Thursday, January 5, 2017

Another Snow Day

The cancelled school today so Isaac didn't have to miss anything.  It was a pretty but cold day today, it didn't snow anymore and was sunny.  Casey was shoveling this morning so he went in late to work.  He was leaving when we were leaving to go to the doctor but the van's doors were all frozen shut so he drove us in his car and went to the doctor with us, it was nice to have him to help also.  The kids looked good.  Isaac is 48 pounds 55%, 46" 55%.  Ruthie is 22 # 12 oz 87%, and 29.5" 55%.  Oliver wanted to be weighed also and he is 28 pounds.  They were testing Isaac eyes and Oliver stood next to him and repeated all the letters he said, it was really cute.  We finished off Isaac's homework after lunch and then Imogene came over and played for a while.  Then we went to Isaac first martial arts class.  He was really excited and had fun.  They are learning Kyuki-Do and Judo.  Casey works by the place so he met us their and stayed and watched him and I took the little ones home.  Casey and Isaac went and got rice afterwards.  Ruthie loves the dolls you bought her Karen, she carries them everywhere.  Oliver was enjoying the tea set today, it was cute.  He drank so much water his diaper was huge.  Everyone have a great Friday.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...