't back. I went to exercise class and it was hard. Casey took Tony running when I got back. I called Dad and he helped me with some problems I had, thank you.
Love Rachel
I got up with dad and took him to work. I ran a couple of errands and then went and visited kay. She was a little pale today. I cut her up a tomatoes and celery. She said she was craving them. She ate them. I came home and did laundry. I was tired tonight. We played bubble bobble tonight. I like that game. Jen it going to Mexico with her friends until Saturday. I thought i would visit kay the rest of the week. Robin I am sorry about Jenkins. I hope the cb oil helps. I can see the feathers on your bedspread. It made me laugh. Rachel I am glad you had fun skiing. Love mom
Monday, February 17, 2025
I am sorry about Jenkins. That would be awful to watch. I am sorry about your tooth Karen also. I think that is a good idea to pull it. I am glad everyone had a good day off. We had a really fun day skiing. They had a ton of snow snow and it snowed most of the day but it wasn't bad. Me, Oliver and Isaac stuck together all day. We did mostly blue run and they were more difficult than we have skies before. It was a lot of fun and the boys did so well. Ruth and Casey had a fun day also. They stuck to the green ones but went on the bigger lifts which was awesome. The kids all had big crashes but are fine. Me and Casey both lost our goggles but we bought new ones. Casey made lasagna for dinner and it was really good. Oliver threw up when we got home and just rested. Casey set up the syringe pump and we worked on that for a while this evening. It was fun to do that together. Ruth most another tooth which is crazy.
Love Rachel
Well no word yet, so I emailed them after work and it is in final approvals. So maybe tomorrow? I broke part of the tooth off that they want to do a root canal on. I am just going to pull it. I am glad everyone had a good day off. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye
I had a nice day. Luna spent the night. She got up and we were talking and she said she thought she might need to spend one more night. It made my day. We took grandpa to work and she had to go potty. Grandpa went to his office and she was sad so we went and gave him a hug. We went to target and shopped and then she wanted pizza. I finally remembered maverick had pizza. We stopped at one and they even had chairs to eat. We were going to the park to play and it started to rain so we went to airborne. I like that place. Robin and jeramy came so I went and visited kay. She is doing good. Jen and Rylie came and it was nice to visit. I am glad you had a fun time skiing Rachel. Everyone good luck going back to work except Karen she had to work today. Love mom
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Dad went to work and me and Karen had a quiet morning. We met with the Lewis for lunch. We kidnapped Luna and she is spending the night. I was going to go visit kay tomorrow so Robin can pick her up there. Have fun skiing Rachel. That will be fun. I had a fun in Logan. I am sorry I missed olivers call. Love mom
I am glad you had a fun time off and a fun Valentine's Robin. Thanks for coming up Mom, I was fun to have you. Oliver thought of something for his birthday so we tried to call but we will call again tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going skiing and it should be fun with all the new snow but it will probably be busy. Casey went to SLC and worked. We went to church and then to Randy's house for dinner. Love you guys and have a fun day off.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...