Saturday, June 8, 2019

Dump day

We got a lot done today. We bought a trimmer on clearance at ace.  It made everything go really fast. It was cold here also and we had to buy dad a jacket at food town. We were working in the back yard and this bird was freaking out. As we were trimming a tree we found out, she had a nest with a baby bird in it. We stayed away from that area the rest of the day. It was to windy to round up. So we played games this evening and then went to cold stone for ice cream. We decided to spend the night. We are going to meet robin tomorrow at Costco and get bubble machines and figure out how to order cakes. I am sorry no one came to callins sometimes it takes awhile to get the word out. Have a nice Sunday love mom


Today was good. Jeramy had a couch that was at his ex wife's house. She wanted to make room in her garage for her brother to park. So we rented a small truck from home Depot and moved it down to his sister's house. Then we just watched more Alaska last frontier. It was a relaxing night. I hope dump day went well. Good job on the farmers market. That is allot of work. I will see you Sunday mom for Costco :)



We headed up to Clifton today.  Casey left early and rode his bike.  We watched a movie and then left.  Casey's knee was hurting him so we picked him up in Preston.  We helped setup the farmer market and the kids were excited and had fun.  She did have any customers today but it was pretty cold.  I wasn't prepared for the cold so I didn't bring jackets.  So me and Ruth went to the DI in Preston and got jackets for everyone.  They cleaned up around 5 and then when everything was cleaned up a customer came and Isaac was bummed.  Isaac was really cute he made signs and tried to think of ways to sell more, it was cute.  We drove up in the mountains so Calleen could show us a really pretty cabin.  It was a beautiful spot.  I hope that dump day went well.  That is always a lot of work.  Good job guys.


Friday, June 7, 2019

Safe and sound in kamas

Tell casey that is neat he got a job interview. I am excited for him. Work was good and we meet in park city.  I wanted to get more hair conditioner and they didn’t have it but kamas food town did. Go figure. We brought the roll away bed to dump day. We have a lot more room now in our storage shed. Drive safe to Clifton. Robin if you want to go to Costco on Sunday to order cakes let me know. Love mom


I forgot to say yesterday that Casey had an interview for the promotion at work and it went really well.  He should here back whether he got it next week which is exciting.  Since it was a late night last night I skipped the exercise class so the kids could sleep a bit but I did go walking which was nice.  The boys were up at 8 so I probably should gone but instead I finished quilting Karen's quilt from the class and I just have to bind it now.  We went and got some binding fabric, I got black, I think that will look nice.  We also went grocery shopping so we have food.    Then the kids rode their bikes to the library and I walked along Ruthie's bike because she still has trouble sometimes.  It was fun to go tot he library and Isaac got two prizes for reading so much.  We bought some crafts at the hobby lobby and made some bouncing balls which turned out pretty good.  Ron came over and brought dinner which was really nice and it tasted so good.  After dinner Casey, Ruth and Isaac went and flew kites at the park and I stay home with Oliver.  I braided Ruth's hair this morning and she hated it at first but she looked so cute.  It stayed in all day which was nice.  We are headed to Clifton tomorrow to go to the farmers market.  Good luck with dump day, I wish we were helping.


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Not a loser

I came home with more money than I started with so that was good.  I put 2 dollars in a machine when we first started and at lunch I had 15.  I played on that and won a little bit more.  Kay won 600.00 and gave us each 20 so that put me way ahead.  It was really nice day and we laughed and played.  I enjoyed the day and that is what really mattered.  Robin and Karen, I am sorry you are so tired.  I have found the week after a holiday is so long.  It just wears you out.  I am going to go to work tomorrow and then after work we are going to Karen's house.  It is free dump day on Saturday and I cleaned out our storage closet and taking some junk up there.  It is suppose to get really cold on Saturday.  Everyone bundle up.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  I went walking this morning and the weather was really nice but it turned stormy the rest of the day.  We were going to go swimming but it was too cold so we just had a day off.  Isaac read all 8 bad guy books.  We played play-dough and just played at home.  It was nice to go slower today.  I was supposed to have book group but Stephanie was sick so they moved it to next week so Casey thought it would be fun to go see Aladdin.  The theater was pretty full so we got crappy seats but it was a really good movie.  We all really enjoyed it and it was a fun time.  Ruthie was sad near the end so Casey and her were out in the hallway and missed the ending.  It was fun.  I hope that everyone enjoys their Friday.  We are going to try to swim again tomorrow.



