Saturday, November 10, 2012
It snowed all day. I bet we have 12 inches. It stopped for a while and now it is snowing again. Weird. Lake Effect snow. I am sorry we didn't get to Logan. I felt so bad. I am not working on Wednesday. I am thinking I will drive up in the afternoon and we can go shopping then. I hope that will work out. I did take a picture. Dad's croques are coming up and they looked so pretty so I am posting that one also. Spring in winter. Robin got her new tires. I am glad, she is going to need them. I feel better that she has them. Karen is spending the night. I hope she can go home in the morning. It is suppose to clear out. We are suppose to go to Provo in the morning for Ben's farewell. Have a nice Sunday. I think that is neat you went ice skating.
The Best Laid Plans
I hope that everything worked out for you guys today and that you had a fun time. I am sorry about your tires Robin. It was good to find out they were bad now. We had a really low key day. Casey worked and we watched a lot of shows. Isaac seemed to need a rest day. When Casey got home we went ice skating. It was a lot of fun to do. Isaac wasn't too keen on it but he went around a couple of times. We got him a walker but he wasn't able to keep his balance enough. So me and Casey took turns skating while the other watched Isaac. It felt really nice to skate for a while. Not much else to report. I hope that you guys had a good day. Next weekend it moving weekend. :)
Friday, November 9, 2012
Sorry about the sound
That is sad about the DVD player. I do think you got your money's worth out of it however. It really wasn't that much. How would the kindle fire work. Would you down load movies for it? I thought the kindle was just for books. It sure did snow here also. Work was busy but I really lost motiviation in the afternoon so I still have a lot to do. Oh well. I am so excited for next weekend because it is the big move day. I need to get someone hired to help us. I guess the time has come. I am excited to go to Logan tomorrow. I hope it stops snowing. LOVE MOM
This evening we ran to the store and the sound went out on Isaac's DVD player. Casey is going to try to fix it at work tomorrow but I think that we are going to get a kindle fire for a family present and use that. I guess we will see how it goes. Today was good. They had a Christmas Present Expo thing at the redwood conference center by the DMV. They have made it really nice over there, I liked it. It was fun to walk around and I picked up a present for Dad. Me and Isaac walked the mall after his nap. It was supper crowded since the weather was bad. We didn't get aw much snow as you guys though. I am excited for everyone to come up tomorrow. We will have a fun time. Thanks.
Still Snowing
Well when I left work today there was 6 inches of snow on my car and it is still snowing outside. Of course there is less snow in Heber than in Kamas, but still that is a lot of snow. I got a tentative appraisal back (the banker said it is not official yet but it looks good). They appraised the house at 204,000. So that is good. I am doing laundry right now. It will be good to have clean cloths. I had a good day. The month end luncheon was today and it was fun and yummy. We had turkey, mash potatoes, salads, pie, and bread pudding. I was so full afterwards it was hard to get back to work. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Fun Times
Good job everyone with all the sales. That is exciting. Joannes sent me a flyer today and they are having door busters all week next week. They have some solid colors like broadcloth for sale one day for 2.49 a yard. I am going to go and get some. I am getting so jazzed about black Friday. Me and Isaac went to the fun park this afternoon and it we had a good time. We played enough games so we were able to get a sucker and a ball at the end which was pretty exciting. Casey was out of heart burn medicine so we went to sams tonight and got a ton of things. It is nice to stock up again. Everyone have a good night.
so I did get alot of new costumes :) they had some cute little boy stuff. its for kids like 6-7 years old but I thought if Isaac ever wanted to dress up he could use the cheap ones I got. I have a cute military outfit, and iron man. Other then that work was busy busy. and I think tomorrow will be worse. I am going to try to go in super early. we will see how dedicated to the cause I am. I might have to work saturday but I'm still unsure. if i don't I will go to logan to but we will see how tomorrow flows.
