Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm back

Sorry I didn't blog all weekend, things seemed busy and I got tired at night. We had a good weekend. Saturday I sewed with Julie and Mom and it was a really fun time. I finished the top to a quilt and made a receiving blanket. i will put pictures on tomorrow. We also went to Joann's and got a really cute quilt panel. We had a good day. While we were shopping Casey drove to Jackson hole to get his car. Here is a picture of it.

I really like it and it is really comfortable to drive in. It sits higher up than the Civic. It is going to be a great car. It didn't have a radio so we bought one today.

Sunday we just had a nice relaxing day, it was really nice. Casey and Dad worked on the car so they didn't get much rest. We took the new car on a Sunday drive. Today I took the day off and we went to Terry's Dad's funeral. It is far away. It is almost to Idaho Falls, it was in Blackfoot. It was a good drive though in the new car and we had a good time. We stopped a lot and ate a lot of food. Mom gave me some snacks and that was really great. I ate four apples and they were good. Casey was a pallbearer at the funeral, we didn't know that. We were a couple of minutes late and we sat in the back, after they grabbed us told us. There were a lot of people there. It was packed, and they had to open the overflow section.

Robin we were out in the yard on Sunday and there were a ton of grapes and I picked them and ate a bunch. Casey says congratulations on being able to grow grapes. Here is a picture.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...