Monday, January 2, 2017


We got about about 4 inches of snow last night also.  Lucky our neighbor shoveled everyone's sidewalks this morning so we didn't have to which was nice.  The young women's president came over to meet this morning and it was good to talk with her.  She was really nice.  She asked Isaac what grade he was in and he said that he was all done with school and not in a grade anymore.  It made me laugh and told him he had to go back tomorrow.  A week is forever for kids.  We went and got Isaac some snow boots and then we went to the Mongolian barbecue for lunch because it is Isaac's favorite, kids eat free on Monday's so it is cheap.  Casey sold some stuff on ebay and we also stipped that off.  Casey and Isaac made a snow fort in the backyard.  I was trying to give Oliver a nap but he wouldn't, he fell asleep again right before dinner.  Casey fixed the toilet downstairs and changed light bulbs, he is amazing.  Everyone have a good day back, it will be hard getting back to reality.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...