Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Over the river and through the woods

Well the dressing is made and we are packing up so we can leave right after work tomorrow.  Thanks Karen for donating the turkey.  That is nice of you and for making the chex mix.  Not much else going on with me.  Everyone drive safe and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

Vacation is soon

Karen, bring the muffin mix up here and we can make them for breakfast on Thursday.  That will be great.  Everyone have a safe drive up tomorrow and Robin drive up safe on Thursday.  I hope that it goes well with Walters family.  Today was pretty low key.  We had story time and that is always good.  Jenn was sick so we didn't sew and I didn't have bears.  Isaac did take nap but he fell asleep when Casey was here so I only got to sew for a half an hour.  Tonight Isaac wanted to go in the car but he wouldn't put on his shoes and kept getting distracted so we just stayed home.  It was funny he was playing pretend with the phone and he said "Hello Rachel Anderson here".  I thought it was so funny that he remembers I say that on the phone.  Anyway everyone have a good night and I will see most everyone tomorrow.


one more

Well I got the chex mix made. I tried to make muffins but I can't find my muffin pan so we are out of luck on blue berry muffins. Just one more day before the holiday. I just have to pack and then I am ready to go. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, November 25, 2013

so close

I am excited for this year to. I am so ready to kick off the holidays. I think I am going to try to make bread tomorrow we will see how that goes. I hope on wednesday that I get to go home early from work so I might hold off till wednesday to make it fresher. well nothing else to exciting for me. have a great tuesday robin

This and That

Today was a good day.  The weather was nice.  I had a doctors appointment this morning and everything looks good.  I turned my change in today so I am ready for black Friday also.  I want to go to Fred Smiths also.  I need some socks.  They sent a bunch of ads in the mail today and Shopko had the best stuff I thought.  We can just go on Friday and see if they have anything left.  We can talk about it.  Mom I don't think that you need to make anything else.  I am excited for Thanksgiving.


Made it

My work was busy also but I made it through. I am so ready for the holiday.  The announced we got bonus this year and it would be on my paycheck Friday.  That sure made black Friday look better.  Fred Meyer's is opening up Friday morning.  We like to go there.  I thought that would be fun.  Well not much else going on with me.  That is nice you went to Heber Karen.  Ready for the holiday.  I am going to the store tomorrow to get everything to make stuffing with.  Do I need to make anything else?  Have a great Tuesday  LOVE MOM

made it

Well I made it thru Monday. Work was actually pretty busy today. I drove to Heber after work because I needed a few things from the grocery store. I also filled up my car while I was there. Just two more days to go until the holiday. Have a great Tuesday tomorrow everyone. Bye.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I did it.  I downloaded the pictures.  I am getting better.  Have a great 3 days and I will see you soon.  LOVE MOM

Party time

I wrote this big post and lost it all.  I will try again.  I was trying to post a picture of Rachel's cute quilt she made and how nice it looked on my recliner.  I think I will save this one and add the pictures on another post.  Then I don't have to type it again.  Robin I am good with your plan.  I think it will work.  I think Fat Cats will be fun for your birthday party.  We will go with that plan.  Rachel I can't believe you made 4 quilts.  That is really good.  Little brother will look darling.  We went to church today and then watched a new TV series call Chuck.  It is good.  We walked around Liberty Park this afternoon and it felt nice to get out.  I also did laundry.  I am starting to feel better.  I slept so much yesterday it must have helped.  Have a great 3 days and we will play a lot.  LOVE MOM

A day off

I wanted to see the new hunger games movie.  I was going to suggest we see it.  I am glad that it was good and you had a fun time.  That sounds like a good plan for Thanksgiving.  I think that will work out the best.  I am excited for this week.  It will be nice to have some time off and just be together.  We had a good day.  It was stake conference so we skipped it.  Casey didn't work today and that was really nice.  He made a good turkey for dinner.  He set up a tent for Isaac and he thought he was inside a turtles shell.  It was cute.  I made four baby blankets while Isaac was sleeping.  It feels good to get them done.  I have two more to go and then I think I have everything made.  The dinosaur blanket turned out really cute, thanks Mom.  Well we can make it three days and then vacation time.  I am excited.



So... survey says.... that Walter isn't going to make Thanksgiving. He might have to work Friday so if he came up shopping for me would be out. So he's just going to stay in SLC. He said that Christmas stuff sounds fun and should work out. I am going with his family for a thanksgiving lunch though. But I will head up right after so I will be there for turkey warm ups and shopping planning :) I also got my check in The mail last night so that was awesome.
We were kinda talking about Christmas and birthday stuff and Walters family wants to do something on the 23rd. So I thought maybe going to fat cats for dinner for my birthday with everyone and having the arcade for the kids to play. Just an idea its not solid idea just putting out feelers.... also today Walter took me out to wild Buffalo wings and went and saw the new hunger games. It was a good movie. Sorry its a novel. But I'm excited for the long weekend! Love you



Well I had a nap today. It was nice. It did snow a little bit this morning, but the sun came out and it melted. I am glad that I only have to work three days this week. Oh and mom I passed you on pet saga. Just so you know. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...