Saturday, February 25, 2012
Karen thanks for lunch that was really good. I am glad you got your laundry caught back up. That can be a feat when you get that behind. Isaac never did take a nap until we made it to the mall and just as we pulled into the parking lot he feel asleep. Poor little guy. He didn't get much of a nap. He is sound a sleep for the night so that is good. He can get caught back up. WE are going to sew for a little while and just veg. Have a great Sunday. HOpe you find the right church.
finally done
Well I finally got my laundry done. Yeah. It took me like three hour to wash my first load though because I started it and then left and when I checked it an hour later my cloths were still dry. So I started it again and when I checked back it wasn't running. So I finally figured out that they hadn't turn the water on to the washer. So I turned it on then then it ran. It was most annoying. I had fun meeting Rachel, mom, and Isaac for lunch. I am sorry that I didn't get to see you Robin, but I hope that your photo shoot went well. I hope that everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow. BYE
Friday, February 24, 2012
Let the fun begin
I am excited for you guys to come down from Logan. I get to play with Isaac for two days. I hope the weather is good and Karen can come down and play for awhile also. I bought chicken fajitas for dinner. Robin said that sounded really good. Drive safe and I'll see you tomorrow. Dad isn't feeling very well. I am watching closely. I don't think it is anything contagious. I think he is worn out and his body is telling him he needs to slow down. LOVE MOM
today was good but long and tiring I woke up at 4:30 so early.... tomorrow I have my photoshoot with rich the one I have been making the hats for I'm nervous well not to much else going to sleep I am tired
On the road
Today the weather was so nice. I loved it. We went on a walk around the block and it felt really nice to do that. I got my debt card in the mail today so I am able to buy things again. So I went to Walmart and did some shopping. I also went to the quilt store and picked up the next weeks project. It is paper piecing and should be cute. Well we decided to go down to SLC this weekend so that will be fun. We will be down in the morning. Thanks for letting us stay Mom. I will see you tomorrow.
Pay day
Well it was my first payday. It was only for one week but still it counts as my first one. And since I have direct deposit i don't have to go to the bank. I hope your music video went well today Robin. Well it was actually sunny today. It was actually shocking. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday BYE.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
rock star
well today was pretty chill. i did laundry finally, and one of my friends had a friend that was in dire need of a makeup artist so now tomorrow I am waking up before the sun and going to layton to do a music video. Its going to be very interesting, but hopefully they supply pepsi. I am glad that your internet is working karen the world is now at your finger tips. well not to much else happening have a great one
Yeah for internet
Karen I am so glad you have internet. YEAH. I love the new quilt Rachel. It is really pretty colors. You are going to love working on it. The last one turned out so cute. I had a nice day. It was quiet. I got a lot done. We went to the Valley Fair mall because they have Penney's and I found a new sweater for 9 dollars. I am going to wear it tomorrow. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I don't have a lot of news. Have a great last Friday of February. LOVE MOM
I love half hour lunches also, it is nice to get off a half hour earlier. Today was good, I had a lot of energy and that was nice. We went to the fun park this afternoon but Isaac really wasn't into again. He just wanted to watch the kids and the lights. It was still nice to get out. Here is a picture of the first part of the mystery quilt. I am picking up the next part tomorrow. I hope that it all turns out cute.

Internet and a car wash
Well my internet is finally working. Yeah! I also got my car washed today. It was looking really gross so I figured it would be a good time. Working is going good. I am enjoying working from 8 to 430. A half hour lunch isn't bad when you don't have time to go home. That is funny about Isaac's phone. I think of that saying everytime something doesn't work. It is amazing how many times that fixes things though. Well have a great Friday everyone. BYE
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
well today was good I felt uber lazy and didn't do laundry or anything productive but nothing out of the ordinary. I can't believe its the end of February though so crazy I can't believe it time goes so slow and so fast at the same time. well not to much else happening
Same thing
I think that is funny about Isaac's phone. I told the new girl the same thing. Her calendar was working right and I asked her if she turned her computer off and on. It made me laugh. My mouth did really well today. I just kept on iburopen and I did great. I was glad. I was worried I would be sick. That is fun you got to spend your Kohl's cash. I want to go to Penney's and see their cloths. I wore a suit I got there a long time ago on Tuesday and it looked very professional. I am going to go look there. Our class went well today. We are starting to make friends. I like that. We split up into groups and talk. It helps you feel not so alone. They said that isolation is really bad for you. The more you isolate yourself the harder everything is. Well have a great thursday. Good luck with your laundry Karen. Any suggestions for the weekend?
