Friday, March 7, 2025


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten her a 35 piece puzzle and we put that together. I didn't know what would fit on her tray. I will buy a little bigger next time. I just putter the rest of the day. Robin and jeramy are coming to finish the guest room floor. I am excited about that. Rachel I hope isaac gets feeling better. That is a bad virus going around. I am glad you had the day off. It is nice to go slow. Have a wonderful weekend love mom


 Isaac was still coughing and didn't feel well so he stayed home from school.  We didn't have elementary school today because of parent teacher conferences.  The kids slept in until noon.  I sewed this morning and went grocery shopping.  I got a microcontroller for Oliver and I worked on getting that set up.  When everyone got up we had lunch.  They were playing the movie out of my mind at the school but we missed it so we watched it together at home.  It was fun.  We did crafts and played.  It was nice to have a day off.  

Love Rachel 


We woke up to quite a bit of snow. Luckily it all melted by the end of day. Work went by fast so that was nice. Since it was Friday me and Luna went to the gas station after work. If she is good all week we get a drink and a treat. Then we came home and Luna was jumping off the walls. So we took her to the curiosity museum. We played till closing time. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025


 Isaac stayed home from school today.  Oliver seems okay.  He had someone come and teach his class how to play the harmonica and they got to take it home.  He loved that and was playing it all day.  It snowed all day here which is so crazy.  We had a early out today for parent teacher conferences.  Oliver and Ruth bot need to pay attention better but are doing s good job.  Ruth is reading on a fifth grade level and her teacher said she had never seen such high reading scores.  The only problem is she is falling spelling and her teacher doesn't know why since she is reading at such a high level.  They are all smart kids.  Ruth had her first jump rope class and a friend from school was there so had fun.  I had bookgroup tonight and we read Remarkably Bright Creatures.  I read it a long time ago and had a hard time thinking of the details but it was fun to talk with everyone.  A lady bought her first house so we meet there and that was fun.  This morning I finished sewing a wall hanging and I need to quilt it still.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 I took dad to work and then and went to visit kay. She was tired today. I think it is the rainy weather. I came home a little early and hung out with Karen. She had half a day for a dentist appt. I finished my taxes today. I am missing one paper. I called to get it today. I then ran errands and went and got dad. I even cooked dinner. Dad is getting  better and that is good. Tomorrow is karens last day and then she has a week off before she starts again. Good luck Karen. I am sorry Luna hurt her ankle. That is sad. I was wondering about doggie diapers for Jenkins. Just a thought. I can pick some up if you want me to. Rachel I hope isaac is feeling better. I was worried Oliver was getting it. He looked so tired. Everyone be careful in the snow tomorrow. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. We did check the closet and it looks like casey fixed it. Love mom


 Well tomorrow is my last day. This two weeks have flown by. I went to the dentist place. But I am thinking of just having my regular dentist do the tooth. It will be less of a hassle. Other than that nothing too exciting here. Since it has been raining. I checked the floor in the back bedroom and it is dry. So tell Casey thanks a ton for installing the flashing it is working great. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Today was cold and rainy..I miss the sunny 60s we were having. They called me at the end of work and said Luna rolled her ankle. I only had like 10 minutes left of the day so I left and grabbed her. She made me carry her the whole time. I put her feet up and got an ice pack. When Jeramy came home she started to jump on the bed and ran up and down the hallway. So she's fine just a drama queen. So after dinner we had ice cream and watched mouna. I'm so.glad tomorrow is Friday.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 Dad needed some stuff for work that he gave to casey so I went and picked it up in Logan. I had a really nice day. It was just so nice to talk and walk around. It was raining when I came home and starting to snow in sardine. I am glad I left when I did. It is always hard to leave. I am going to go visit with kay in the morning. Karen is off in the afternoon. Thanks for having me in Logan. Robin I am glad you had a quiet day. You looked so tired last night. Love you all mom


 We had a fun day today with Mom visiting.  Isaac has a bad cough so he stayed home from school.  I had a quick meeting this morning at the school about how we are giving points are preps.  Mom was here when I got back.  We picked up lunch and tea and brought it home and ate with Isaac.  We went shopping and got beautiful fabric and the kids some sandals and at Patrick Day shirts.  We picked up Ruth and then Oliver from orchestra and went to the hobby lobby.  It is a fun store and they had better sales than Joann's.  We had dinner at la Unica which was really good and then Mom took off.  I went to exercise class and it was really hard.  I am dying lately.  

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. I am taking a half day off tomorrow because I have a dentist appointment. Work is moving along. Just have to make it Friday. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow.


Today was nice in the morning then it rained. Luna slept in her bed all night so that was nice. She didn't take a very good nap today so hopefully she sleeps well tonight. Work was slow but I made it out alive. We were going to work on the shed but we decided not to last minute lol we were all tired. So we all rotated taking a bath and relaxing. I dyed my hair. I was getting a healthy amount of grey hair. I took Jenkins out in the rain to pee and he had a seizure. We think something about him getting over stimulated outside freaks him out. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


We walked to school today and that was really fun.  We are going to try to do it more often.  I had prep today so it was an easy day.  Casey sold the CRV on his lunch.  The car is still here but he paid for it.  He will pick it up tomorrow.  Isaac is still sick but made it to school.  He had violin lessons.  Casey took us to sabores to celebrate selling the car.  The kids love it there.  Ruth was late for tumbling so she skipped it.  Casey walk talking to her in her room and she fell off the top.  She has a cut in her head and her bum is sore.  I didn't make it to exercise class with everything going on.

