Saturday, September 25, 2010

glitter in the air

Well today was a ditto day from every day this week . the list of things are starting to get smaller so that is a good thing. The shows are going well though so that is good. The performers are doing a good job. They use ALOT of glitter for there makeup so I am covered head to toe in glitter. I am never going to be clean of glitter for the next month. ;) well hope everyone has a great sunday.

love you


Chick a filee

I didn't spell that right sorry about that. There is a new building going up by ShopKo. I thought it was the Red Lobster but it is going to be a chick filee. I don't know how to spell that. Well someone was suppose to come look at the house from 10 to noon so I cleaned it all up and we left and then came back and no one had come. So Dad wanted to help Harold's wife find a new computer so we went to Staples to look for one and someone called and showed up and looked at the house while Grandma was home. She was really good about it. She liked the couple that looked at it. That was the extent of my exciting day. Karen I am glad you got your hair trimmed. I am excited to see it. I am excited for next weekend. I am going to veg tomorrow.


Split ends

Well I noticed that I had split ends so I went and got a trim today. Exciting I know. I also got a nap today so that was nice. I watch Delirious on netflix also that is a funny show. I am excited to come up next weekend and see everyone. I made the sacrament program last night so I should be good to go tomorrow. I hope that everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow.

Friday, September 24, 2010

sing it sister

Well today was opening night. It went pretty smoothly, I hope the rest of the week goes the same. i'm pretty beat though. I'm good with whatever works for you guys for frightmares. Well I am going to head for bed :)


Another looker

Tomorrow we are going to have someone come and look at the house. I hope they like it. It is kind of a mess because I have been playing way to much but I think it will pass. I hope. I am going to check with the credit union this week and see how much tickets are for frightmare they have discounted employee tickets. I will keep you posted on that one. Don't worry about friday Rachel we won't get there until really late. I wasn't planning on doing anything on Friday. Just make it to SLC. Karen I will buy you a milkshake. I think that is close enough. Dad made it home safe and sound. LOVE MOM

Friday night

I had a better day today, work went good and my computer didn't freeze as much. Casey came home and took me to dinner and then he had to go back to work. He is going to go fishing with his friend Kevin tomorrow, I think that I am going to skip it. I am just going to stay home and sew and relax. I am sorry about the lagoon day glitch, we will work something out. I forgot also that Casey and me are helping a girl at work move Friday at 5:30 but it shouldn't take too long and we should be done by the time everyone gets here. I think that I am going to go to bed early tonight and read my book. I finished my book on Wednesday and I started a new one last night but I don't like it as well it is called One Day. I miss the book I just finished.


Well the pharmacy still didn't have my lantus prescription when I called to check this morning so I had to call Dr. Miner's office to get it sent. I did finally get it, but it was a pain. Well work was good. They did hire a temp today, Yeah! Does that mean you owe me a milk shake now mom. Paydays and Fridays are the best days of the week. I hope that grandmas mouth feels better soon. BYE


Well one problem with the weekend. Lagoon days are just friday and sunday.... sorry they have to many people come in on saturday for us to get a discounted price. lame i know but that is about all I can say on the matter. Sorry if that ruins things. but ya. well Tomorrow we open for the first shows ahhh i still have a butt load to do but I think everything will come together it usually does. well better run have a great night


Thursday, September 23, 2010


I think I have a plan for next weekend (conference weekend). Karen is coming up and me and mom are coming to SLC to play for the weekend. Saturday we are going to go frightmare if we can and then Casey and Rachel are going to a play and I thought we could play. Then on Sunday we can have lunch and Karen can go back to St. George and we will go back to Logan. How does that sound for a fun weekend. I will leave on Friday after work so we should get there close to the same time as Karen. I know we drive slow. I took grandma to the dentist today to have that sore in her mouth looked out. He did some sanding on the denture and hopefully that will help her sore. He gave her some magic mouthwash (that is the name of it) and it has some linocaine to help numb the pain we will try it when it hurts her. Not much else going on with me. I finished another burp cloth. It was the monkey one to match the quilt. I like doing those. LOVE MOM

Long Day

Today was reall busy at work and my computer was going really slow. It was a long day. Casey is working tonight so I am watching the office and doing some laundry. I really like your pictures Robin, you are so good. It grosses me out.


