Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nice Day

I had a really nice day. It was fun to hang out with Rachel and Isaac. I haven't don't that for a long time. I got me some really cute summer shirts. I even found some of my olds ones. I am all set now. Kay wants to move grandma to a new home where she doesn't share a room Jen has a friend that owns places and they are private rooms. We bought a new movie tonight Little Red Robin Hood. I enjoyed it. Well it is late and I am tired. I hope everyone has a nice father's day. LOVE MOM

Best Laid Plans

That is cute Karen, Congratulations that turned out really good. Today was fun but it didn't turn out like I expected. Kelly Casey's brother came over this morning and helped Casey unload all the stuff from Clifton. Then Casey got a call that they needed him to work today. So we went out to lunch with Mom and then he took off. So we didn't end up burning anything today. Me and Mom went shopping and she got a ton of really cute shirts. We got Isaac pictures, he was fussy and he had a hard time but we got some cute ones. I send everyone a email and here is the link also Me and Mom got Olive Garden take out and just ate at home and played with Isaac. He was loosing it. After Mom left we sat outside for a while. Then I gave Isaac a bath and he went right to sleep. He was tired.



As you can see I finished my embroidery project. I have had a good day so far. I went and got a frame for my project and some stuff to make sheep tomorrow in primary. Then I went grocery shopping. I grad McDonald's on my way home because it was 1230. i was good and even got water with my meal. It was tough but i did it. I hope that the pictures with Isaac went well. I hope that he was in a good mood. Well i hope that everyone has a great day. BYE

Friday, June 17, 2011


Well everyone in engineering dressed up for the visitor and then they showed up in casual clothes. So I really didn't have to dress up. So Tom let the engineers take their ties off at least. I am tired today I didn't sleep well last night and then there as the whole no caffeine thing. But I made it thru the day with it. i am sorry about grandmas roommate also. Good luck with your movie Robin I am sure it will be awesome. Have a great weekend everyone.

Too bad

That is too bad about Grandma's roommate. I wonder if you can complain and get a different one. We had a good day. I mowed the lawn and that was fun. Me and Isaac went to Summer Fest. There weren't alot of vendors there. It was smaller than last time but it was fun to walk around. It was good to be back in Logan. Casey came home tonight and then took off with Kelly to get some stuff from clifton. We are still going to burn things tomorrow but it isn't a big deal if you cant come up Robin but it would be fun if you came. I also made an appointment at 5 to get Isaac's pictures taken. It should be fun.


Well I went to check out the roommate for grandma. Jeff called while grandma and I were in the dining room and he said she told him he was anoying her with his loud talking. That is a good way to start it off. She also had her TV up like mega loud. Grandma wanted her hearing aid out and I know it is going to sound petty but she had Robin's flowers on her stand. I know they were on her side when she got there but. I am going to go get grandma some new ones. I guess it really doesn't matter. I am going to Logan tomorrow so that will be fun. I am going to do laundry tonight. They are being used right now so I have to wait. WEll have a great weekend. Good luck on your movie Robin. I hope you have so much fun with it.

depends on the size

Is it the size that matters. I drank one pepsi but it was my big lagoon mug. but technically it was only one drink :) well tonight is the 48 hour film festival so I am shooting all night. I hope its fun. I know alot of people on set so it will be interesting. well I don't work anywhere today just the film shoot so I slept in and then slept some more it was nice. well I better go be a bit productive ;) have a great friday and saturday


Thursday, June 16, 2011

I am going to loose

I think that I had two caffeinated drinks today, I am not so good. We made it back to Logan. Isaac did a lot better. We just stopped when he started to loose it and changed him in his pajamas. He fell asleep after that. I think that it was good we traveled when we hit his bedtime. Maybe that is what we need to start doing. I had a really nice week this week. Thank you everyone so much. We noticed that Summer Fest is here when we were driving home. I think that me and Isaac will go over tomorrow and check it out.


I am so going to win

Well I just thought I would say that I think I might be the winner of the fewest cokes for the month. I have gone one whole day without one. YEAH. I am glad you made it Logan safe and sound Rachel. It was nice to have you here. Isaac is so dang cute. I just can't get enough. I went and visited grandma and she drank a whole coffee for me and we talked for a long while. She was tired when I left and was going to sleep. She is about the same. Not too much else to report.


