Saturday, May 14, 2022


 We can up to kamas. It has been a nice day. I did get the lawn mowed and then we went on a walk it was nice to go outside. We did stay up.kaye and work on organizing her kitchen. We moved that book case into the blue room. It looks nice. Love mom

Friday, May 13, 2022


At work they had a summer party from 10-2 at work so I didn't do anything all day. The had a BBQ and games. So it was a fun day but I got sun burnt. Then when I got home Luna fell asleep so instead of a walk I unpacked things. It was nice to start seeing a dent. It's hard because it goes from unpacked to a mess really quick. So tomorrow I think I'm going to clean. We are taking Jeramys mom out for lunch tomorrow. 



 I worked today from home and after work we went to get drugs and I got this huge coughing fit. It was embarrassing. We then went to WinCo to get food. We were running out of good stuff. I did brown a lot of hamburger so we have dinners for the week. We are going to Karen's house tomorrow to help with yard work. I think we are going to spend the night. Robin do you want to meet for lunch in Sunday or do you have plans


 Yeah, it's the weekend. I still have a cough but I think it is getting better. Things are going good here. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Thursday, May 12, 2022


 I slept in a little bit. My days and nights are mixed up. Work was good. It is payroll weekend so that is always busy for me. We did order pizza for dinner. I called Rachel this morning to see if Oliver was good to hike. He sounded bad but really wanted to go so off they went. Robin I am glad you gave the truck back. It will feel more and more like you are settled. Karen I am glad you made it back to work. Have a good Friday the 13th. Scary movie night. Love mom


This has been the longest week. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. We had to return Jeramy s nephews truck. So we drove to Taylorsville then stopped at spaghetti factory. We didn't make it home till 8 so Luna is all over the place. I think we are in for a long night. Hope everyone has a good Friday


 I made it to work today. Yeah! I did hit a wall about an hour before the day was over, but I made it through. Work was good, I spent most of the day catching up on emails. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


Today was the first day Luna was sad when I left her at Daycare. Usually she's all giggles and smiles. So I felt bad. But she was happy when I picked her up so hopefully she was just tired. Work was work.then Jeramy worked late so I ran to Costco.  



 Today felt a lot like yesterday but I didn't sleep as much or cough as much so I am hoping I am getting better. Rachel I am so excited for you to go hiking. That will be fun. We aren't far if you need something. Karen I am glad you stayed home and rested. Robin I hope you figure out your water. We can come down and help. I am working from home again tomorrow. If Oliver is too sick you can drop him off if you want to. I am working from home and he can lay on our couch. Have a nice Thursday. Love mim


 I coughed all night so I called in sick today. I am feeling better now though. Have fun  hiking Rachel. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 Oliver had a red eye and a really runny nose so he stayed home today. I had him and Ruth stay home and watch a show while I went to exercise class.  That may have been bad but it feels so good to go.  I did skip quilt group and stayed home with him.  I had to return Isaac's violin today.  We will get him one next week.  I needed to get a ball for activity days so me and Oliver went and got one.  We also stopped for a sandwich. I told it it had to be our secret so the other kids didn't get jealous and he was bursting to tell everyone.  We also set up the hoses and water the lawn.  Tony was helping and got super wet.  Ruth went and played with Emily after school.  She had her last soccer game and we skipped it so we could go to activity days.  They called the other leader to a new calling so I had to go be the second leader.  Then Isaac had young men's.  We are planning on going backpacking tomorrow.  We are headed to robbers roost.  We are going to go slow in the morning and see how Oliver is feeling.  So I won't blog until Sunday night when we get back.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


 I worked from home today. They said to work all week from home so I am going to do that. Everytime I sit down I fall asleep. I am feeling better. Karen I hope you get feeling better soon. Robin Luna does look bigger. That is cool you get more pto. I like that. Rachel I am so glad you and Ruth get to play. That is so wonderful to have that special time. I am glad you are sewing. Have a nice mid week. Rachel are you still taking off in Thursday? Love mom


