Saturday, September 21, 2019

Kingdom ball

it was a nice day. We decorated this morning and the shot the bow and arrows. It was fun but we decided we needed to get a glove so we went to heber and bought gloves and a few more arrows. We sit agin and Karen had a big bruise from shooting this week and now I have one. We match. Robin that sounds stressful. I hope your solution works. Rachel that quilt is amazing. I love it. Yes I want to meet and get my teeth. Let me see how tired I am tomorrow. The ball was fun. The kids are amazing. Love mom


Today was busy
Me and Jeramy went down to Provo and Lehi
We handed out thank you cards from the wedding and said hi to his mom. Then we went to Fuji's and picked up groceries. I had to work on those gown bags. My iron got to hot and burned a hole straight through the bag. I was stressed so me and Jeramy drove around trying to find a solution. I think we came up with a good solution I'm going to try it tomorrow. We didn't get home till midnight from our Walmart runs. Lol love you



Mom, do you want to meet sometime to get your teeth?  I hope that the kindgom ball was fun.  Today was good.  We were lazy this morning and I was able to finish quilting the cat quilt.  My new machine is so fun.  We cleaned the house, it really needed some deep cleaning.  Isaac wasn't happy but the little kids were good to help.  Oliver had a birthday party this afternoon and he had a really fun time.  It is his best friend so it was good to get his Mom's number so we can set up play dates now.  Casey and Isaac made apples pies, they taste really good and it was a lot of work.  Oliver really wanted the same thing we got Korver.  So Ruth and Oliver got their money we went to the toy store.  Ruth got a tea set and a cake.  Oliver got a dinosaur like Korver and a skate board, he has wanted one for a while.  Love you guys and have a good Sunday.


Oliver wrote me a note that says I love you Mom, Oliver

Friday, September 20, 2019


My day was good. Nothing too exciting today. I am excited to play tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


We would like to go to Frightmares if it isn't too much money.  The kids would flip out, they love Lagoon.  Today was a cold and rainy day which was a nice change.  We went to exercise class and Oliver was climbing a wall and fell and cut his knee a bit.  We got him a bandaid and he recovered.  I volunteered in Oliver's class and he was excited to have us there.  I stayed longer so I missed lunch with Isaac but they had inside recess so I stopped and said hi.  After school Isaac went to a friends house and I took the little kids to the library.  Then we went and got a present for Oliver's friend.  He is going to his birthday party tomorrow.  Casey and Isaac made some salsa this evening and it tasted good.  We watched a movie and were lazy.  I got a lot done quilting Tiffany's quilt.  Thank you for the laser, it is so nice and works a lot better.  I love it, thank you.




It was quiet at work today and I got a lot done.  It felt really nice.  We hooked up with Robin and Jeramy for dinner and it tasted really good.  Hobby Lobby was opened at the Valley Fair Mall and me and dad walked around that.  It is a big store.  I didn't find any craft for me but it was nice to walk around.  We are headed to Kamas tomorrow for the Kingdom ball.  We are going to spend thenight.  Robin can get discounted tickets for Frightmares.  I was wondering if you guys wants to go.  Everyone have a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, September 19, 2019

No bag

Work was good but I was tired. I guess they wanted to see the logo 2 inches bigger so I only had to do one bag tonight. It was nice. I sewed a bit. Have a good Friday



I made it back to the real world today BARELY.  How can you miss one day and end up so behind.  It is weird but it was so worth it.  I had such a nice time at the field trip.  We went to Walmart after work and then just vegged.  Be careful with the weather tomorrow.  Karen you might get snow.  We are going to meet Robina nd Jeramy tomorrow for dinner and give back Jenkins teddy bear.  I am sure he is missing it.  Oliver looks so cute with his watch and Ruth is going to love the dresses.  She is so dang cute.  Everyone enjoy the weather tomorrow.  Saturday we are going to Kamas and go to the Kingdom Ball on Saturday night.  It should be a lot of fun.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  We didn't have much going on this morning so it was nice to stay at home and just play.  Oliver slept in and he was acting happier.  Ruthie loved wearing her new dress and was so happy.  Oliver wore his new watch all day and loved that.  The little kids had school this afternoon and I was able to finish the cat quilt top for Tiffany.  It looks cute.  We walked home from school and it was a really pretty day.  Isaac had pack meeting tonight and we roasted hot dogs and smores on the fire.  It was fun.  The boys did a skit and it was cute.  Good luck with all your bags Robin, that is a lot of work.



