Saturday, March 12, 2016

They are done!

I got my taxes already to be turned in.  YEAH.  I had a nice day.  WE just did taxes and then Karen came down and we went to Lowe's and Target.  It was fun to visit.  The weather looked bad so she went home and I finished my taxes.  I made corned beef for dinner and it tasted really good.  Don't forget to spring ahead.  It is going to be hard to lose an hour.  Have a great Sunday.  LOVE MOM


Rachel, that is a really impressive hole. If Isaac wants to explore underground we should take him on the silver mine tour. Then he could explore way under ground. My day has been good. I went and got my hair cut this morning. Then I got weed and feed and spread it out on my yard. Hopefully that will help keep the weeds down this year. Then after lunch I went down to Salt Lake because I needed a new filter for my fridge. I met up with mom and dad and hung out for a bit. It was fun. I hope everyone had a great Saturday.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Made it

I made it to the weekend.  That is nice.  I think in the picture where Ruth is asleep she looks just like Oliver but in another picture she looks just like Isaac.  She is so cute holding her head up.  I love the new batman.  He is really cute also.  I am missing them all.  Robin I ended up with your spatula so we can swap next time we see each other.  Not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM


Mom I forgot I ended up with socks that you bought. I will get them to you next time I see you. Work was good. I was so glad it was friday. Walter took me to cafe rio it tasted yummy. I am tired though I am definitely sleeping in tomorrow. Have a good saturday



Stupid taxes, I think it is a crime that they take so much.  You probably ended up owing the government, just kidding.  It was cooler today than I was expecting but we still were outside a lot.  It was payday today so I went to berninas and got a back for Oliver's train quilt.  The boys and Ruth did really well and had fun.  Isaac wanted pretzels for lunch so we went to the mall and saw the chicks and had lunch.  Then we spent the rest of the day outside.  Isaac wanted to dig a hole to explore underground so yesterday they dig a hole in the hill and they worked on it some more this evening.  We are putting the dirt in the raspberries and then going to fill the hole in with the rest of the hill so it should start to get flat.  Here are some pictures.  I have a hard time taking my new camera outside and hold Ruth so I have been using my phone for some of the pictures just because it is easier.  They are numbered different so it puts them out of order on the blog.  Well everyone have a good weekend and get some rest.



 Well we made it to the weekend. My day was good. Work stayed busy so it went by fast. I did get my bonus check. I also got a shock when I saw how much the government taxes bonuses. It was windy and chilly here today. I hope everyone had a great Friday.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Fun evening

I had a really fun time with Robin tonight.  It was fun to just shop around and talk.  Thanks.  Karen you are the mega bucks winner.  That is just wonderful.  You deserve it.  Rachel, I love the pictures, I am glad you are in the quilting guild.  That is so much fun and it is good that you have people in that have kids.  That makes it so nice for all of you.  I think this weekend I am going to do taxes.  They really need to get done.  If I get done early I am up for meeting and playing.  LOVE MOM


Congrats karen that is awesome. You should go buy a jeep. Me and Walter meet up with mom and dad for dinner. It was fun. Thank you again for the skirts. It was very sweet of you. Work.went by fast today so that was nice. I am so glad tomorrow is friday.


Yard Work

Karen that is awesome.  You should save it and come to California with us, that would be awesome.  You work for a good company.  We had a good day.  Isaac had orange day at school and had a fun time.  We got bread sticks for lunch and the I had that quilt meeting.  It is always fun and we meet at a ladies house who has a little boy and fun toys so the boys were busy playing the whole time.  Everyone wanted to hold Ruth also so that was a nice break.  It was such a nice day.  Oliver loves being outside and we were outside most of the day.  We started doing some yard work, cleaning up stuff.  It was nice to be out.  I hope that you guys had fun shopping.



So this morning they called all of us into the break room for a meeting. It was a video from Greco. They sold off one of their acquisitions and they must have made a bunch off of it because they are giving all full time employees a 650 dollar bonus and all part time employees 325. So wha who. Then I had my year review and got a .92 raise. So all in all it was a good day to go to work. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great Thursday.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Living the dream