Did you try turning it off and on
Isaac threw his phone and it stopped working so I turned it off and on and it worked. It reminded me of the IT Crowd, it was funny. Today was good. Isaac slept in till 8 and it was so nice. It made him happy so today went good. Jenn came over and sewed with me this afternoon and that was fun. Me and Isaac went to Khols and spent the khols cash. I got a new shirt and I got Isaac some animal magnets for the fridge, they are cute. Thanks Karen. Well I hope that everyone is doing good and had a nice day.
well it was raining today. it was a nice change from the snow though. i am glad.that the week is half over. i really need to do laundry but i am being lazy. so i guess i will do it sometime this weekend. work is moving right along. nothing new to report there. i hope that mom and dads class was another good one. well have a good one. bye
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
fat tuesday
today was chill nothing to crazy. I went to joanns to get some fabric for my photoshoot on saturday. not to much else happening on my end. I forgot easter was coming up we should dye easter eggs this year. well have a fun wensday
Oh what a day
My meeting went good. It was long and I have a ton of work to do but I will get it done. The dentist was not so good. He had a really hard time getting the tooth out. It was really sore when I got home. I didn't feel very well. They gave me Lortab. Robin said that ice would help so I put some ice on it and I felt a lot better. I think it was the novican. It took a lot to get it out. I am feeling better now. I took some ibuprofen. I am hoping I won't need the Lortab. I just watched movies all night. That is neat it was fun at work today Karen. WOW. Have a great Wednesday.
It's time to fly
Today was a lot better than yesterday. Although Isaac did wake up at 5 but he did go back to sleep around 6:30 and wake up at 8:30. I was going to sew with Jenn today but one of her kids was sick so we are going to try tomorrow. She is going to Hawaii at the end of the week, I am jealous. Well I went to the hobby lobby today and got a couple of things for Isaac's Easter. I got him a bucket with a shovel, it think that will be fun. I am glad that you are liking Modern Family Robin, it is a good show. When you are done you should watch Downton Abbey, it is on Netflixs and it is a good show.
Well my day has been good. it was mardi gras at work todxay so we got beads and cup cakes. it was snowy this morning, but the roads weren't icy so it wasn't a bad drive. still no internet but they said that someone would be in touch with me tomorrow about it so keep.your fingers crossed on that one. i hope that your big meeting went good today mom and that your dentist wasn't too bad. well have a great wednesday tomorow everyone. bye
Monday, February 20, 2012
modern family
well today was chill, I watched alot of the modern family its a cute show. Then I went to Michael's with mom and dad. nothing to exciting. hope everyone has a great tuesday
Nice Day
I had a good day today. I only worked 4 hours and that was nice. I did laundry and cleaned up the computer desk. It was nice to have some time to just putter around. We went to Michaels tonight to get one of the kids from Logan a surprise. She is in the hospital and we bought we some cards to decorate. Dad got a new pair of shoes. He really needed a pair. Tomorrow is a busy day for me. I have a big meeting and then I am off to the dentist. Wish me luck. LOVE MOM
Sorry I didn't blog last night. We had a good day yesterday. We also went to church but Isaac started to fall asleep during the last ten minutes so I took him home early so he could sleep better. Today was kind of long and I don't know why. Isaac was a little on the grumpy side and it was hard finding things he wanted to do. I started on a new quilt yesterday and it is going to be so pretty. It is the one I showed everyone that is kind of off center, I am not describing it well. I am using the last of the fabric I got at the quilt show, just in time for this years. I am getting excited for it. Well I hope that everyone has a good night and has good dreams of the quilt show.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
We went to church today and it felt really nice to go. It has been a long time. I even have a visiting teacher. That was good. We just rested the rest of the day. Nothing too exciting. I hope everyone had a restful day. I am going to work a little bit tomorrow afternoon but I am going to do laundry in the morning. I having caught back up with that yet. Have a great week. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...