Saturday, December 13, 2014


I got everything all wrapped up tonight.  I am usually not that organized when it comes to wrapping.  I usually just put them in boxes but Isaac has been loving wrapping so everything is wrapped up.  I think he will like that.  We went to Park City with Karen today and I went to Old Navy and got everything I needed to finish up.  It was so nice and they had such good sales.  I really scored.  I also went to Carters and got those pants for Oliver.  I was on a roll.  We came home and I took a 3 hour nap.  I have been so tired lately.  It felt so nice.  I also got all my laundry caught back up.  I don't think we are going to Logan tomorrow.  Sorry about that Rachel.  I am just so tired.  I think if I could have a day to rest, I will make it.  Have a great Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Wurk it

Today was good I worked at scheels so nothing to exciting. Tomorrow me and Walter are going Christmas shopping at scheels since they are letting me use my discount. Karen I am good with whatever. I will do whatever is easier. But if I have to decide we can give him the soccer net for his birthday. It will give me a couple.extra days to procrastinate wrapping. Well have a good one



I had a fun time today. Last night me and mom went to Forgotten Carols which was really good. Then dad, mom, and me hung out for awhile today. It did snow for a little while here, but none of it stuck so that w's nice. Robin I have been meaning to ask if we are going the soccer net or the scooter for Isaac's birthday. I am good either way I just didn't know if I needed to bring the soccer net with me next weekend for Isaac's birthday party. Well I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, December 12, 2014

Nice time

Karen made it safe and sound.  We went to dinner and then went to the Forgotten Carols.  It was a really neat play.  I enjoyed it so much.  Karen bought me the CD afterwards so I can listen to the music.  She is going to spend the night and if it doesn't snow we are going to play for awhile.  Rachel that is so cute that Isaac wrapped presents.  I hate to wrap presents.  I am not very good at it.  I love sacks.  Have a great day tomorrow.  Be careful out there.  LOVE MOM


Today was pretty good.  We went grocery shopping this morning and then went to story time.  This afternoon Isaac wanted to wrap presents so I got out the paper he won from bingo and he wrapped up all his cars.  He held the scissors the right way and cut out the paper and we taped it on.  It looked good.  Then he could unwrap it.  We ended up doing it three of four times.  He loved it.  It took forever tonight to put everyone in bed.  It wore me out.  I am going to sew for a little while.  We have a ward Christmas party tomorrow which should be fun.  Everyone have a good weekend.


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fun times

WOW Robin that would be fun to go to Chicago.  I know a lot of people at work that have been there and I could get you some fun places to go. You will love that.  Me and Karen had a really fun time at the party.  I won a gift card to Starbucks.  Robin, I am saving that for you.  Thanks Karen for inviting me.  Traffic was horrible on the campus.  It took me 45 minutes to get onto Foothill.  I was stressing out.  I did make it in the nick of time.  Rachel, I agree with you.  I think with that much effort you could get a masters degree and that will be a lot better.  I love your pictures.  Oliver looks cute in his shoes.  He is growing up so fast.  I have been loving this weather also.  I had a work party today also.  I had two free meals.  The work party I had to do a slide show of everyone's pictures.  It even turned out good.  I am getting better at power point.  Have a great Friday.  It is suppose to be stormy on Saturday.  It was so windy in Kamas tonight.  Karen's garbage cans kept getting blown over. Rachel I love your table runner.  I love the colors.  They are so bright and fun.  You always pick out the best fabric.    LOVE MOM

I love this weather

Robin that is awesome you get to go to Chicago, I think that would be a neat city to see.  Fun.  Mom and Karen I hope that you had a fun time at the party.  We had another fun day.  Jenn watched the kids for a while this morning and we finished Christmas shopping and I went to bridgerland and got information about their program.  It is 20 hours a week and it would take me a year and a half.  I think that if I am going to invest that much time into school I might as well get a masters degree so I am leaning towards doing that later.  I think the kids are too little to throw too much time at it now.  After lunch Oliver took a nap and me and Isaac ran to Sam's.  We spend the rest of the day outside.  It was so nice.  We played and pruned trees.  I did finished my table topper today.  I like it, I am not sure if I choose the right fabric but I like how it turned out.  Casey goes back to work tomorrow so it is back to real life.