I got approval to work over time and so I worked until 6:30 tonight.  I even got a whole project done.  There is hope after all.  It was nice to have it quiet and get some work done.  WE interviewed some one today and lets say that isn't happening so we are back to no help.  Oh Well the overtime will be nice.  Robin that is nice to have a whole week where you only work one job.  Too bad half of it will be in Chicago.  I am going to meet Robin tomorrow for dinner.  Walter is going to come and we are going to the Chinese Buffet.  We are going to get Robin a travel outfit.  I bought this lentil soup mix at the produce at Smith's and made soup tonight. It was fresh cut up veggies with the lentils in it and spices.  I made broth out of the Sam's chicken and put some chicken in it and it was really good.  I am going to do that again.  I have enough for lunches for a couple of days.  Have a great day.  LOVE MOM


Today was pink and white day at school so Isaac wore the pink dinosaur shirt he loves.  I put Oliver in his new race car shirt and Isaac said he wanted to wear his after school and I thought he didn't have one but sure enough he did.  He has a good memory.  Calleen came over when Casey got home from work to pick up her hard drive and work on a computer or something.  She stayed for while and visited.  I had enrichment this evening and it was fun.  I stayed an hour and then had to come home to feed Ruth.  It worked out pretty well.  It was cold again today.  Casey and Isaac tried to start a fire and burn the apple tree stump but it didn't work out, I think that everything was too wet.  Everyone have a good night.



Today was good. The morning was rough but I made it out alive. Work has been busier so it's nice that time flies. I worked at scheels tonight. Walter said I should bring my coloring book and color while I'm slow. I tried it tonight and liked it. I might do it more often. Today is my last day at scheels for a week. I'm beyond excited. It will be a busy next couple days. Have a good night



Well it was snowy here this morning. All the snow did melt this afternoon though. Work is still moving along. I went grocery shopping after work. I have food in my house again.  I hope everyone had a great Wednesday.  Bye

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

One Down

It was a good day.  It was colder this morning but seemed to warm up as the day went on.  Oliver wants to be outside all the time.  We got the soccer nets out and played soccer for a while.  Randy called and wanted to take the boys for the afternoon so he came and picked them up.  They went to the park and rode their bikes around the block, they had a good time.  I sewed with Jenn while they were gone and Ruth was good so I was able to get most of the quilt done and I finished it tonight.  It feels nice to have it done and I like how it turned out.  I just have one more quilt to make for her.  Casey helped someone at work fix his bike after work and then he had scouts.  They went on a 5 mile hike so they were gone for most of the night.  I hope that they get you help soon Mom, that is stressful.



Today was ok nothing to crazy going on. Work was good. I didn't have to work at scheels. But I was really tired so I just watched netflix. I started watching cackoo. It's kinda funny. It's about a girl that marries a hippy boy and her father doesn't get along with him. It's a British comedy. Have a good wednesday



Today was craziness at work.  It is getting to be a lot of work.  I asked my boss if I could start working overtime.  It is my only hope.  Not much else going on with me.  We did go to Smith's and go grocery shopping.  It was light almost to 7.  I am loving that.  I am glad that tomorrow is hump day.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. It seemed like busy day. It definitely went by fast. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I did get approved to take the Monday after Easter off. So i am all set to play. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Monday, March 7, 2016


Actually you spring ahead early Sunday. My day was interesting.  One of the guys that had work at White Knight decided to retire today after having been on vacation.  So he came in and waited for hr and then turned he stuff in. He has been talking about it for a while. I just thought he would work for a few days after taking time off. Other than that it was a quiet day. I had a fun time this weekend.  I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Cutie Pies

Thanks for all the pictures.  They are so cute.  I sure had a fun time this weekend.  It was hard to get back to work.  I had attitude so I just stayed close to my desk and worked.  It helped me keep my mouth shut.  :)  It was cold today.  I hope it warms up.  Kay called and said she is having an Easter egg hunt on March 26th at 1:00 at her house.  I thought that would be fun.  If we are at Kamas we can drive down or start the fun there.  Either way.  Have a great Tuesday.  Karen told me today that Saturday we spring ahead.  I love the light at night.  LOVE MOM


Thank you guys for such a nice weekend and blessing, you guys are the best.  Today was pretty good.  Isaac had yellow day at school so I had both boys wear yellow.  Isaac spilled on his at dinner and put on a black shirt and was batman for a while.  This afternoon when I was putting Oliver down for a nap, Ruth would fall asleep and I would lay her down and she would wake up.  So after Oliver as asleep I gave up and put her in her gym to kick and she fell right asleep and stayed that way so I left her their.  It was funny.  We rearranged the basement to be like it was when Mom and Dad lived her and I really like it.  It keeps the toys from being the center of things and it feel really nice.  Well we missed the warmer weather today.  I hope that it warms up again soon.


Blessing Pictures


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...