Saturday, September 21, 2019


Mom, do you want to meet sometime to get your teeth?  I hope that the kindgom ball was fun.  Today was good.  We were lazy this morning and I was able to finish quilting the cat quilt.  My new machine is so fun.  We cleaned the house, it really needed some deep cleaning.  Isaac wasn't happy but the little kids were good to help.  Oliver had a birthday party this afternoon and he had a really fun time.  It is his best friend so it was good to get his Mom's number so we can set up play dates now.  Casey and Isaac made apples pies, they taste really good and it was a lot of work.  Oliver really wanted the same thing we got Korver.  So Ruth and Oliver got their money we went to the toy store.  Ruth got a tea set and a cake.  Oliver got a dinosaur like Korver and a skate board, he has wanted one for a while.  Love you guys and have a good Sunday.


Oliver wrote me a note that says I love you Mom, Oliver

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...