Saturday, January 28, 2023


 We had a fun day. Karen came down and we went shopping. It is fun we came home.and then went to ogden to hook  up with Rachel and kids. We had fun. We went to the olive garden and they didnt have bread sticks. They were a.mess. it was nice just to visit and the kids were good about it. I was a.worroed grandma so we didn't go to the jump One. down next Friday night. I would love on Saturday. Any fun ideas? Love mom


 My day was good. I didn't hear my alarm this morning so I was late meeting up with mom and dad this morning. We went to Costco and winco. I got my phylo dough so now I can try to make baklava. We also stopped at the ups store because my kindle stopped working. It is still under warranty so that was nice. I made salmon for dinner and it tasted really good. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye 

Friday, January 27, 2023


 Today was good.  At work I am on the events team so we had to plan out what order they will see everything and how long it takes to do all the projects.  Isaac has ambassadors after school.  Me and the little kids went to the fabric store and got a back for my quilt.  It was so fun to walk around and look at all the fun things.  They wanted to play at the park in the snow storm.  So I sat in the car and they played for a while.  Casey picked up the floor for downstairs and we carried it down.  Everyone have a good Saturday.  I am glad you got some rest Mom.

Love Rachel


 I could not sleep last night so u got up to go to work.and I asked why? So I went back to bed and did t wake up until 330. Crazy. We did meet the gumm gang for dinner and that was fun. Nothing else to report. Karen is coming down to go to Costco and if the weather stays nice we are hooking up with Rachel and gang for dinner in ogden. Be careful in the snow love mom


 I am glad that the weekend is here. Work dragged a bit. We had a company meeting this afternoon and it made the afternoon seem longer. Oh well I made it through. It snowed here most of the day so after work I went and got pizza for dinner I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye 

Thursday, January 26, 2023


 Sorry I didn't blog last night. I had a bad headache and fell sound asleep. I think it is the next to me. I am all caught up. It will be a slow day tomorrow.  I am so glad it is Friday. It is really cold. I am glad you got a second interview Karen. Rachel I  was worried about your layoffs at work. I hope you are OK. Robin Luna is so cute she is determined to learn to buckle. Rachel I am glad you got your floor. That will be so nice to have that room done for an office. Love you all mom


 I am glad you got another interview Karen.  That is exciting.  Work was good today.  We order the supplies we need for each project so we spent the afternoon figuring out what we need.  Isaac had orchestra and learned a new song.  He forgot his coat at the church so we picked it up.  I got the light and Jesus stickers Robin made to put them all together.  I am behind.  They are looking really good and i really appreciate you making them Robin.  Ruth had tumbling and she had a really fun time.  I went to exercise class but their was no parking anywhere so I came home.  I ordered a new floor for the office and it came today.  We are going to pick it up tomorrow.  

Love Rachel 


Today was good. Nothing wild again. I'm ready for January to be over. It's the longest month ever. Luna wants to buckle the top part of her car seat all the time. So she keeps resisting leaving the car. Once I unbuckle her she wants to re buckle herself in. I'm really glad tomorrow is Friday. 



 My day was good. It is still cold, but I am making it thru. Work was quiet again so I made some more progress on my to do list. I got an invite for a second interview at zaxis so that is fun. I was going to try and make baklava but the store was got of the dough so I will have to make it later. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


 Today was good.  At work we had a potluck with marketing so we could get to know them better.  I brought a cheese platter and Isaac was mortified.  He thought I should of made something or spiced the platter up so it looked nice.  I just didn't have the energy.  HR came in at the end and said they had to lay off sic people and gave this big lecture.  It was like putting a wet blanket on the potluck.  Ruth had a friend come over after school and they had fun playing.  Isaac made rice pudding again.  It tastes really good.  Casey took the activity day boys to the fun park.  The girls activity day leader wasn't happy about that or had a problem with her budget.  I may have read to much into it but it upset me.  Isaac went to young men's and they played chair soccer.  I went to exercise class and we did high low.  I got my new shoes today and they are really bright and clean.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


Today was good. When we woke up we heard Luna rolling around so I went to get her. And she was standing quietly with one foot popped out the door. It made me laugh. I tickled it a few times and she kept putting back under the door. I forgot her sippy cup for day care. She didn't take a nap till 3 today. I am so spacey lately. We just took it easy tonight. I'm ready for summer so we can play outside after work. 