Today was so busy at work. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I am so tired today. I could sleep for 4 days. I didn't do much tonight because i didn't have much energy. Hope everyone has a good Friday



I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday.  Thanks for coming up mom and dad. Work was good. I hope you had a fun time in Wendover mom. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


I am glad that everyone had a good day.  Good luck tomorrow Mom and I hope that you win big.  Today was good.  I went walking this morning and then worked out.  It was really hot today and I was sweating so much.  We went to a free concert at the tabernacle that was a piano and banjo.  They weren't amazing but it was fun.  The kids did really well and we lasted the whole time.  We came home and made snow cones and sat on the deck which was nice.  After dinner Casey went and helped Ron cut back some of his tree.  Isaac had scouts so we rode our bikes to the church.  The scouts leaders came but then canceled because it was the stake swim night.  Isaac really really wanted to go after they mentioned it so we rode our bikes back to Ron's to see Casey.  Randy and Terry had stopped also to drop off the trailer.  So we all loaded Randy's truck with sticks and visited for a while.  They are going on vacation tomorrow.  Isaac still really wanted to go swimming so we went to the stake swim night.  I didn't swim and just read the book Mom got me.  We just stayed for a hour and it was getting cold with the sun setting.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good day tomorrow.


Hump day

Well we made it half way through the week.  I am going to work a few hours tomorrow and then go to Wendover with the Gumm Gang.  In the afternoon wish me to win mega bucks  ;).  I had a nice day.  We took dad to the doctor and he is going to arrange for him to have another shot in his neck.  It really helped the pain last time.  We just went and got pills after work and then I cleaned out a few things in the storage shed so we can take that old bed to Kamas on free dump day on Saturday.  I was pretty excited about that one.  Everyone one enjoy tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

Baby step

Work was busy today. I'm ready for the weekend. Jeramy was sweet and cooked me dinner and we had root beer floats. Then we watched Alaska the last frontier. It was a relaxing night. The designer at work is going to China so he gave me my bridal gift today. He made a ceramic bowl. So that was nice of him to think of me. I hope everyone has a good night



Yeah the week is half over. Work went good. Then after work I went grocery shopping. I have food again. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Robin, you are going to have so much fun with presents coming in.  That is fun.  I love your giraffe. they are fun to do.  I have enough for everyone to do one for craft day one day.  Karen congratulations on your first quiz.  You nailed it.  Rachel, I hope you had a fun day.  It was pretty outside.  I had a tea time shower for one of my bosses who is getting married on June 22.  I gave her one of Rachel's quilts and she loved it.  Not much else to report.  I am tired.  Dad has a doctor's appointment at 9 tomorrow so I am going into work after that.  I am over my hours so that is good.  I am going to Wendover on Thursday with the Gumm Gang.  I am going to work for a couple of hours and then go.  I have a meeting I need to take minutes for.  Have a nice Hump day.  LOVE MOM


Good job on school Karen, you are so smart and amazing.  I like your giraffe Robin, that looks awesome.  We had a fun day.  The kids slept in and then went went hiking at second dam.  I forgot to charge my watch so it went in the power saving mode so I didn't get how far we went but I think it was about 2 miles.  We went and had lunch at Sam's club with Mom's gift certificate.  The library had a summer reading kick off party so we rode our bikes over to that.  They have a bunch of blow up bounce houses and free snow cones.  Their are so many people their we stood in a lot of lines but the kids had a fun time.  Casey met up with us there after work,  A big thunder storm came so we left but it never rained on us.  It was Oliver's turn to cook and he made hu hot noodles.  He was excited and had a fun time.  Love you guys.



Today we had our first wedding present ship to us. It was an insta pot from Deena. Jeramy said I had to wait till the wedding to open it :( so I guess in a month I will have some delicious food. Lol then me and Jeramy watched some more Alaska last frontier. I finished my giraffe. Jeramy said it was a cute hippo. So it's name is hippo now. Good job on the quiz Karen I'm glad school is going well! Love you guys Robin


Well to day was meeting day at work. I had 45 minutes in the morning where I wasn't in a meeting. The afternoon I managed to not have any though. So far school is going good. I have one quiz I can't take until the 6th but other than that I am good for the rest of the week. Yeah me! I did take a quiz in my industrial automation class and I got 100% so yeah me again! My lawn was bugging me when I got home because it was so long. So I hurried and mowed it after work. It looks so much better. I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, June 3, 2019


Today was ok. We are training everyone on something new and Aimee is out for the week so it's me training the circus. It was a busy day and I had cramps all day so I'm beat. I'm ready for another week off. Jeramy had to refill his prescription at Costco in lehi so I went with him to hang out. It was a long drive. But I was fun. I bought some apple cider vinegar pills for fun to try out. I heard it's good for you. So I figured why not. Hope everyone has a good Tuesday.


