Tuesday, May 10, 2022


The boys didn't feel great this morning but they made it to school and had a good day.  Me and Ruth had a fun morning.  We ran errands to the bank, post office and grocery store.  Then she wanted whips, it is a soda place.  We went there and then watched momma mia.  It was so fun.  I am going to soak up having her home the next few weeks.  I took Tony on a walk.  I wore my coat because it was so cold yesterday but it was warm today.  I sewed a couple more blocks so I would have something to show tomorrow.  Ruth and Oliver had their last soccer practice today.  Ruth also had tumbling.  Casey worked late and when he got home we mowed the lawn.  Well Isaac and Casey mowed the lawn.  It looks really nice.  I am hoping my dandelion die soon.  I got a job interview for Monday for a part time job at Vivint.  It is for a licensing administrator.  Love you guys and I hope everyone feels better.
Love Rachel

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