well not to much else my neck feels better ;) bonus
Gumm Girl
WEll I got out of work and it was starting to cloud up so I panicked and didn't go to Heber to have dinner with Karen. Sorry about that one. I will come up next week when the weather will be nice. So I called Robin to see how her neck was and she said that ShopKo was up to 90 percent off their costumes and dad was working late and there still wasn't any snow so I ventured the 5 blocks and went to Shopko. They still had a lot of stuff left, it was a lot of fun. I scored. Dad is still working I guess someone is going somewhere on Sunday and they have to have this all done so he will be burning midnight oil until Sunday. That is usually how it works. Work was way busy today and I am behind but I am doing the best I can and so that will have to do. I wore my new shirt I got at Kohls and that made my whole day. I know that sounds dumb but it did. Good luck with the addition part Karen. I wonder if the people that lived there did the addition or if they bought it that way. If they bought it that way they would have had to have permits to get a loan. Just a thought. WE made it to Friday. Be careful in the snow storm tomorrow. I am going to Logan on Saturday to work on Thanksgiving. I am just so excited. LOVE MOM PS I hope you win the big prize tomorrow Karen so you can buy you a really neat couch for your family room. :)
Robin I hope that your neck is feeling better. I hate it when I have a neck sore. Tomorrow is the monthly luncheon. Yeah! We are having a turkey dinner with mash potatoes, rolls, salads, and pie. I am excited. Well we hit a delay in the loan. They added onto the house so now they need the permits and the like to make sure that the addition is up to code. So hopefully they will have them. Well have a great Friday everyone. BYE
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
No Title
Robin I am sorry about your neck. That is rough. I hope that it gets feeling better soon. Dad knows of a good muscle rub. I can't think of the name right now. I will get it to you. I am so glad that you are doing your art again. That is exciting. I love how the elephant is turning out. Today was good. The weather is so nice we were outside a lot. We went on a short walk on by the canal this afternoon and there were a ton of ducks just sitting on the trail. It was fun to watch them for a while. We meet Casey for lunch at the park and it was the perfect weather. I am sad that it is going to be cold soon. Jenn couldn't sew yesterday because she was a volunteer at for voting so we sewed today and that was fun. I have been working on the granny square quilt. I have have made 55 blocks, I have 35 more to go. I have Karen's quilt sitting out ready to go I just don't know how to quilt it yet. I am thinking about it and will do it soon. I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.
Nice Night
I had a nice evening. I met Kay, Julie, Alyssa, Angela, Hayden and Rylee for dinner. We went to the Valley Fair Mall. It was nice to walk around. Claire's had their Halloween jewelry on sale, I got you a couple pieces Robin. That was my excitement for the night. Kay has to have to shoulder operated on November 20th. Alyssa is dancing in the festival of tress on December 1st. I thought that would be fun to go see her. I am sorry about your neck Robin. Traumel helps a ton. I can bring some over tomorrow if you need me to. I was planning on meeting Karen for dinner tomorrow if the weather holds out. If it starts storming then we will have to post pone until another time. Not much else to report. Get feeling better Robin. If you need anything give me a call. Your elephant is beautiful. I love it.
diva body
well this morning at 4am I woke up in sharp neck pain. it was awful. so I tried to lessen the fun and use ice-y hot and pills :). it helped a little. Luckily I was still able to move it around a bit so I could work but some times my neck caught and was not so fun. I went to shopko and got a hot pad and been relaxing with the hot pad all night. it feels so much better. hopefully my diva neck will calm its self.
other then that work is busy. we have a new printer so we are doing some different stuff so that is cool. but we just got an order for 400 banners,,,, they are little but yeash that is alot. they need 50 by friday. lets hope nothing else falls apart on me this week. :) I posted a picture of the elephant I am working on. Its still a work in progress but its fun to work on. Have a great thursday
Same old
Well it is just the same old same old here. Work was good. I hope that you had a good time at dinner tonight mom. Well i hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
That makes me think
I am sorry you couldn't vote Robin but that makes me think of where we all were 4 years ago. Man what a ride. We can never say our lives are dull, that is for sure. I hope Casey gets feeling better. I had a busy day also. I got my lights and gas all arranged today for the big move. I tried to do the cable but dad has to do that. When he gets out of the bathtub I guess we will try and get that done. All I have to do know is get a UHaul. I am too excited. I sure hope this is a better place for us. I can't believe you were at Schriebers 4 years ago. It seems a lot longer than that. Good luck Karen on finding out the appraisal. I hope it goes well. Have a nice hump day. I hope it doesn't snow too much this weekend. It is suppose to be a big storm.
4 years
well I to find out i am registered in cache valley so I didn't vote. But I was thinking and 4 years ago I was working at schreibers. crazy. we weren't even blogging. nutty. well that is my ground breaking news. today was good but busy at work. I started working on a wood burning so that will be fun. hopefully it will turn out :) well have a great night
Happy Election Day
Your funny Robin, that is a really funny story. The Gumm gene is strong in you. Karen, I am glad that your house is appraised I hope that it goes well. Mom that is so scary about your apartments. That really makes me mad. I am so glad that you are moving soon and never answer you door. That is so scary. Today was good. The weather is really nice and we are enjoying it while we can. Casey wasn't feeling great so he came home a little early and took a nap. Then we went and to the library so he could vote. I started reading a really cute book last night called Wonderland Creek. I haven't finished it yet but I would recommend it on what I have read so far, 17%. It is a really cute book. Well everyone have a good night and stay safe.
