Saturday, October 29, 2011
I forgot
Rachel, love the quilt it is perfect. I am glad that Casey got to come home. Karen good choice with the clay they will like that. We took a video of the beach but we can't get it to load. Rachel you will have to teach me how to do that. Robin I am glad the shoes feel better they are really cute.
Rain rain
We didn''t get to do atvs today it was still raining. We did go to historical florence and get souvenirs. That was fun we had clam chowder for lunch there is a huge river there and we saw a sea otter. Pam and Richard left and me and dad walked the beach from the hotel to the rivernit was so nice. It has been a nice weekend. We get home around 3:30. We have had a good time. Love mom
Good Day
Casey was home all day and we had a really nice day. We just puttered around the house but it was so nice. I finished my Halloween quilt, I go back and forth on it. I love how it looks but I wish some of the points were better. It could be better but in the end I like it. I also changed the paper on Isaac's name in his room. I like it so much better. In the picture the spacing is kind of weird but I have fixed.

Well I have had a good day. I went grocery shopping and then I decided I didn't want to cook lunch so I stopped at Paradise Bakery for lunch. Then my hometeachers came over. Then I made playdough for tomorrow. I also got some Popsicle sticks so they can build things if they want. In honor of Halloween I made orange and purple for colors. I hope that mom and dad had a fun time today. The ATVs sounded like fun. Robin I hope that you had a great last day of Frightmares. Have a great one.
Friday, October 28, 2011
one more day!!
so tomorrow is closing I am so excited I can't even stand it. not to much else everyone at work had parties so I stayed forever after to do everyones makeup. yeesh. so thats about it. I'm glad your trip is going well mom and dad
Mom, I am glad that you are have a fun time, that makes me happy. I think that renting ATV's sounds really fun, I am excited for you. We had a good day. They replaced a power pole across the street so we had a ton of trucks in front of the house and Isaac was very excited. I was worth having the power go out a lot all day to be able to look out and see trucks. Casey came home tonight and made it safe. Everyone have a good Saturday.
Well I got a paper cut from a file folder today. I was trying to settle all the papers in and it got me between my thumb and pointer finger. I even stayed busy. So today didn't drag too bad. I am excited to sleep in tomorrow. I hope that mom and dad are doing good and that you got a car with out too much trouble. Well have a great one. BYE
Wow what a neat dAy. We met everyone for breakfast and then we got our rental car and Pam and Richard came with us and we have been driving highway 101all day. We are staying in the driftwood shore hotels in Florence and all the rooms face the ocean. tHe view is amazing. wE are going to stay here two nights. I think tomorrow we are going to rent atvs and go on the sand dunes. I hope that turns out. iT is cold and raining but the view is amazing. nOt too much else to report. Love mom
Thursday, October 27, 2011
lost a few days
sorry I forgot to blog. I cleaned my room now there is carpet, and I enjoy it immensely. I just have to clean all the little areas I threw things in to hide :) my day was good i worked and then I went out with amber from work to help with her halloween costume. i came home and it was freezing the heater was down to 40 so I am warming up the place now. well I'm glad the funeral went well and that everyone went. Well not to much going on tomorrow is frightmares and then saturday is the last day :) YEAH another halloween complete! well have a great night
Nobody needs to know
I am glad that the funeral was nice and everything went well. I am glad that you are going with Pam and Richard, that sounds like a lot of fun. I had a good day. Isaac is constantly on the go and he is only taking one nap now. He is definitely a lot more work now that he is mobile. I finished my quilt but I still need to put a border on. This weekend we got a refund from when Isaac was born so I got some Halloween fabric for the borders and back, it was 50% off. I also got some batting buy one get one FREE. It was pretty awesome. I tried to attached a picture but it wont let me, I will try again tomorrow. The quilt isn't as good as I would like, a lot of the points got cut off. It still turned out cute. I have been listening to the last five year again and they have a lot of videos of it on you tube so the songs have been stuck in my head all day. Well everyone have a good Friday.
Thought I would write on the iPad and letYou know how things went. We got at the church around 11and then helped set up the flower and room for the viewing. It was really nice. Then they had a funeral and one of her friends talked and it was really nice. Lisa talked also and she was amazing. The graveside was sort but good. Everyone was there also. They had a dinner afterwards at the church. We are going to Marios housebtonight. Jed and Teresa have been driving us around. We get our car tomorrow. We are going to the ocean tomorrow. Pam and richard are going with us. Eugene has a big football game tomorrow sonallnthe hotels are booked. I am excited hotels are booked I am excited to be at the ocean. I hope all is well with you. Love mom
Well it has been chilly here all day. I may have to turn the heat on soon. Work was good I stayed busy so it went pretty quick. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope that everything went well for mom and dad. I am sure that you will be fine mom. Don't stress. I hope that Rachel and Robin had a good day. Just think Robin this is the last weekend of Frightmares. Well have a good one. BYE
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Safe and Sound in Eugene Oregon
We made it safe and sound in Eugene Everything has gone really well. We went to rootbeer and chips and everyone came but Dirk. He was babysitting Nori. It was nice to see everyone. They all looked worn out. We are all meeting together at 11 tomorrow to help get things ready and then the viewing is at 12 and then the funeral I guess they will have dinner afterwards from the relief society. I am glad we came. I haven't seen Margaret or Annette and family but they are here at the hotel. Everything went really well. Have a great Thursday. Pray for me that I will be able to help and not make an idiot of myself. I am kind of worried about that. Love you guys.