Today I went to work early and did payroll.  It went good so that was nice.  I just set up meetings the rest of the day.  We had left over hamburger pie for dinner and it tasted so good.  My teeth are starting to get better.  I can eat a little more harder foods.  That is good.  I have a really bad taste in my mouth but I think it is just healing.  Tomorrow is my bosses wedding shower.  I am going to give her that bright colored quilt.  Everyone just loves it.  I thought you would like to hear that Rachel.  I love your pictures.  The kids are growing so big.  We can get Ruth bigger shoes.  I think I am going to buy sparkly ones this time.  West Valley has a ton of them.  Karen congratulations on your first day of school.  I am glad everything went smoothly.  Robin that was one big busy day you had yesterday.  I hope you slept good.  It was such a pretty day.  We ate lunch outside and it felt so  nice.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Karen, that is stressful about your sink.  Good job fixing it, you are amazing.  The first day of summer vacation went really well and the kids were so good.  I walked this morning and then we went to the work out class.  It went well with all the kids and I think that they had fun.  We did the kids work books and read and no one gave me a hard time.  It was nice.  We went swimming and it was a free swim day so it was packed.  It was at max capacity because after a while they would only let someone in if someone left.  I remembered the umbrella and it was really nice.  We are having the kids make dinners this summer and Isaac made sushi tonight.  It was a lot of fun and he was cute making it.  After dinner Casey mowed the lawn and I edged it.  The girls came and over and played for a bit.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good night.



Well things are going good here in Kamas. Work dragged a bit but I made it thru. I made steaks and rice-a-roni for dinner. The pipe under my kitchen sink came loose so it leak everywhere. I tightened it back up though so things are good. Then I worked on school stuff. It is going good so far. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Busy bee

Thank you again for the fun day on Saturday. Good luck with school tomorrow Karen. Today was busy. Jeramy had to work till 12 so I slept in and then worked on my jacket for an hour or so. Then after work he came by to pick up my hope chest. We are starting to run out of room with his stuff coming in. and his friend has an 8 year old girl that wanted it. Then we ran down to Provo. We took his sister and niece out to Texas Roadhouse for lunch it was her birthday. Then we went over to his moms to drop off a lap top. We went over to his friends and drop off the hope chest. He also had to help a guy put up an air conditioner. Then we ran over for his friends family dinner. It was a busy day. I don't want to work tomorrow 😭 but I guess it is what it is.



That is crazy hail Karen, it is so cold where you live.  Good luck tomorrow with school, I am excited for you.  Oliver's hand is fine.  He took a bath last night and put his hand in the water so it was cleaned.  He didn't wear a band aid today, he said it was feeling good.  Casey worked today and we went to church.  The shoes that you bought Ruth for the wedding are too tight so she was upset about it.  We will have to get her new golden shoes.  She ended up wearing her new sandals to church and it worked out ok.    We played on the deck and the backyard for most of the day which was nice.  We were going to go hiking after dinner but it was stormy so we stayed home and fixed Isaac's bike.  We watched an American tail before bed.  Love you guys, I wish we lived closer so we could do more summer things together.  Tomorrow we are going to go swimming so that should be a fun first day of summer vacation.


Last day of school

quiet day

We had a quiet day.  We did cook squash in the insta pot and the recipe was really good it is a keeper.  We went to Sam's afterwards to get some stuff for a wedding shower at work Tuesday.  I have to go into work early tomorrow for payroll.  Oh well at least I am getting the hang of it.  That is huge hail Karen.  I bet that was kind of scary.  Rachel,  I hope that Oliver's cut is feeling better.  That was kind of a big cut.  Robin, I hope you got a quiet day with Jeramy working.  Have a nice week.  It is suppose to get warmer.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. A thunderstorm came thru this afternoon and that was nice. After dinner though we got hail for a while. It was pretty big also. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...