Saturday, January 7, 2017

Plot twist

Today was good. I slept in which was very much needed. Ricky wasn't free this weekend. So I decided to go back to the dating sites. I'm over it. But one guy was on top of it and asked me to dinner tonight. We meet in Layton because he lives in Brigham. It was fun, I don't think it will bud into anything but he was a nice guy. It was fun to go out. I have inventory at scheels tomorrow so it's a 12 hour day for me. Hope everyone has a good night


Nice Day

We had a nice day.  We slept in and then Karen came down and we went to lunch and she got a snow blower.  It is a really nice one.  I think it will work perfect for her.  We took it up to Kamas and played with it for a few minutes.  We came home and the jeep acted funny.  Dad thinks it is a fuel sensor so we went to Oriellys and everyone said that was what it was.  We did get it analyzed yet because it was snowing and we were freezing.  Gary looked it up and it looks like you have to jack the car up to replace it.  With all the snow and slush I think we will take it in on Monday.  Rachel, I hope you are surviving the weather.  It looks like you are getting hammered again.  Your house might be a snow fort before you know it.  Not much else to report.  Be safe out there.  Robin, I hope all is well.  LOVE MOM

Did it

Well I did it. I bought a snow blower. It is going to be awesome. Thanks again mom and dad for helping me get up to Kamas. That is all the exciting news I have to report. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, January 6, 2017

Ready set snooze

Today Was Busy. I was really late to work because there were a ton of wrecks due to black ice. I went grocery shopping tonight so now I have more than cheese in my fridge. Well everyone have a good night


Love Fridays

My day was good.  I was busy all day but I got a lot done.  I am so glad it is the weekend.  It was fun to talk to Isaac and plan.  He is growing up.  We are going to hook up with Karen tomorrow and look for snow blowers and I am going to go get my hair cut.  Should be a nice day.  Everyone enjoy the weekend.  I hope it warms up like they say it is going to  LOVE MOM

Schools out forever

They had another snow day today since it was so cold, it was -25.  We had a fun day and it is nice not to have to rush in the morning.  I did need to get out of the house so we went to the bounce n slide place.  It was fun and good to have everyone run around for a while.  I was going to go grocery shopping afterwards but the kids were tired so we just went home.  Isaac wanted to go to the martial art class again.  Tonight was Judo and it is more like wrestling.  He said that he liked the kicking one more so we will try that again on Monday.  I think we will keep trying both to see what he likes better.  Isaac made a lego and wanted to show Grandma so we talked to her for a while, thanks again Mom, you are the best.  I am glad that you are getting a snow blower Karen, it will make the winter a lot better.



Yea it is finally the weekend. I also didn't have to shovel this morning.  First time all week. It was nice to snooze this morning. Work went by good. It was super cold here today. The low was -18. We did get above zero for a little bit. I hope everyone had a great Friday today. Bye

Thursday, January 5, 2017

So glad for Friday

I slept in a little bit today to avoid rush hour traffic.  I was glad we did because the roads were horrible.  Not much going on with us.  It is really cold out there.  I did do laundry tonight so that was good.  It was overflowing.  Robin, I like the way your cookies turned out.  Karen good luck with your auditors.  They can be fairly brutal.  Rachel, I am glad the doctor went well and karate looks like a lot of fun.  Have a wonderful Friday.  LOVE MOM


I was tired today. It snowed here most all day. Not too hard but still snowed. I am ready for it to be sunny here. Work was good. I did have 2 meetings to go to. We have an aduitor coming tomorrow. So the meetings were about that. They weren't too long so that was good. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Another Snow Day

The cancelled school today so Isaac didn't have to miss anything.  It was a pretty but cold day today, it didn't snow anymore and was sunny.  Casey was shoveling this morning so he went in late to work.  He was leaving when we were leaving to go to the doctor but the van's doors were all frozen shut so he drove us in his car and went to the doctor with us, it was nice to have him to help also.  The kids looked good.  Isaac is 48 pounds 55%, 46" 55%.  Ruthie is 22 # 12 oz 87%, and 29.5" 55%.  Oliver wanted to be weighed also and he is 28 pounds.  They were testing Isaac eyes and Oliver stood next to him and repeated all the letters he said, it was really cute.  We finished off Isaac's homework after lunch and then Imogene came over and played for a while.  Then we went to Isaac first martial arts class.  He was really excited and had fun.  They are learning Kyuki-Do and Judo.  Casey works by the place so he met us their and stayed and watched him and I took the little ones home.  Casey and Isaac went and got rice afterwards.  Ruthie loves the dolls you bought her Karen, she carries them everywhere.  Oliver was enjoying the tea set today, it was cute.  He drank so much water his diaper was huge.  Everyone have a great Friday.