Rachel, they found out about the water heater because you are suppose to get a permit to replace a water heater. Since I had someone do it for me they got the permit. I got the inspection done, it was really quick. We had a new person start today. They are in charge of the test lab so everyone in engineering went out to lunch to welcome them. It was fun. I hope everyone had a great day and I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Bye

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Home again

I made it home safe and sound.  I sure had a nice day.  It was so relaxful and fun to hang out with Isaac.  We hiked up by Bear Lake and then had lunch by the Firehouse Pizza.  There is a park close by.  The traffic wasn't bad at all coming back.  I have to go back to the real world tomorrow. Robin you are so nice to help them out.  You are going to busy.  I think they should let you go home early and do them and get paid for it.  Karen good luck on your inspection.  That is really lame to me.  Rachel thanks again for having me up.  LOVE MOM


That is strange Karen, I wonder how they found out your had a new one.  We had a really nice day with Mom.  Thank you so much again for coming up.  Oliver lost his first tooth this morning.  He looks so different with his tooth gone.  Mom and Isaac had a fun time on the field trip.  I walked this morning and then went to my exercise class.  We walked Oliver to school and both of the little kids fell so it was a hard walk.  I volunteered in Oliver's class which was fun.  We all met up after school and went to the mall.  We got a pretzel for an after school snack.  We looked at the Halloween store and got Ruthie some new dresses.  She was cute trying them on.  We at dinner at Hu Hot and it tasted really good.  Thanks again Mom, it was a fun day.



Work was work. But I was called into the CEO's secretary s office and she said Maggie was needing vinyl done on a bag but all screen printing business take 10 days. So my name came up. I had to go to Joann's to get vinyl and I cut the heat press vinyl with our logo. I did one to see if they like it. I melted the front part of the bag. I figured out the heat settings and the rest looks nice. It was stressful. But if they like it I have to do 4-5 tomorrow so they can express ship by Friday. So my night and tomorrow night are now busy.



My day has been good. Work went by pretty fast which was nice. The only strange thing today was the city of Kamas called me and said I had to have a building inspector come and inspect my water heater. It was installed 7 months ago, I guess now is a good time to inspect that is was installed correctly. So they are going to come by tomorrow, it is strange but what can you do. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Mom made it to Logan safe and Ruthie has declared this the best day ever.  This morning it was raining so I didn't walk.  It was nice to have the morning and home and play with the little kids.  My visiting teachers came and that was nice then we went to story time.  The little kids had school this afternoon and I helped in Isaac's class for a bit.  It was pretty after school so we walked.  Mom took us out to dinner and we went to Lee's and got a bunch of treat which the kids loved.  It should be good weather tomorrow for the field trip.  Love you guys.



My day was good. It was meeting day at work so that took all morning. After work I did school work and that pretty much sums up my say. I hope everyone had a great day. bye


Today was good. Work was work. Nothing to wild. Jeramys x box broke we bought A 2 year protection plan so we went to game stop and swapped it out. It wore us out lol so we just came home and played words with Friends


Monday, September 16, 2019


Karen, I asked Isaac and he said that they last time he saw it was on the cushion coffee table.  I hope that you find it.  Robin, those look awesome.  That is a good idea.  Thank you!!  Today was good.  I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  Ruthie was in a bad mood this morning and but calmed down after playing at the exercise class.  Randy came over and tiled a bit.  He was worried something wasn't right but I think it is going to be ok.  Me and Casey went to lunch while the kids were at school which was fun.  We also dropped off his chain saw to be fixed.  It was windy today but we walked to get the boys from school which was nice.  Oliver fell on his scooter and it was traumatic as you can imagine.  The kids did their homework fast which was good.  Thanks for coming up Mom, drive safe.  Love you guys.


Love it

Robin that is a great idea using wood pallets.  I wasn't sure how to make the boat and that is perfect.  We can make a sail also.  That will be so much fun.  I will keep my eyes open for pirate bouty.  I am glad the funeral went well.  That has to be hard on Jeramy.  Karen I didn't see a rubic cube the whole weekend so I am no help.  I do have Jenkins dog.  I hope he isn't too sad it is missing.  Do you want to hook up Thursday or Friday for dinner and I will give it back.  :)  Rachel dad thinks I should leave after work and go up Parleys and miss all the traffic so I might be there earlier.  We went and picked up his computer glasses today.  I am not sure if he likes them yet.  It takes a while to get use to new glasses and he has to switch them off and on.  His hip is hurting him again so we just took it easy tonight.  I didn't realize how much I love to do those beads until we did them on Saturday so I took mine out and worked on it.  It was fun to do that.  I am going to Logan tomorrow for a field trip with Isaac on Wednesday.  I am pretty excited.  LOVE MOM


Today was.good. nothing to dramatic. Jeramy went to the funeral and said it was good. At work I asked.the warehouse guy and he will let me take pallets for the wood on the ship. I posted some ideas below if it sounds fun. I wanted to also make the cricon octupus legs Robin


Things are going good here in Kamas. Thanks everyone for the fun birthday weekend. Work went good to day. Although it was hard to wake up in the morning. I think I am caught up and everything I missed on Friday so that is good. I meant to ask has any seen my rubix cube I was going to play with it las night and couldn't find it. I showed Isaac I could solve it on Saturday night but I didn't see where it ended up. I did check the toy bins and under the couch. Just keep and eye out just incase it got packed somewhere. Thanks again for the fun time everyone. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...