Monday, June 13, 2011


Rachel, He is getting so big. That is neat that he is stitting. I am excited for you to come down. I bought a pizza for you to bake and then I put a roast on in the morning so if you get hungry before I get home you have something to snack on. I hate that Karen when I forget things. I feel like I live at the store. Don't worry a list really doesn't help. I forget the list. If possible I think that Grandma is skinnier. She was really confused to night but she is so weak that when she gets angitation she just moves her hands around. Julie and Angela and Johnny came it was nice to have someone to visit with. She wanted a sprite but only took two sips. We talked alot about the old days. Dad is still working. I think he is going to pull an all nighter again. Poor guy. I feel so bad for him. Pray for him. I can't think of anything I want for my birthday. I will ponder that.


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