Thanks for the CD. I am excited. We should definitely do lunch and I can get the scoop. When do you hear back from the interview? I had a good day. We went out to breakfast with Casey before he left and that was nice. It was cold day so we didn't go on a long walk. The baby gate that Mom had wasn't long enough to fit across in the kitchen so I ordered one online since the ones at Shopko were also to short and it came today. It is nice and it was pretty cheap. It also has a gate so you don't have to climb over it you can walk through it. Well everyone have a good night and I hope that you had a good flight Mom and Dad.
Half way
Well the week is half over. I made it thru the eye doctor. My eyes are good. I didn't even need to get a new prescription. Now if my eyes would stop being dilated life would be good. I hope that mom and dad's flight went well and that it wasn't too stressful. Rachel the show was good. They played drums, did funny stuff, there were strobe lights, and stuff like that. Is that a more detailed report for you. Robin can fill in more details next time you see her. I hope that your blisters are doing better Robin. I am sorry that you got bad ones. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
detailed report
well rachel we will have to go out for lunch for details and to give you your......drum roll please...... cd of the concert ;) I made it back to salt lake safely. I did get my new shoes in the mail, but my feet are covered in blisters so I can't wear them :( its a cruel world. anyway I hope mom and dad fly safe. tell everyone we love them. well have a great night
on our way
We are all packed and ready to go. WE leave tomorrow at 8:00 so we need to be at the airport around 6:30. Will be a rushed night. I hope we do OK. It is hard to go to such a sad moment. I will keep you posted on how things go. Remember always how much we love you and how proud we are of you.
I need details about the show, was it awesome. I want to know what they did. I am glad that you made it back safe Karen and Robin. I was worried about you driving Karen. Well I had a good day, not much going on. Casey is on his way home and should be here soon. Everyone have a good night and travel safe tomorrow Mom.
Well I made it thru work. I did have a Dr. Pepper, so that help. I got to help in assembly for a while today. They needed some help and I was bored so it was a perfect match. I had a fun time in Vegas. Thanks for fun the time Robin. I am glad that your interview went well. Congrats on your evaluation mom. Well I am going into work early tomorrow because I have an eye doctor appointment tomorrow. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Monday, October 24, 2011
So karen found the internet link so I have internet to blog! the interview went well, I thought they were going to be alot tougher but they were all really sweet and layed back. The lady that interviewed me told me that there was a position open for an on call makeup artist at the treasure island. so I applied for that. hopefully they give me a good recommendation and I get it. It may not be full time but its something. well the blue man group was fun thanks karen for the tickets, it was a fun night, but i am officially blogging about my blisters I have counted 5, one is really big so I am going to count it twice. So technically 6.
I am jealous also
Well RAchel me and you will have to plan something and then they will be jealous. However I was just thinking we got to go to Josh Grobin and they didn't. That was way better than blueman. Thanks for that night. I have been wearing my jacket a lot. It is really warm. I went to Borders and they had toys for 2 dollars. I bought them for Isaac. I figured even if he played with the once it was worth it. I will send them home with Casey tomorrow. I am just getting ready to go. I called Melody to see if there was anything she needed. She said she needed a book for Nori on when someone dies. I have to admit that is hard. WE found one book, I am going to go look again tomorrow night. I am glad that Karen and Robin got to have a fun night in Vegas. Win mega bucks so we can party some more.
Well I am jealous of the blue man group and of the iPad. That is awesome. I am glad that your interview went well Robin, I am excited. One more day and Mom and Dad will be traveling and that will be good. I hope that the flight goes well. This is a busy week for everyone. Me and Isaac went to the pumpkin walk on Friday and I finally have pictures from that, we went at noon and it was still really busy. Here are they are, everyone stay safe.

Sunday, October 23, 2011
Good Luck
Robin I hope your interview goes really well. I will wear blue also in honor of you going to Blue Man. My day was good, we went to church and went to all three sessions. I haven't done that in a long time. I can't even remember when. It was nice. The ward seems really nice. We have been looking a flights and there is one direct to Eugene. We can't make seat reservations and dad is nervous he is going to get a terrible seat. I am not sure what to do about that. Have a great Monday. I hope your cold gets better Rachel.
Good luck
Good luck tomorrow Robin, you are going to be great. I am so excited for you. Have fun at the Blue Man group without me. I will wear blue tomorrow in honor of the show. We slept in and missed church today, it was nice to get some sleep. We went and saw Casey's dad and had breakfast. Then came home and just had a lazy day. Have fun tomorrow. This is going to be a crazy week for everyone.
Well I made it thru the primary program. My sanity was only slightly damaged. I brought some treats for the game we played during class. They got a little hyper so I made the rule that if they weren't reverent they didn't get a treat. So i gave the really reverent one 2 pieces of candy and the reverent-ish ones just one. So they asked if they were reverent during sharing if they could have another one. That sounded like a good plan to me. They were actually pretty good, except for asking me every five minutes if they were still being good. So I gave them all more at the end. Robin I hope that your flight goes well and I am totally excited to see you tomorrow. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...