So my boss at maggie said I get to go to Chicago in march/April time. They are doing a wedding show and need dressers backstage. I was excited. Then I  worked at scheels it's super slow so I am blogging. :) well not much else have a good friday


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

fun times

Sounds like everyone is doing good.  I am excited to go to Karen's party tomorrow.  I worked through my lunch today so I am going to leave at 4:00.  I think I will miss a lot of the traffic leaving a little early.  It was a busy day at work today, tomorrow is the free Christmas luncheon and we have a slide show of everyones pictures.  I have been working on that.  I get two free meals tomorrow.  Rachel that is neat that Jen will watch the kids so you can go check out the classes.  That will be fun.  Have fun working at Schell's tomorrow.  We had scouts tonight so dad came home and it was fun. The boys were really good.  We went to Walmart's afterwards and bought Guardian of the Galaxy movie and bread.  What more can a person need.  I also bought wrapping paper so I need to get wrapping things up.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM

Today was good I am glad it was Wednesday I work tomorrow at scheels. That will be fun Rachel to take an accounting class that will be awesome. I did work on an emboidery lace butterfly but I'm still working on it so I will take a picture if it works out, I've already had a failed attempt. Embroidering is super easy you just hit start and it does it's thing, I got 80 dollars for buying the machine. I am waiting for it then I am going to buy more thread colors, well I don't have much else have fun at your Christmas party Karen hope you win fun things. 


What do you get when you cross a sheep and a beetle?

A baa humbug

We had a fun day today.  This morning my visiting teachers came, they didn't stay as long as they usually do so that was nice.  We went to the hobby lobby becuase Isaac had been wanting a piggy bank for his money so we got one you can color, he loves it.  I also got some foam things that you put stickers on to make ornaments.  Isaac had a really fun time doing that also.  Isaac had preschool and afterwards Calleen came down and we went to see a green house in young ward.  It was really neat to see and we learned a lot.  He said that growing the tomatoes in just water doesn't give you very good tomato's and the soil is better.  She wanted to do the water so it was good to know that.  Then we took her out to eat at Panda since Isaac likes rice.  She had fun eating out.  I have been thinking about going to bridgeable and going into accounting. Jenn said she wanted to watch the kids tomorrow so we are going to go check it out while she is watching them.  It should be fun.  Good luck with your party tomorrow Karen and Mom, have fun.  Robin I want to see pictures of what you are embroidering.  Is it hard to do?  I would like know how it is going.



Well I am glad that the week is half over. Tomorrow is my Christmas party at work. Mom is coming up to go with me. It starts at 530, it should be fun. Work was good. I am working on getting exploded views done. Then in the afternoon I helped fold napkins for the party. Tomorrow I said I would help set up for the party. So in the morning I am going to go over to help. Robin's Christmas present came in the mail today an I wrapped it up. So I am all set for Christmas now. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Today was good nothing to exciting, they are doing inventory at work. I had to look for like 10 dresses and they bought me lunch so that was nice. I don't know if I mentioned it but they opened a game room at work. Today I scored 77 points on the basket ball games they are brining in soda machines and popcorn so that will be fun. I didn't do much today it was nice to relax, mom is out the links below for the makeup I wanted. It's expensive so if it too much it's no stress just ideas :) have a good night

Skin illustrator:

3rd degree:   ----- the clear color 


Good Day

Today was a good day for me as well.  It went by really quickly.  We didn't go get Guardians tonight.  Dad was tired and came home late.  We will have to get it another day.  Not much else going on with me.  I am glad the weather has been so nice.  I have been enjoying it.  I am glad everyone had a nice day.  LOVE MOM

Fast Day

Today went pretty fast.  We went to story time this morning which was fun.  When we got home Oliver fell asleep and Casey and Isaac went for a drive up in the mountains.  They had a lot of fun and went to panda for lunch and then grocery shopping.  Oliver woke up right before Jenn came to sew.  He was a handful to sew with but he made us laugh.  He is a funny kid.  Casey didn't have scouts tonight since they are having a eagle scout thing tomorrow that he has to go to.  I got Rio 2 on netflixs so we watched that tonight and it was a nice evening.  Isaac liked the movie and watched it.  I am tired today though, Oliver didn't sleep great last night.  I may call it an earlier night.



