Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year

 Today has been good.  I walked this morning in the snow.  We had a bunch of errands to run this morning.  Tony was out of dog food so we got that.  We went to the dollar store to get new year blowers and decorations.  Tony ate my cross stitching tread so we went and got new ones.  Ruth put water in Oliver's toothpaste as a prank so she had to buy him a new toothpaste with her money.  Casey left work early so we could good.  We made crab and vegetables.  We had a really fun dinner.  It was nice to be fancy.  Casey also made Ruth's birthday cake.  We got clay to make the figures and everyone helped make them.  We have been watching Spiderman.  Thanks for coming up for Ruth's party tomorrow.  She is excited.



Happy new years eve

 We went to kamas for new years eve. We stopped and got panda. Not a crab leg dinner like the Anderson's but it tasted good. We are headed to Logan in the morning. The weather is suppose to be good. Robin Luna is so dang cute. I am glad you got the day off. I did also. I think I have slept 2 days. Love you all mom


Today was nice I had the day off of work. Luna slept in till 8. It was amazing. Then I had to take my car in again for the airbags. It was annoying. I just waited in the lobby for them to finish. Luna was a champ. Then we came home and just played. When Luna went down for a nap I played with my glowforge for a bit. It was fun. I made a ruler and a name puzzle. I forgot to take a picture of the puzzle because I am still painting it. We will see y'all tomorrow.


Thursday, December 30, 2021


 They wrote me yesterday and said I could have the day off so I just slept. It felt so good. We did go to all a dollar for wrapping paper so we are all set for the birthday party. I hope Ruth doesn't get too sick. Robin Luna is sitting without any pillows. She is doing good. Karen I thought for sure that would fix everything. I get tomorrow off also. I hope I don't sleep that one away also. Love mom


Work was slow today by 3 it was just me in the office everyone else left so it was a ghost town. We had waffles for dinner. Then it just started to snow. I have tomorrow off. I guess they have another part they needed to install for my airbags so I have to go in and get that done 



 Today was good.  I walked this morning and then we shoveled the walks.  I took Ruth grocery shopping for things to make her cake.  Oliver went to his friends house to play after lunch.  They got a puppy for Christmas and Oliver loved the puppy.  Isaac has been talking about what to make for our new years eve dinner.  He wanted something different than salmon.  So after we dropped Oliver off we went to Sam's club.  We ended up with crab legs and vegetables.  Then we came home and he found recipes for it all.  Ruth has a runny nose so I gave her some medicine after sam's and she laid down and fell asleep all afternoon.  I finished Luna's quilt and will give it to her Saturday.  After dinner Ruth and Casey started to work on her cake.  Love you guys and have a good new years eve.




 Things are going good here. It was snowy all day. Work is moving along good. Then after work I went to Ace and got new light switches and a new outlet. I replaced the light switches by the door and the plug I use for my space heater. It didn't turn the lights back on but my voltage detector now says the outlet is good. So maybe I just need to replace the other 2 outlets on the wall. Too bad I only bought one outlet. Oh well there is always tomorrow. My occulus hasn't shown up yet but the last notice I got said that it was headed to Kamas so maybe tomorrow. I hope that everyone had a great Thursday. Bye

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


 That is exciting Karen although secretly in my heart I was hoping you would find a new job in Logan.  I am glad that Dad is doing good and checked out ok.  I have a but of the cold but it isn't bad.  I walked this morning.  I got all the kids up and took them to exercise class and then their friends didn't come.  We just played with Christmas presents most of the day.  We did go to the jump zone which was fun.  Ruth is excited for her birthday and talks of nothing else.  She is so excited.




I hope you get the promotion Karen that would be awesome. Today was good. Work was slow so that was nice. Not to much to report just boring ole day



 I worked just a couple of hours and then we went to Target and got Ruth a birthday present. We went to the pie for lunch and that tasted good. Dad went to the doctor this afternoon he said it is doing really good. It isn't fused yet but that is normal. He can do a little more but still needs to go easy. We go back in 6 weeks and see how it is doing. We went to the mall afterwards and walked. It was crowded. He gave us the copy of the x-ray. It is cool. I still feel like that have a cold. They told me I could stay home tomorrow. I am going to sleep in. I think I am going to take the day off. I might work a little bit. It was really windy and cold out there today. Karen I am so excited for you. That is exciting. Love mom


 My day was good. I had my one on one meeting with my boss, Courtney, this morning. He asked about school and I told him I was on my last semester. He ask about my degree and then said they were going to be hiring a manufacturing engineer and if I would be interested. He said it was easier to get a promotion that way even though he didn't want to lose me from his team. I told him I would be interested and he said he would talk with the white knight president and see what he could do. So I thought that was exciting. Other than that it was just the usual for a Wednesday. It is also cold and snowy here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


It was hard to get back into the morning routine. I was all over the place. Work was slow so that was nice. Luna doesn't nap well at the daycare so around 7 she crashed while I was holding her. I just cradled her in my lap for a while so she could rest. Then after  20 minutes she woke up grumpy so I just put her in her PJs and put her to bed. I made a Santa. Julie said she wanted a Santa ornament so I designed one. I tried my new paint pens and didn't like them. It makes the paint look streaky 



 I worked from home today. I haven't gotten the test results back. I am not concerned. I am feeling better. After work we went and got pills and went to WinCo. I needed food. It was starting to snow when we got home. Rachel I am glad you went to Clifton. I am glad Callen is doing well. I hope you win mega bucks. Dad has his check up tomorrow on his neck. They do x-rays before. I think everything is fine. I took the day off just because. I do have to work a little bit in the morning but that is all. I am glad the days are getting longer hopefully that will help to have a little more light. Robin I hope you made it back to work and Casey good luck. Love mom


 I will send you luck on your lottery ticket Rachel. My day was good but I am tired of all the snow already. Work is going good. It was meeting day so that took most of the morning. It also snowed off and on all day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 Today was good.  I walked this morning.  We went slow and left for Clifton around 11.  We stopped and ate pizza in Preston for lunch.  It was nice to go to Clifton and visit with Calleen.  She is doing good.  We stayed until.the kids were super crazy and then can home.  I was so tired I fell asleep.  Casey and Isaac made hit apple cider with dinner and some cookies.  Casey has to go back to work tomorrow which is sad.  We bought a lottery ticket in hope if being rich and then he won't have to go back.



Monday, December 27, 2021


 Thanks for pictures. They are so nice to look at. We had so much fun. I felt better today and my voice is better. Tonight is a little worst but virus are like that. Your pens shafts were delivered today. I guess I'm am going to have to open my door to be sure. We got the car back to day and that felt really nice. It drives good. Needs some cleaning up but it runs. The guy said to get lots of miles on it for a month and then change the oil. They won't let me work in the office without a negative covid test so I went and got one and dad got a blood test. We live a wild life. Have fun in Clifton. Everyone drive safe. Love mom


 Thanks for the pictures Robin.  Casey had today off also.  Today was good.  I walked this morning.  It was windy and icy but felt good to go.  I also went to exercise class which was so nice to go to also.  We finished up Ruth's Lego.  Oliver and Ruth love their Legos and have been playing with them alot.  Oliver wanted Jimmy John's for lunch so we got that.  Then we went rock climbing which was fun.  We also went and got Ruth's birthday decorations.  We went to the store also and it was a blizzard when we came out.  When we got home the kids played.  I sewed and Casey fixed the blinds in the living room.  The kids were so grumpy after dinner we sent them to bed.  Tomorrow we are going to Idaho to see Calleen.



pictures 2



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...