 Well it was another cold and snowy day here. I am glad January is almost over, maybe the sun will come out soon. Work was good. It was a quiet day so I just worked on my to do list. I think it may actually be getting shorter. It doesn't happen often so I have to celebrate when it does happen. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023


 I had a better day and didn't feel so stressed.  Work was good.  We did a couple different things which was fun and made the day go fast.  It was the hundredth day of school and Ruth did fun activities in her class.  She brought 100 popcorn kernels.  Isaac had orchestra.  We picked him up and went grocery shopping.  Oliver wanted to make pizza for dinner and Isaac wanted to make more rice pudding.  They both turned out really good.  It was fun to cook with them.  I went to black night High with my friend Amanda at a different exercise place.  It was a lot of fun and good to talk with her.  Casey is cross country skiing with Tony.  

Love Rachel



 Work was good. I worked on paying contracts. It was nice to get them off my desk. I picked dad up and we went to whole foods to get a cake for someone at works birthday. It was right by spaghetti factory so we went there for dinner. It tasted.good. the cake was 40 dollars so I used the company card. I thought that was a.lot for cake. It was nice to talk with everyone tonight. I am glad you got another sale Robin. Rachel I hope black night exercise was fun. Karen I hope you stay warm. It is so cold. Love mom


Today was good. Nothing out of the ordinary. I got another sale on Etsy so that was fun.  Jeramy put Luna down tonight so I glowforged. 



 It snowed here a little bit last night and it is still cold. Work was busy so it went by fast. Between meetings and some problems that popped up I was hopping all day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, January 23, 2023


 I am missing Mediterranean diet. I am going to start cooking it was good it was.payroll Monday. It is nice not to work on Sunday. Work was good. We just vegged after work. It is pretty cold.out there. Robin that is neat you had another sale. That is good to build business. Have a nice Tuesday. Love mom


 Today we were back at it.  Work was fine and went faster today.  We are starting a new project so it takes more time to figure it all out.  Isaac had violin lessons.  Oliver left his watch at the doctor's so we had to go pick it up.  The kids rooms were a mess and I was mad and I felt bad.  We cleaned them all up.  I went to exercise class and we did a lot of push ups which was hard.  I made lentil soup for dinner and everyone liked it which was pretty amazing.

Love Rachel 


This morning I could not find Luna's iPad for the car. So we went without. I thought she fell asleep on the way home but she was just being quiet. She was really snuggly tonight. But about 15 minutes before bedtime she gets this burst of energy and she runs all over the place. I made another sale on Etsy the ctr one. So I made that so I can ship it tomorrow. I finally found her iPad tonight though. So that will be nice to have tomorrow



 Well Robin all I have to say is it was negative 2 this morning here so 18 sounds like a heat wave. My day was good. Work was just the usual. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, January 22, 2023


 It snowed here also. Dad wanted to go to i Kea so we drove out there. We had lunch and then walked around. They had air.purifiers. we got one for the living room. I looks nice. I hope it works. We came home and just vegged. It was so cold. Rachel that is funny about the burns. Those counters have stories to tell. Everyone have a nice week. Love mom


Today was chill. We didn't do much. Luna woke up at five and it took her a bit to go back down . But then she slept till 9. I was going to craft during nap time but I was so tired I took a nap too. It felt good. It snowed here a bit but it was really cold. My outside thermometer said it was 18. 



 I had a meeting this morning.  Then I hurried home to pick up the kids.  Isaac didn't feel well so he stayed home.  Ruth came with me and Oliver wasn't ready so Casey brought him later.  We had a couple teachers who did come today so it was busy getting someone to teach.  Isaac made rice pudding today.  It burned a bit but still tasted good.  He burned two rings in the counter which is fun.  Casey made a bunch of black beans which were really good.  He took the little kids sledding for a while.  He tried cross country skiing this evening but it hurt his hip so he just went on a walk.  I hope everyone has a good Monday.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. It did snow here off and on today. I washed the sheets on my bed. It is the only time I actually make my bed. I also made garlic chicken and rice for dinner. It turned out good. It is nice when a recipe comes out good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...