Sunday, November 24, 2013

A day off

I wanted to see the new hunger games movie.  I was going to suggest we see it.  I am glad that it was good and you had a fun time.  That sounds like a good plan for Thanksgiving.  I think that will work out the best.  I am excited for this week.  It will be nice to have some time off and just be together.  We had a good day.  It was stake conference so we skipped it.  Casey didn't work today and that was really nice.  He made a good turkey for dinner.  He set up a tent for Isaac and he thought he was inside a turtles shell.  It was cute.  I made four baby blankets while Isaac was sleeping.  It feels good to get them done.  I have two more to go and then I think I have everything made.  The dinosaur blanket turned out really cute, thanks Mom.  Well we can make it three days and then vacation time.  I am excited.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...