Friday, September 20, 2019


We would like to go to Frightmares if it isn't too much money.  The kids would flip out, they love Lagoon.  Today was a cold and rainy day which was a nice change.  We went to exercise class and Oliver was climbing a wall and fell and cut his knee a bit.  We got him a bandaid and he recovered.  I volunteered in Oliver's class and he was excited to have us there.  I stayed longer so I missed lunch with Isaac but they had inside recess so I stopped and said hi.  After school Isaac went to a friends house and I took the little kids to the library.  Then we went and got a present for Oliver's friend.  He is going to his birthday party tomorrow.  Casey and Isaac made some salsa this evening and it tasted good.  We watched a movie and were lazy.  I got a lot done quilting Tiffany's quilt.  Thank you for the laser, it is so nice and works a lot better.  I love it, thank you.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...