Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy mother's day

 Happy Mother's Day Mom.  I am glad you had a good day.  I am glad you got some rest Karen.  I am worried about you.  Thank you also for the crab, it was delicious.  Today was good.  My meeting was cancelled.  The kids were so excited this morning and so cute giving me their presents.  They are sweet kids.  Calleen and Allen came and visited.  So we hurried and cleaned the house.  It was good to see them and they are doing good.  Me and the kids went to church.  We sang in sacrament meeting and the kids were cute.  Casey changed the oil in the van and fixed the belts.  Me and Casey ran to Lowe's and I got a peony for the front.  Then we went up to Randy's for dinner. It was a nice evening.  Lily was in a bad mood and she was so funny.  Thank you guys again for the fun day yesterday.  I wish we lived closer.

Love Rachel

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