Monday, December 8, 2014


Thank you Karen and Mom for the magazine subscription, that was really sweet of you.  I was thinking the same thing but I haven't gotten around to ordering one yet.  I ordered some fabric over black Friday and it came today which was exciting.  It was only 70 cents per fat quarter, you can beat that.  We ate lunch at McDonald's today and it tasted good.  We all must of been hungry because we ate it all.  Then Isaac had preschool, he has so much fun there.  Isaac really wanted to paint cookies again so Casey was sweet enough to make them.  I ate all of them last time so I need to be more careful this time.  I gave out my first tissue tonight.  Someone dropped a Christmas treat by and I gave them one back.  It was so nice to have them, thank you everyone.  We have been talking about baby Jesus so I got out the old nativity scene out and Isaac really liked it.  I attached a picture.  Everyone have a good night.


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