Saturday, January 9, 2016


Well I don't have anything exciting to report. I was just lazy today. I am glad that everyone made it home safe and sound. Have a great Sunday everyone

Home again

Me and dad made it back home around 8 this evening.  It sure was hard to leave Logan.  I cried but I was brave and bold and left.  I sure had a nice week.  Thanks so much Rachel and Casey for letting me come up.  I hope Oliver sleeps tonight.  It is so quiet here tonight.  Everyone have a great Sunday.  We are going to take Grandma out if she wants to go.  Robin thanks for the cute towel and lunch.  It was so good.  I am going to have to get that recipe.  You will have to put it on the blog.  That snowman is really cute.  Karen I am glad that you are feeling a little bit better.  Rachel those birth announcements are so cute.  You did a really nice job on them.  I love you all MOM

Friday, January 8, 2016

Busy bee

Today was good nothing super exciting. I made some beef stroganoff for the logan peeps. I will bring it up tomorrow :) since it's not snowing I thought I would brave it. Walter said he would come up so that will be fun. I'm sorry your sick karen. If you need me to bring you a care package I can stop by. Get some rest. I am making January towels. I will get karen your next time I see you. At work the want to make little signs with the word we picked so I am now cutting everyone's word in vinyl. But they bought the vinyl so I figured I would help out. Well see most of you tomorrow and karen get better soon. Ruth's pictures are over the top cute. She has so much hair



dad made it up today and we got the volcano hot wheels. It is pretty cool. I like it. We had a nice day and Ruth is such a good baby. We are going home tomorrow. Karen I hope you don't get too sick. You can't miss taco Tuesday. Robin thanks for making lunch. Everyone be safe. Love mom


 Well my Friday has been good. I didn't win anything at the luncheon, but it was fun. People from Graco are coming on Tuesday. So we are Taco Tuesday. That makes me think of the Lego movie and that is when President Business was going to end the whole. So I hope it is a good meeting. My stomach is not feeling good so I am not coming up to Logan. There is a bad cold going around work and I don't want to spread it around if I caught it. Have a good one everyone.


Robin, that picture is very good.  You still have amazing skills.  You should draw more and sell them.  We are doing good I thought I would blog early since I haven't done it at my normal time.  Dad came up today and they are going to spend the night.  We did a photo shoot yesterday.  I was pretty stressed but we got a couple good ones.  I attached my favorites.  We ordered some birth announcements and they should be done on Saturday.  I think you guys should have pretty good weather tomorrow.  Well here are a tone of pictures again.  It is so fun to take pictures of babies.


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Second friday

On Fridays I have to send out reports and today I sent them all out. I thought it was friday. So tomorrow will be slow :) I'm sorry oliver isn't sleeping. I am in the same boat. I'm so tired then I lay down and I'm suddenly not tired. We had to choose a word to inspire us for 2016 at work so I chose thrive. The wanted us to do a sign so I drew one tonight while I was bored at scheels. I put the pict. Below. Hope everyone has a good for real friday.


Almost Friday

Well it snowed a little last night, barely enough to shovel. It is also a little snowy tonight. Work is still moving right along. Tomorrow is our monthly luncheon at work. I made tortilla soup to take in for the luncheon.  I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Time going so fast

we took Ruth to the doctor today and she is doing good.  Dad is coming up tomorrow so that will be fun. Oliver didn't sleep last night so Rachel is really tired. I am going to sleeping with Oliver tonight. Rachel will take Ruth she is sleeping better than Oliver. Have a nice Friday. I will is holding Ruth tonight. She is a cute ha mom

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


It snowed in Logan tonight. The roads are slippery. We went to lowes tonight and Casey drove. He is a good driver in the snow. I Agee with Rachel time is going way to fast. Ruth is so dang cute. Tomorrow they will check her heart. She is so alert and strong. The boys are so much fun. I have loved being here this week. Watch the weather don't come if it is bad. I am ready for spring. Love you guys mom

Slo mo

Today was alright I was tired. I didn't have to work at scheels so it was nice to have a night off. But I took a nap so I was not productive. I wanted to come up Saturday and bring the Anderson clan dinner. But it's suppose to snow. So I'm not sure I will see how the next few days go the weather is suppose to be bad. Have a good one



Well it was chilly here today. It did snow a little bit here tonight, but not a whole lot. I am glad that the weekend is getting closer. Work is going good. I hope everyone has a great Thursday. Bye

More Pictures

Today went well.  We took Isaac to school and then we had to take Ruth to the hospital to get some blood drawn to check her bilirubin levels.  They are still in the intermediate area so they want to check them again tomorrow so she has to get more blood draw poor thing.  It took forever at the lab so we came home and then got Isaac.  It was a fast day today, I am not sure why but it just fly by.  It has been fun having Mom here and I don't know what we will do when she leaves.  Here are more pictures.  It is fun to take pictures of babies, they don't move fast and are so cute.


Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Today was better I woke up in time..I had to go in early.and stay late since I'm 2 hours behind. I have to work late tomorrow as well. I got my new passport and they didn't send me my old one so I was bummed. But today I got another letter and my old passport came back :) I was excited. I didn't want to loose all my stamps. I'm glad everyone is doing well. I'm glad ruth is sleeping... it's hard being born it would tucker me out. The one girl that we thought would get still hanging on. So no drama from work side. Be safe the next few days I saw alerts for ice rain. It's scary stuff. Also Walter came over for dinner we had fajitas. It tasted good.


Doing good

ruth is doing good and is a very calm baby. She sleeps through Oliver's screams.  She wore Karen's out fit tonight and it fits her perfect and so dang cute on her. Tomorrow Isaac is going back to school and Ruth has to get her bilirubin checked. It should be a big busy day. Oliver is talking so good. It is a lot of fun to play. Have a great hump day. I hope you woke up this morning robin. Love mom


Well things are going good here in Kamas. It did snow a little bit here this morning, but nothing really stuck. Work is going good, nothing too wild and crazy to report. I am glad that Rachel and Ruth made it home yesterday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, January 4, 2016

Thank You

Thank you guys so much for everything you do for us.  We have an amazing family, thank you.  Here are a million pictures of Ruth, enjoy.

There home

rachel and Ruth made it home around 2.  They did a heart test and she a murmur so they are going to watch that. She is so dang cute. Dad is driving home tonight. He caved in and is going back to work. The boys are so cute with her and she sleeps through all the noise.  I am going to stay the week. Robin I am sorry you over slept.  I hope you get some rest.  Karen I am glad you are doing good. I miss emailing.  Love you guys

Get it together

I didn't hear my alarm go off today so I was 2 hours late for work. It was awesome way to start the day. Then I had to work at scheels. It's been a crazy 2016 already. Whew. Well hope everyone is doing well. I attached my picts of ruth so everyone had them :)


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...