Rachel that is twice for Casey. I don't think he should own a car. It just keeps getting broken into. Well my day was good. There was a BBQ at my apartment so I got free dinner. I went and got my prescriptions today at lunch. One of my prescriptions had to get renewed so that should be in tomorrow. I hate running errands. Robin I am coming up for conference week s I should be able to come to Fright mares. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Casey and his cars my word. He has the best luck until his cars. :) Well today was a bit chaotic to say the least. everything had to get done 5 minutes ago and there was a long list of things. Tomorrow is preview night so its a full dress rehearsal with makeup and such. hopefully we get everything together. I did go to the photoshoot as well but only stayed for a bit. nothing to crazy, then I went back to lagoon. The days for sure for the family days are sept 24,26 and Oct 1 and 3. So I don't know if that works for anyone or not but I have the tickets just in case. well some of the pictures from the movie shoot have been floating around so I posted a few for you to see. have a great one


Oh what a night

I spent all night at Jay's house her phones are all messed up. I think that she at least has a phone now. I couldn't get them all fixed however. That really makes me mad about Casey's radio. What a mess. We will have to buy him a new one. Karen that sucks about your allergies. I hate that. I took Grandma to the doctor and she is doing good. They gave her a flu shot so she was happy about that one. They looked at her sore toe and said it was just inflammed and to watch it. Dad sounded so tired tonight. He has been working really long hours. I hope they get the thing running soon. Other than that my day was same old same old.


Car Theif

Casey car was broken into last night at our apartments and they stole his car radio. They broke the rear vent window to get in. The werid thing is that he didn't have the face plae on it, it was in the glove compartment. They broke the latch on that. They were a couple of cars around that had he same thing done to them. It is stupid. Other than hat my day was good. I hope that everyone else had a good day. Stay safe!!


Well my allergies are bad today. The wind is really blowing and I think that is what is making them suck today. Well my day was just the same old same old here. I hope that your photos shoot went well. I also hope that grandma's doctor appointment went well also. I am glad that the week is half over. Well have a great rest of the week. BYE

hours of my time

Well today was spent at lagoon. and you may say to yourself how could you spend all day at lagoon. well who knows but I sure did. :) But its dress rehearsals this week and things go from a small adjustment to a chaotic mess in a hurry. Tomorrow we have more of the same thing but I also said yes to a gothic photoshoot at night so I am going to leave early to do some makeup. so hopefully tomorrow goes well. so ya that is me in a nutshell. I'm glad that everyone is doing well I hope that life is good. i haven't gotten my family pass yet for lagoon but I think its this friday and sunday and next friday and sunday. well have a great day.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Nice Quilts

Nice quilts Rachel. They are darling. I am glad that the baby likes to be back. They do like routines that is for sure. I got my hair cut tonight with Grandma. I went back tothe spike. I like it. Just think Rachel you are now double digits until the baby comes instead of triple. Karen I bet they don't hire anyone. It will save them a ton of money and you are good at it. Sorry about that one. Do you want to bet a milkshake on it? Well not much else is going on with me. Work was quiet and that was nice. I got some work done today. Tomorrow I am taking Grandma for a check up to Dr. Strong. I will get off at 3:00. I am going to have to water tomorrow. My lawn is really dry. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Being at Mom's house inspried me to clean mine today. So when i got home I cleaned the birds cage, vacumned and just cleaned up. It feels good to have it cleaner. Work was good, the baby was happ to be back he was kicking alot. Here are pictures of the quilts I did on Saturday. I need to tie the car quilt still.