Well  my day has been good. Work is going good. I have been staying busy so my day went by quick. I am glad that the week is half over tomorrow. Robin I am glad that you like the vacuum. I hope that it works good for you. I am doing laundry right now. I am drying my last batch so hurray I am almost done. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, December 8, 2014


Today was good I met up with mom for dinner it was fun. Thank you very much Karen for the vacuum cleaner my carpets needed it. There is movie about the last five years the musical I want to go see. It looks good. Tomorrow we are doing inventory at work so that will be fun. Well have a good night



I went over tonight and saw Robin's sewing machine.  WOW.  That is so nice.  She made this most beautiful embroidery.  I was so impressed.  Robin you are going to make some amazing designs.  We went to dinner and then went shopping a little bit.  We went to kohls and it was nice to walk around.  We found some good deals out and about.  That was nice.  Not much else going on with us.  I am going to have to wrap up some presents here soon.  Rachel that nativity scene was always your favorite.  Some years I thought for sure we lost pieces but we always found them.  Sometimes months later.  Grandma Gumm bought that one time for us in Houston and I am so glad that Isaac loves it.  It was always special to you.  LOVE MOM


Thank you Karen and Mom for the magazine subscription, that was really sweet of you.  I was thinking the same thing but I haven't gotten around to ordering one yet.  I ordered some fabric over black Friday and it came today which was exciting.  It was only 70 cents per fat quarter, you can beat that.  We ate lunch at McDonald's today and it tasted good.  We all must of been hungry because we ate it all.  Then Isaac had preschool, he has so much fun there.  Isaac really wanted to paint cookies again so Casey was sweet enough to make them.  I ate all of them last time so I need to be more careful this time.  I gave out my first tissue tonight.  Someone dropped a Christmas treat by and I gave them one back.  It was so nice to have them, thank you everyone.  We have been talking about baby Jesus so I got out the old nativity scene out and Isaac really liked it.  I attached a picture.  Everyone have a good night.



My day has been good. Work is going good. Rachel yesterday when I was with mom she said that Isaac likes to get mail. So I told her about a group on for some kid magazines so we got it for him. So in 4 to 6 weeks he will start his year of magazines. I hope he likes them. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Loving it

I had a really nice time up at Karen's.  Her theater rooms is magical with Christmas decorations and lights.  It was so much fun to help.  She bought me a surprise, a ticket to the Forgotten Carols.  We are going Friday night.  I am way excited.  I am going to dinner with Robin tomorrow night and see her machine.  I am having a really nice holiday.  I hope the weather stays nice and warm.  It is fun to be able to get around easily.  Rachel I love your quilt.  It is beautiful.  I love Isaac in the mud.  He is all boy that one.  I think the look so cute in their matching outfits.  Have a great week.  LOVE MOM

Warm Weather

Yesterday started off kind of rocky the boys were grouchy but we just went slow and they became better.  After lunch we went to the mall and played in that fair and then got a pretzel.  The weather has been so nice we went on a walk.  I finished my quilt last night and it turned out really good.  I like it a lot.  Today went really fast.  We went to church and the boys looked so cute in their matching outfits.  Oliver fell asleep when we got home so me and Isaac played soccer outside and played in the mud, I attached a picture.  When we were waiting for Casey to come home we ran up and down the street a couple of times and that felt good.  After dinner we visited Randy, it was good to see them and I told them about the party.  It sounds like everyone has a busy week this week.  I am jealous you get to go to the forgotten carols, that will be fun.



I have had a fun weekend. Mom and dad came up and helped me decorate for Christmas. Then we hung out and played some games. Then mom spent the night and I drove her back to SLC this morning. Robin mom has the vacuum I kept meaning to bring down, so next time you see her remember to get it. Me and mom are going to see Forgotten Carols on Friday. I am excited. Well I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...