Well my day was good. Work was a little slow in the afternoon but the morning was busy. Then after work I went and voted. I was worries there was going to be a huge line but I hardly had to wait at all. It was nice. My house was appraised today. So hopefully I hear how that went soon. Have a great one. BYE
Monday, November 5, 2012
Of course you can still my idea for decals. they are fantastic so easy to put up and fills up space. there are a whole bunch on amazon for cheap to. I got one for 4 dollars. I like your arrangement rachel its nice. I also like the quilt idea. :) we will have to grab a bunch of stuff on the day after for karen's place. at least I can have some good christmas ideas.
well today was good for me I was so nervous because i hadn't had a power bill and I lost my account info to pay over the phone. So i knew they were going to shut my power off and I couldn't straighten my hair. I walked in my place and turned on the light switch and the lamp didn't come on. Luckly I had switch the switches backwards and I just had to manually do it. WELL long story but I finally got a hold of them during lunch today and I don't have to pay till next week and I don't even have a balance to pay yet. yeesh I need to not stress so much I guess. well have a great night
I love the quilt Rachel. That looks beautiful. It just brightens the whole basement. I was telling Karen today that Robin got some decals for her walls and they are beautiful. She said they were 10 dollars at Target. I still have my 50 dollar gift card. WE should all go to Target and buy us some for our walls. I was going to get me some. I hope that is OK if we steal your idea Robin. You did such a good job decorating your apartment. I had a nice day. It was just a regular day and I was glad. Work has been so crazy lately. There was a flyer in my door tonight that there was an armed robbery somewhere in the apartments. They knocked on the door and when they opened the door they had a gun and robbed them. That is kind of scary. One more week and one day. Netflixs doesn't have V for Vendetta and who knows where our copy was so we watch something else that had vendetta in it. I guess that is close. Karen said it is suppose to be bad weather at the end of the week. I am not looking forward to that one. I am however getting really excited for Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to playing. Have a great Tuesday. I love you guys.
A hung up quilt
Good job Karen, I had forgotten about the 5th of November. You have a good memory. Today was good. When Mom and Dad came up for Halloween we were are the fabric store and we noticed that they hung their quilts up with curtain rods. I went to the store and priced them today and it was only thirty dollars for everything so I got it. I hung up the sea urchin quilt downstairs and I love it. We didn't have enough pictures downstairs and this really helps. It makes me so happy. It is nice because you can switch the quilt whenever you like. You don't have to sew sleeves on the quilt. Today at lunch we meet Casey at the park because it was a nice day. At the end Isaac shoved all this food into his mouth and wouldn't swallow it. He kept eating a apple on top of it and it was super gross. We were laughing at him and it was funny. But tonight he did it again. After he was done he filled his mouth full of pasta and wouldn't swallow it. he would just walk around with a mouth full of food. I think that he wanted our reaction again so we tried hard not to laugh at him. I hope he forgets about it tomorrow. I hope that everyone has a good night. I can't believe how soon you are moving Mom. It will be here before you know it.
Remember the 5th of November
Well my day has been good. It was hard getting up this morning, but I made it. My house is still moving along. The appraise is going thru the house tomorrow. So hopefully that goes well. I like the new arrangement Rachel. It looks nice. I am excited to help you move Mom. It will be nice for you to get into a quiet apartment. I am going to watch V for Vendetta in honor of the 5th of November. Have a great one.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Quiet day
Rachel I really like that. If it feels to close you can always move the couch back. Where did you put the recliner? I had a nice day. I slept most of it away. We went out and saw Grandma Bodily and took her to breakfast. She likes to go. Ben's farewell in next Sunday. WE are the back up to take her down there. I think we are going to try and go. The apartment seems so empty. I guess it will feel even more that way before next weekend. Have a nice week. I am hoping it will be a quiet one.
We are random
Well we didn't get a fish we went to the pet store and we could bring our self's to do it. I think that it is for the best. I just keep thinking about all diseases fish get and having to clean it. Maybe we will get one later down the road. Casey started to fix the windows server and got it working again. We wanted it next to the xbox so we could watch movies. So he decided to move everything downstairs. The cable downstairs works for the TV but it wouldn't work with the internet so Casey had to run new wire downstairs. He knew we had talked about moving the couches to the other side of the room so he put the wire there. So we rearranged the whole basement this morning. I like it. I think it will take some getting used to but I think it will be really nice. It will give us a lot of room for Isaac to have a play area. We also finished putting up the baseboards in the bedroom. We didn't end up going to church. Isaac fell asleep a 40 minutes before we had to go and we decided to just let him sleep. He took a 3 hour nap so he needed it. When he got up he wanted to start the car so we went for a ride in the ford focus. Then we decided just to drive to Clifton and see Casey's mom. We made it as far as Richmond and Isaac got upset so we went to Smithfield and got dinner at McDonald and played in the play land for a while. Well here are some pictures of the downstairs. I hope that everyone has a good night. I am sorry your neighbors are noisy Mom, that makes me so mad. I am glad that you are moving soon. :)
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...