No Jeans

Well tomorrow at work i don't get casual Friday. We have some customers coming so i have to dress up. I will really miss wearing jeans to work. At least it is payday so that will help easy the pain of that. My day has been good other than that news. Me and mom started a bet to see who could drink the fewest caffeinated drinks this month. the loser has to buy dinner for the winner. I am so going to win. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. BYE

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

hot hot hot

well today was good. I was a good girl and went to work. I made it out alive. Then we went to lagoon it was fun to walk around and take it easy. we went on the new ride bombora it was pretty fun. You will have to come next time karen its in july. we all might have heatstoke by then. :) anywho I have to work both jobs tomorrow. don't be jealous. have a great one


I passed

I now am officially renewed driver license person. You have to like bring your whole life history with you. It is not right is all I can say but I did play the game and got my new license. We then came back home and gave Isaac a nap and then we went to the fabric store in Bountiful and it was the big tour every fabric store weekend so there were lots of fun things. I did get you a surprise Karen. Then we went to Lagoon. The program was really good. I loved it. The costumes were amazing and the performers were really good. It was hot and Isaac got to hot so we let him play in a fountain for awhile and he perked back up. WE were home by 8:30 and gave him a bath and then I had to run to the store and get treats for Staff Meeting tomorrow. It was a fun day. LOVE MOM


Well there was a lunar eclipse this morning at about 330 am. I am happy to say that I slept thru it. Work was busy today. But i got a lot done. They are updating us to new computers in engineering. i am excited to get mine. i hope that it is really fast. I hope that you got your license renewed with out any trouble mom. I also hope that you Rachel and Isaac had a fun time at lagoon. How was Robin's costumes? Well I hope that everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. BYE

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

call in

Well this morning I didn't feel so great so I decided to call in to work. then rachel came over and I played with isaac for a bit and felt better so we played for the rest of the day. we went to ikea at night and I got a cool bed spread. well I am going to head for bed hope everyone has a great wensday :)


Monday, June 13, 2011


Rachel, He is getting so big. That is neat that he is stitting. I am excited for you to come down. I bought a pizza for you to bake and then I put a roast on in the morning so if you get hungry before I get home you have something to snack on. I hate that Karen when I forget things. I feel like I live at the store. Don't worry a list really doesn't help. I forget the list. If possible I think that Grandma is skinnier. She was really confused to night but she is so weak that when she gets angitation she just moves her hands around. Julie and Angela and Johnny came it was nice to have someone to visit with. She wanted a sprite but only took two sips. We talked alot about the old days. Dad is still working. I think he is going to pull an all nighter again. Poor guy. I feel so bad for him. Pray for him. I can't think of anything I want for my birthday. I will ponder that.


Utah Driver

Today I got my Utah drivers licence and registered my car and the truck in Utah. I passed the test 24 out of 25, it was open book so that really helped. Isaac fell asleep in the middle of the test so that was nice. Also I finished the quilt for him that Mom got me this weekend. I love it is turned out so cute, it is the perfect size for the stroller. Isaac also sat by himself for a little while. I have attached pictures of the sitting and of the awesome quilt.

I forgot

Well I realize that I forgot to get shampoo and conditioner when I went shopping on Saturday so I went to the store after work today. I should learn to make a list. Oh well. My day was good, I stayed busy at work so that made it go bye fast. So mom since your birthday is coming up any hints on what you would like? I hope that Rachel and crew have a good trip to SLC tomorrow. Have a great one everybody. BYE

Sunday, June 12, 2011


so today felt like a monday so I am going to be all sorts of off this week. but my bed was really nice to sleep in :) tomorrow I work all day again so excited.,,, I'm glad that everyone had a great sunday I am excited for your blocks rachel that will be fun. well not to much else happening have a great monday



I love those quilt blocks Rachel. They are darling. I hope Isaac is feeling better. I just slept today. I didn't wake up until 1:30 this afternoon and then I made me a sandwich and went and saw Grandma. She was sound asleep and I didn't want to wake her up. The nurse said she had a really bad morning. So I just watched TV for a couple of hours and came home and just crashed on the couch. I slept most the evening also. I am off to bed now. I hope I can sleep tonight. Dad has been working all day and night. I hope they can pull it together. Jed is suppose to leave to China tomorrow.

Block of the month

Karen, good job on your lesson, that is fun. I think that is neat that they have a garden thing, good job I am excited for you. Robin I think that anything would feel like heaven after the futon. I am excited for you. That sounds fun to do dutch oven on Saturday. I am up for it. Me and Isaac went to church but we spent the most of the time in the hall so I left after Sunday school. He was tired and his stomach hurt. I keep forgetting to say that I joined a block of the month club. I am supper excited. Every month they send me stuff to make a 12" seasonal block. I have attached a picture of what some of them look like. I am really excited. Not much else going on. Casey is coming home tonight and is going to take tomorrow off, we are going to get Utah drivers licences and register the cars.


Well i have had a good day. I went to church and I even took the whole time in my Sunday school lesson. They had an announcement in the program for singles that they had a parcel of land out in Washington (it is a city right next to St. George for those of you who don't know) that they are offering to left plant a garden on. I thought it was a good idea so i called the number after church and left a message. I will let you know how it turns out. Robin I always say that when my alarm goes off in the mornings, "I don't want to get out of bed". i am glad that you got the bed in though. It is nice to have one to sleep on. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE

never gonna leave this bed

Well mom and dad bought me a super awesome bed comforter. its so comfortable I think I am going to sleep for a long while. Rachel if you want to burn things I am free saturday night possibly we should do a dutch oven fest again. :) anywho I am beat and have a warm bed. so I am going to sleep have a great sunday ya'll



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...