Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Vacation is soon

Karen, bring the muffin mix up here and we can make them for breakfast on Thursday.  That will be great.  Everyone have a safe drive up tomorrow and Robin drive up safe on Thursday.  I hope that it goes well with Walters family.  Today was pretty low key.  We had story time and that is always good.  Jenn was sick so we didn't sew and I didn't have bears.  Isaac did take nap but he fell asleep when Casey was here so I only got to sew for a half an hour.  Tonight Isaac wanted to go in the car but he wouldn't put on his shoes and kept getting distracted so we just stayed home.  It was funny he was playing pretend with the phone and he said "Hello Rachel Anderson here".  I thought it was so funny that he remembers I say that on the phone.  Anyway everyone have a good night and I will see most everyone tomorrow.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...