Did it

Well i finally remembered to call and get an appointment for doctor Miner. Yeah me. Today was good. I am still hoping that they hire someone though. Well there is not too much going on here. I am planning on a quiet night. Have a good night everyone

Monday, September 20, 2010

dress the best

Well today I worked at lagoon we are getting ready to open the shows. Friday is the first day the shows start. I saw a few of the songs they are pretty cute. I'm glad that you got a new car. :) its awesome. i'm sorry to hear about terry's dad but i'm glad the funeral went well. I am ready for fall as well. I feel like a million things are going on but thats good. :) Oh i also had exciting news the movie i worked on the silent film. well the director is submitting it into sundance. They have to go through a selection process I hope we at least get in I think it would be fun .......any way better head for bed


Nice Car

I am glad you made it to the funeral OK. That is a long drive. I bet you guys are tired. THanks for putting pictures on the blog. They are nice. I am going to have to do that. Karen I bet they just let you do it all. It saves them a ton of money and you are so good at everything. I finished up the black blanket and it is darling. I like it. I am going to Walmart as soon as grandma goes to bed to do some shopping. Dad made it safe and sound to SLC. He is really busy. I love you guys MOM

I'm back

Sorry I didn't blog all weekend, things seemed busy and I got tired at night. We had a good weekend. Saturday I sewed with Julie and Mom and it was a really fun time. I finished the top to a quilt and made a receiving blanket. i will put pictures on tomorrow. We also went to Joann's and got a really cute quilt panel. We had a good day. While we were shopping Casey drove to Jackson hole to get his car. Here is a picture of it.

I really like it and it is really comfortable to drive in. It sits higher up than the Civic. It is going to be a great car. It didn't have a radio so we bought one today.

Sunday we just had a nice relaxing day, it was really nice. Casey and Dad worked on the car so they didn't get much rest. We took the new car on a Sunday drive. Today I took the day off and we went to Terry's Dad's funeral. It is far away. It is almost to Idaho Falls, it was in Blackfoot. It was a good drive though in the new car and we had a good time. We stopped a lot and ate a lot of food. Mom gave me some snacks and that was really great. I ate four apples and they were good. Casey was a pallbearer at the funeral, we didn't know that. We were a couple of minutes late and we sat in the back, after they grabbed us told us. There were a lot of people there. It was packed, and they had to open the overflow section.

Robin we were out in the yard on Sunday and there were a ton of grapes and I picked them and ate a bunch. Casey says congratulations on being able to grow grapes. Here is a picture.

of course they do that is how they blend in

Well my Monday was good. I got a lot done today. I keep hoping they will get someone for the engineering secretary, but they haven't yet. It is warm here today I think that it was close to 100 today. I keep hoping fall will hit and the temperatures will stay under 90 but so far no luck. I made spaghetti for dinner and it tastes good. Well i hope that everyone has a great night. BE

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Real spies don't eat at McDonalds

I am glad everyone had a good day. Dad and Casey worked on his new car today. It has an oil leak. I don't think they could fix it but I am not quiet sure what happened but we took it for a ride and it is a nice car. They are going to Blackfoot tomorrow for a funeral. Rachel was pretty swollen tonight. I hope she doesn't push it too hard. Well it was nice to have them here. Dad is leaving in the morning for SLC. LOVE MOM


Well today we finished the short I was working on. It went well. It was funny though I went through the mc donalds drive through for lunch and a the guy at the window said "are you a secret agent" and then he looks at my makeup case. ha ha ha I just told him that I was a makeup artist, it was so funny it made my day. random things that happen. well have a great night and I hope that everyones monday goes well.



Well my day has been good. I got up and made it to church. I made a typo in the program. The hymn I put 206 and it was suppose to be 260. Oh well. "I was wonderful" Other than that it has been a pretty quiet. I hope that everyone has had a good day also. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...