Long day

Today was long we had a meeting and I had alot of work. I think I'm just tired today. I had to help a work make chocolate fortune cookies. So i stayed up late last night. Its for a huntsman thing. I'm really glad tomorrow is friday. I am working scheels tonight so it's chill. Have a good one
Be safe in all this snow


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

I hate meetings

WEll I had to set up a web ex for a big fancy meeting and it wouldn't work the whole time.  It was so stressful and embarassing.  I hate doing those kinds of things.  Rachel that is a lot of snow.  I can't believe that.  We didn't get any snow all day but it looks like it is snow now.  Robin was right just in time for her to go home.  Robin, I am glad you are getting time to get work done.  That always feels so nice.  We did go to Sam's after work and get drugs.  It was nice to walk around.  I am glad that Isaac's teeth checked out. He should be loosing some soon.  I love Oliver's train.  Way to go Rachel.  Karen I am glad you didn't get as much snow.  I am glad that tomorrow is Thursday.  I am so ready for the weekend.  It is suppose to clear out for a couple of days.  LOVE MOM


It snowed here all day as well, but we didn't get as much as you did Rachel. I think it was about eight inches all day. Other than a bunch of shoveling things are good here. I am glad that the week is half over. I am ready for it to be the weekend. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Snow Day

We got a ton of snow today.  At 6 the school was texting and calling saying that they were delaying school and canceling morning kindergarten so Isaac didn't have school today.  I couldn't fall back asleep after all the messages so it was an early morning.  Isaac slept in late so it was nice he had a day off.  The kids fought all morning over stupid things so I did a lot of moderating.  Ruthie is super cute and is playing so cute with all her new toys.  Casey came home early to take Isaac to the dentist but he had time before they left so we all went out and shoveled snow.  Our neighbors have amazing and used the snow blowers on our drive way but we dug out where Casey parks.  Isaac's dentist went good and they said his teeth looked really good.  Tonight the kids were energetic so Casey took them to the jump zone and they had a fun time.  I am hopping for another snow day tomorrow, I have to take Isaac to the doctor so it would be nice if he didn't miss anything.


Snow no mo

Today went by fast so that was good. I finally feel like I have time to catch up on work. I am working scheels tonight. The storm is suppose to ramp up around the time I leave so I probably won't get home till 1. Just kidding. Well stay safe and warm


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Ruthie rue

Happy birthday to glad she's one but sad to. That was a fast year. I think oliver grew from sunday. Today was good work was busy. I cut a few more flowers for my paper bouquet but my computer over heated and stopped so I took it as a sign and watched t.v have a good one


Good News

Well, I had a hard time going back to work this morning but I did it and got payroll all done.  We had someone put in the resignation today, she just got her masters and she is going to move to corporate and be a assistant director for planning so that is good for her.  We have lost a lot of our department.  The good news is our pension money came in today.  That felt really nice.  Now maybe they will give us a password so we can figure out what is going one.  That was really fun.  It is suppose to really snow tonight and all day tomorrow.  Be really careful out there.  It is hump day tomorrow so that is always nice.  Do you guys remember when it snowed 20 inches that time in Logan and it was a mess for months.  I sure hope that doesn't happen.  This is suppose to be a warm storm so hopefully it will melt easily.  Happy Birthday Ruthie.  That is so nice you took her out to dinner.  LOVE MOM

Happy Birthday Ruthie

Thanks Karen for the cropping.  I think that you need a snow blower also, buy one this weekend or tomorrow.  That would be fun.  Today I ran a bunch of errands while Isaac was at school.  It was my day for carpooling so I picked up the kids and then we went to Sam's for lunch and picked up some diapers.  Ruthie didn't sleep well last night and Oliver fell asleep at 5 pm so he woke up at 6:30 and was ready to go.  So everyone was kind of tired today.  Ruthie and Ollie took a good nap which was nice.  We took Ruthie out for dinner for her birthday and Isaac really really wanted rice so we went to Mandarin gardens and it tasted good.  I had young women tonight and it was fun but went kind of long, it was nice to play games and have fun.  Everyone have a good night.



Well I woke up 30 minutes early this morning to shovel snow. I barely finished before i had to go to work. It was a lot of snow. I think i am going to buy a snow blower. Other than that my day was good. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

P.S. Rachel I cropped you out like you wanted

Monday, January 2, 2017

I am not in a grade anymore either

I am with Isaac.  I am all done with working also.  I guess we all need to buck up and go back.  It snowed here as well.  We went out and brought Grandma some lunch and watched a movie with her.  It was nice to visit.  We came home just before it started snowing again.  It was so pretty to watch from the window.  Rachel, those pictures are beautiful of the kids.  You are getting really good.  Not much else going on with us.  I am glad it will be a short week.  Everyone drive safe in the bad weather.  LOVE MOM


We got about about 4 inches of snow last night also.  Lucky our neighbor shoveled everyone's sidewalks this morning so we didn't have to which was nice.  The young women's president came over to meet this morning and it was good to talk with her.  She was really nice.  She asked Isaac what grade he was in and he said that he was all done with school and not in a grade anymore.  It made me laugh and told him he had to go back tomorrow.  A week is forever for kids.  We went and got Isaac some snow boots and then we went to the Mongolian barbecue for lunch because it is Isaac's favorite, kids eat free on Monday's so it is cheap.  Casey sold some stuff on ebay and we also stipped that off.  Casey and Isaac made a snow fort in the backyard.  I was trying to give Oliver a nap but he wouldn't, he fell asleep again right before dinner.  Casey fixed the toilet downstairs and changed light bulbs, he is amazing.  Everyone have a good day back, it will be hard getting back to reality.



Today was chill. I slept in and then cleaned my place. I didn't get it all done. But I cleaned my kitchen and living room. So I was ok with that for my day off. Then I went to olive garden for lunch/dinner. I hit the storm just right and came home when it started to snow again. It started to get bad so I was glad I could just stay home. I have to work tomorrow so I guess that's life. Hope everyone has a good day.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...