The boys didn't feel great this morning but they made it to school and had a good day.  Me and Ruth had a fun morning.  We ran errands to the bank, post office and grocery store.  Then she wanted whips, it is a soda place.  We went there and then watched momma mia.  It was so fun.  I am going to soak up having her home the next few weeks.  I took Tony on a walk.  I wore my coat because it was so cold yesterday but it was warm today.  I sewed a couple more blocks so I would have something to show tomorrow.  Ruth and Oliver had their last soccer practice today.  Ruth also had tumbling.  Casey worked late and when he got home we mowed the lawn.  Well Isaac and Casey mowed the lawn.  It looks really nice.  I am hoping my dandelion die soon.  I got a job interview for Monday for a part time job at Vivint.  It is for a licensing administrator.  Love you guys and I hope everyone feels better.
Love Rachel


Luna woke up twice last night. She had a growth spurt so that might be why. Work was good. They had a company meeting and they are giving hourly employees 5 more pto days. So that was fun. Then we went on a walk and had lasagna. 



 Well I made it to work half day. Then I took the rest of the day off and took a nap. I am feeling better but I still have a cough and a headache. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, May 9, 2022


 I wasn't feeling well either so I didn't work today and went to the doctor. She gave me an antibiotic. I am with Karen I hope it helps. Karen I hope you are feeling a little better. Don't forget to take probiotics. It will help the tummy. That is fun you got pezs. They are so good. Rachel the chocolates are really good. I am going to work from home tomorrow just to give me 24 hours and then hopefully go back to work. Luna is so cute in her head band. Love mom


 Today was good and a little slower which is nice.  I decided to start getting up and walking early again.  So this morning I got up and it was pouring rain/snow and I didn't walk.  I did go to exercise class and it was so hard today.  After Ruth went to school I took Tony on a walk but I had given my house key to Randy so I was locked out.  I called Casey and he came home and let me in.  I sewed and that was nice.  I haven't been doing that either.  I have quilt group this week so I thought I would get something done for that.  Karen sent us a big bag of pezs, thank you Karen.  We are dinner early and Casey worked late.  When he got home we worked on the tree house.  It is looking good.  I hope everyone feels better soon.

Love Rachel


 Well my head was sore this morning and my eyes were kind of goopy. So I took the day off and went to instacare and got an antibiotic. Hopefully it makes this cold go by faster. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


I was tired this morning. Luna woke up at 12:30 and would sleep but would wake up the moment I put her down. I finally gave her some Tylenol and that worked. After work we went on a walk the had tacos 


Sunday, May 8, 2022


Thanks again for the fun day Saturday. Jeramy is feeling a little bit better but still in man cold faze. I was able to finish mowing the lawn. I can't figure out how to turn on my irrigation water so that is my project this week. Then I just slowly unpacked. I still have forever to go but I'm making progress. 


 I sure had a nice time yesterday. Thanks for all the nice gifts. I loved them. Rachel I am glad you had a nice day. Robin I hope you had a nice first mother's day. Karen I am glad you are feeling better. I had a bad cough again today so I just rested all day also. I hope jeramy is doing ok. Love mom

Happy mother's day

 Happy Mother's Day Mom.  I am glad you had a good day.  I am glad you got some rest Karen.  I am worried about you.  Thank you also for the crab, it was delicious.  Today was good.  My meeting was cancelled.  The kids were so excited this morning and so cute giving me their presents.  They are sweet kids.  Calleen and Allen came and visited.  So we hurried and cleaned the house.  It was good to see them and they are doing good.  Me and the kids went to church.  We sang in sacrament meeting and the kids were cute.  Casey changed the oil in the van and fixed the belts.  Me and Casey ran to Lowe's and I got a peony for the front.  Then we went up to Randy's for dinner. It was a nice evening.  Lily was in a bad mood and she was so funny.  Thank you guys again for the fun day yesterday.  I wish we lived closer.

Love Rachel


 I had a fun day yesterday. Thanks everyone for hooking up. I slept most of all today. I am feeling better though so that is good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...