Love Rachel 


 I took dad to work and then and went and saw kay. They told me they can't keep her feed. She is so hungry. I brought two chopped up tomatoes and she ate them all. I gave her half a bag of chips when I ran to the store to get her some treats. And then ate a bag of grapes. She didn't like her lunch but ate her donut. She was out of diet coke so I got her some of that also. I got an email telling asking me for more tomatoes. I think she is making no insulin. I came home and then picked up dad. He laid down by me and I fell sound asleep. The washer still leaked after we cleaned the pump. We went to lowes and Karen bought a new washer and dryer. Rachel that is beat you sold the crv. Robin ceiling dry wall is the worse. I am going to Logan tomorrow. Seer needs some equipment dad gave casey. They will pay for my gas so I am going to go play. Dad worked to day his mouth is still really sore but doing good. Love mom


It was raining today. Luna wore her pink rain boots so she could jump in puddles. I wore nothing special because I'm old and tired. Work was slow and dragged on. We put up another sheet of dry wall downstairs in the wood shop. It was horrible and we only got one piece up. It was just heavy and gravity works against you on the ceiling. But we are close so that is exciting. Luna keeps wanting me to cook a million things but only takes like two bites. Then says her heart says she hungry. :/ it's a losing battle 



 Well i guess I passed my drug test because they sent me all the welcome information today. My day was good. Work is just the usual. I am glad that the week is almost half over. After work we went to Lowe's and got a new washer and dryer. The ones we have started leaking. They will be delivered on the 10th, so that will be fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, March 3, 2025


 Well it is my last week at work. It was kind of busy today. We had an engineering intern start today. I was asked to get him trained. So I asked the service team to get him trained on how our products work so that he would understand the parts and functions. At lunch I had to run to the lab to take another drug test. Hopefully my pee wasn't too watery this time. Then I raced back to work to finish the day. Since mom had a stressful day I got cafe rio for dinner. It tasted really good. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye


 I got up and called the dentist. I was pretty pushy and they said they could see me at 3. I guess we weren't suppose to take them out but there wasn't anything wrong with the implants so we lucked out on that one. I did.laundry today and the washer machine kept erroring out. I figured that it wasnt draining properly. We pulled the filter out and cleaned it. I am doing a tub cleaning now to see if that fixes it. Karen got dinner for us tonight. That was so nice. Rachel you had a big busy day.  Robin I am sorry about Jenkins. He doesn't have a brain tumor? Poor guy. I really like those vinyl cut outs on the light switches. That is a good idea. I am hoping to sleep better tonight. Love mom


 Today was good.  We ran out of ziplock bags when Isaac was packing his lunch so I went and got some before the little kids got up so I didn't have time to sew.  Work went pretty well and my classes went smoothly.  It was a good day.  I had a meeting at 4 so I checked Ruth out a bit early so I could get Isaac to orchestra and make my meeting on time.  It worked really well.  Casey picked up Oliver from orchestra and then he went climbing.  I picked up Isaac from orchestra and then I went to exercise class.  It was upbeat barr which is fun.  I am glad everything is okay with Dad's teeth and I hope they heal fast 

Love Rachel 


It was a Monday but we all made it out ok. After work Luna rode her scooter and we took Jenkins out in a leash. He had a seizure. We think he got to excited. And he gets dizzy quickly. We just took it easy the rest of the night 


Sunday, March 2, 2025


 We got up and went to the zoo. Dad couldnt wear his dentures. They hurt too bad. It was such a pretty day and the animals we so active. We took dad home and then went to Costco. I needed soda and protein drinks and water. We came home and played video games. Robin you are so close to being done. Wow. Rachel you had a good time outdoors. It is so nice to be outside. Your quilt is beautiful. I did leave a message at the dentures place. I am going to call at 730. Wish us luck. I hope they do the right thing. Love you all mom


We went to curiosity farms Saturday with the gang. It was nice to go outside and see the animals. I love it there. Then we came home and Luna took a nap. I worked in the tower. I am adding the texture and it's taking an eternity. Then after she woke up we went to the dinosaur museum. I asked about the jungle play area and someone cancelled. So we were able to get in at 6:30. It wore me out. We were there for about an hour and I was exhausted. Then this morning we went down to Provo and took Jeramys mom to lunch. After we came back and Luna took a nap and I worked on the tower again. I have a Small section left but I ran out of texture stuff. So hopefully next week the texturing can be completed. Then we just relaxed the rest of the day



 I am sorry about dad's dentures, I hope they can fix them tomorrow.  We had a fun weekend.  Saturday morning I went to exercise class which was high.  I finished my quilt and it turned out really nice.  I also made a project bag with vinyl pockets.  We ran errands and got Casey some boots and went grocery shopping.  We went on a walk around the block and it was pretty.  Ruth was really nervous about her show off day but she did it and we are proud of her.  Today Isaac didn't feel well so he stayed home church.  I played the piano and that went well and I didn't mess up too much.  We went out to lunch thanks the Mom to El Toro and it tasted really good.  Thank you Mom.  We went to Costco and got a new battery for the CRV.  We are going to sell it and it needed a new battery.  We went canoeing in Benson to use Oliver magnet.  We brought Tony and he was so nervous.  We were scared her was going to tip the boats so we stayed close to shore.  Their was a ton of ice/slush and we would canoe through and break off big slabs.  We had a really fun time.  We lost Oliver's magnet but we have a bigger one coming tomorrow so it okay.  Everyone have a good Monday.  My pictures are backwards again.

Love Rachel 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...